Should You Ever Break No Contact?

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SUBSCRIBE to Coach Lee's Channel! Is no contact permanent or is there a time when you can break no contact by reaching out to your ex again?

Coach Lee discusses the topic of no contact and how it can help but also if it's ever okay for you to reach out even if you don't hear from your ex.

As Coach Lee mentions, there are relationship coaches out there who say that you should never, ever reach out to your ex after a breakup and Coach Lee takes issue with that on a matter of practicality.

Coach Lee is known for his support of no contact, but as he mentions in this video, he also bases his coaching on what works and not just on good-sounding theory.

Is the no contact rule permanent? Listen to Coach Lee's thoughts on this and consider it within your situation.

SUBSCRIBE To Coach Lee's Channel so that you can be notified when he has more content on breakups, relationships, attraction, and dating.

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Having a weak moment today. It's been just over a month of NC. Found out she is dating this morning. This feels like slow torture. So hard to walk away.


It's absolutely true. It's okay to reach out, but after some good time for both parties to have done some genuine reflection on the entire matter. Reach out in love, but without the intention of getting them back, just the intention of caring for their well-being.


I reached out after 5.5 weeks because of our circumstances. Asked him how he's been. He was receptive. He reacted positively to my progress in therapy, which I started in order to work on myself during no contact. He suggested we meet for coffee. So far so good. I hope I'll have a happy ending to report soon!


"best thing for you to do is shutup!" Love it!😂


if you’re watching this video, chances are you have something to lose by reaching out. don’t break no contact until you’re absolutely ready to deal with the consequences. that doesn’t mean get used to rejection. it means you need to be strong if you want any type of positive reaction from them


I've recently experienced my first relationship where I felt No Contact or Radio silence was absolutely necessary. The amount of mental clarity and mental strength you obtain is PRICELESS. This is where you can analyze the situation from a calmer mindset and really ask yourself some hard questions about your ex, and yourself. This has given me the time and opportunity to focus solely on myself and make significant changes to my mindset and life around me. All of the changes I have made were changes I needed and wanted to do for myself, and now I have this understanding that the better your personal life is, the better you can supply a relationship with your side of the commitment. As time passes, I realize that I wouldn't mind showing my ex my full potential, because I know the person I am now is more suited for a relationship than who I was before. I know nothing is guaranteed, but after 3 months, I know I deserve another shot.


You speak the way that my big brother talks to me when I'm just flat out being stupid and I love that! Very no nonsense. I'm going to give you a call soon.


So, I waited nearly 3 months. I reached out for coffee. She said, yes! I told her that we should catch up. She agreed. Right off the bat I knew she had missed me as much as I, her. We met, sat for at least 1.5 hrs. Laughed. At some point I asked her if she had eaten, said no. Then we went to get some food. I invited her to see my new place and she was ok with it. I could've ruined it w sex but I didn't want to go that route. She was engaging as much as I was, we were laughing and touching eachother. I drove her her a couple hours later. She texted me the next day and said she'd had a great night and appreciated that I had apologized and thankful of me being a gentleman. Backing up, during our coffee, I apologized for not staying consistent and being the man I'd showed her in the beginning. She'd seen from the coffee meet to even my new place that my mindset was in a better place than the few months before. CL, is absolutely right when he says to take care of yourself! You have to, both for you and the possible reconnection but mainly for you. It's been nearly 5 weeks and it's been great. She comes over, I cook. I want to, it's my home. She brings me food, groceries. We've been out to eat a few times, but more importantly we both put it all on the table and spoke about what was both good and the not so good. We laugh more and it's just better because we both worked at it but mainly me on myself. I had to, I was in a dark space and I knew I was taking things out on her that had nothing to do w her. Thank you, Coach Lee, for reminding me of the space and respect that was needed to grow and become a better version of myself and also to not be so hard on myself and, hell, even take the chance of reaching out. What else did I have to lose! 😉


In my case I had an ex fiancée who dumped me and I did all the wrong things to get her back. After I finally found a way to move on, I met someone else, but as soon as this other girl (who ended being my rebound), ended breaking up with me. I immediately called my ex fiancée and found out she had been trying to reach out to me. I gotta say I SHOULD NOT have reached out and should have let her find me. Why? Because we got back and it only lasted 6 months. Once we broke up, she was expecting me to do the same thing again. However, I had grown. I was not the same person and was stronger. In my case, I say DON'T EVER break No Contact. You are not the same person after it and you have to let that other person put in some work, if they really want you back. Otherwise, it was never meant to me.


This is why I love you! You’re not so hell bent on NC for life. I did NC for 4 months & dropped a short line in January. Response time was quick from her so ball back in her court. It’s safe to enter ... 💕


Yes NC works. Alhamdulillah!

I'm in LDR break up with him (9 months together and we haven't even met!) I broke up with him then regretted in days and begged and cried to him to have me back and he dumped instead. It was a mess!

So I watched Coach Lee NC vids and went NC for 18 days. Today is day 19 and I felt stable enough to reach him out. I just texted him an hour ago asking how is he doing and he replied right away even with emojis 😊!!

The vibe was warm like old good friends catching up. I didn't mention anything in the past. Just greeting and genuinely happy hearing each others news. I'll take things slow and will try to close the LDR gap by hopefully be able to inspire him to fly across, come down and see me in person for the very first time.

It's a good start for me. Thank you Allah and thank you Coach Lee. So glad I watched this video.


I was in a short term relationship that was really intense and we said I love you to each other. He introduced me to his parents and all of his friends. He broke up with me because we were arguing a lot towards the end. He said I needed to heal from my last relationship and that it was not good timing when we met. On day 39 of no contact and it’s really difficult but I know it’s my only option. I’m trying to stay staying and watch Coach Lee’s videos every day to remind me to stay in nc. I know it’ll be worth it, whatever the outcome is.


This is a great approach. If it’s been two months, who cares, reach out. If they say no, move on for good!! You have nothing to lose at that point!!


NC works guys! It can be permanent, but you can reach out in some cases. Make sure that you’re emotionally stable enough to take any response from them. NC really helps you to grow and be emotionally stable.
In my case, she dumped me and I texted a bit for about three weeks (once every week). At the beginning she was responding nicely but the last week she became cruel and mean. I stopped and went NC. 60 days after, I fell emotionally stable and decided to text just to check in and find out how she had been. I told her that she doesn’t need to reply if she doesn’t feel so. Honestly, I didn’t expect any response from her. But guess what, she blew my phone with messages, told me everything she had been doing, sent me pictures of her, asked me mine, she was concerned about my life, asked me if I had been going to the gym etc… I fell it mate, i could feel that she really missed me. She was completely a different person from what I saw the last time we spoke. NC can recreate that spark. This video really helped and gave me the strength to text her. I will wait again and see if she initiates a convo. But, at this level I really feel okay and will take things slowly. Next time we speak I will ask to meet face to face. Thanks a lot Coach Lee. I wouldn’t have made it without you.
NC works.


You deserve a noble price for breakups are the boss when it comes to coaching because we were receiving wrong info that say NC is permanent.


The coaches who advise to never break contact do not have enough information to even know if the "other" person has your contact information or your last name. I had a short term relationship and had been recovering from a car accident. I never even had a chance to tell the person what I was going through and we were in college and from different towns - miles and miles apart. This is a great video by Coach Lee!


I reached out after a month to my dumper, the best thing I ever did. We are now back together, but this is what I can say. I had what almost all of coach Lee's videos from a previous relationship that rnded really badly, i did absolutely everything wrong. This time, our break up was a really good break up. I did absolutely everything right this time. We are back together and couldn't be happier


Reached out after 5 weeks because I hit a point where I was happy with myself and feel like I had gotten myself together. I reached out saying that It had been a while and I wanted to check in. I told them that I was being respectful of her space and gave her time and told her that I also needed that time and space to grow and reflect. I said that they didn’t have to respond and I wasn’t angry or bitter or had any negative feelings and that I was open to the idea of talking again if or when she was ready. I sent it two days ago and as of writing this haven’t received a response. But I went into this not excepting one. My whole mindset going into no contact was to get myself back and because I had gotten to that point I was confident in myself and felt that I had nothing to lose. Could I have waited a bit longer sure, but I’m at the point to where sending out that text wasn’t for her it was for me because I had nothing to lose. Some may think that I should’ve just stayed in no co fact forever but I feel relieved after sending that text because it was like I was finally 100% letting go of her and my tone of the text was confidence and strength not chasing, or sadness. It’s all about your mindset.


Been just over a year. I still watch your videos because you have helped me and its good information.

Did not get my ex back, but that was her mistake. She has to live with losing me.

Keep up the great work. Plenty that will hopefully find you.


If you're reading this it sucks ass I know. It's so much pain, but YOULL GET THRU IT BRAH! I reached out after 1.5 months and asked if she was up for meeting out, she said no. I feel better now, weight lifted off my shoulders, I feel free, I don't have her back but why would you want someone who doesn't want you? It wouldn't work, I know it hurts like hell. But it'll mold you into a stronger person. If you're thinking about reaching out and it's been around a month and a half, I say go for it, . especially if your breakup was weird and "mutual" like mine was. I know it's hard to let go of your ego and contact them, but who tf cares? It's their loss, you're extending an invitation to your fun bus and life and they're the ones saying no, THEY LOSE, YOU SPEED UP YOUR RECOVERY PROCESS. My ex said no, and I actually feel happy because I'm not guessing any longer, she's pushed me into the arms of all the amazing girls who will have me instead. REMEMBER BRAHS if they say NO now you KNOW, good luck to all you people, and let it be as Paul McCartney once said. YOU CAN DO IT MOTHERFUCKERS
