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This is a video about me talking about my thoughts on ENFPs.
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ENFP here. Just wanted to say that I LOVE all your colours on you.


I'm an INFJ and my best friend is ENFP. The one big lesson she has taught me is SAY YES TO THINGS, connect with people, and have as many new experiences as you can.
The one big lesson she would say I taught her is how to remain kind and positive despite what life throws at you, and just being resilient and motivated to be the best version of yourself.

Surprisingly though, most of my closest friends are EXXP's.
Everyone in my family are Extroverted, Judging Types.

I'm the sole introvert :)


I like how you say they will take care of you and look out for you. We are attracted to that part of enfps because we INFJs are used to taking care of everyone else at our own expense so it's nice to have someone looking out for us.


I am an ENFP and I thought about my attraction toward INFJs and I think what it is for us, is focus. I love INFJ's focus and can jump within the conversation with us but still come back at the close and finish the story. I also think ENFP's are so confident in the an emotional part of people that an INFJ takes comfort in us because we are able to sense discomfort, vulerability, fun, enjoyment. We feed off of delight in the spirit. My INFJ's are always grounded, and straight forward with thought and ENFP's are more fluid, we move with the water. We are able to move a rock. INFJs are rocks...


I'm an INFJ married to an ENFP for 9 years and counting!, and I agree with everything you said! He is my best friend!!


ENFPs get everyone! We are the universal translator between types. We have a crazy streak, so that is fun! We are deep and at the same time light. What's up? Let's party? Or let's chill. We love it all.


This is so true! As an ENFP my INFJ friends help me make decisions and focus better. I only wish that I had more INFJ friends. I only know 2. Both are so refreshing and the people who get me better than any other type. I adore you beautiful INFJs!!


I'm and ENFP.  Been happily married to an INFJ for 27 years.  We really matched out extremely well.   Especially since she does details so well.... where I do not.


I'm pretty sure that my best friend is an Enfp. It's really a match made in heaven. Most of the time I am a bit too serious about things, but with her I can act so goofy. She really brings out my inner child. At the same time, she's also thz person I can have the most deep and honest conversations with. I really love her.


I know the anxiety and shyness an INFJ feels, and I know it makes it difficult to get to know them. Still, in the last couple of months I've met a super sweet and cozy INFJ, and we really connect. I never really thought about it as it happened, it was so natural for me to yearn for understanding, laughter and caring as an ENFP. His company is so pleasant, and I can literally feel him get relaxed when we spend time together. I think this is why the INFJ and ENFP melt together so symbiotic and effortlessly - I honestly, genuinely care about him, our friendship and his wellbeing. And i know he cares about me too.


I married an INFJ! Can say that the understanding we have for each other is basically the best thing.


ENFP here! I have a wonderful friendship with someone. I met him a few months ago, and we immediately hit it off and had a lot of goofy and thought provoking conversations. It turns out that he is an INFJ. For some reason, there seems to be a magnetism between these two types, and all of the INFJs I know are absolutely wonderful. Keep being awesome, INFJs. :D


ENFP here... Could not help myself... I was absolutely intrigued and so calm! I know it's off saying in the youtube comments. You have this beautiful energy around you just draws me in. Very beautiful! Thank you!


I completely agree with what you said about infjs wanting to be with ppl who draw out the adventurous side. Some people know how to make life more fun, and i appreciate that they draw that side of me out.


Am an INFJ and my brother is ENFP. The best brother in the world.


(ENFP) Effortless understanding... exactly. Soulmates. We accept and complete each other's psychic language.


I'm an ENFP married to an INFJ, with an INFJ sister, an INT/FJ dad and many, MANY close INFJ friends.


I loved the part you brought up about us ENFPs being introverted enough to be mellow with our social life! Because it’s absolutely true!!! I absolutely love alone time and need to recharge from social gatherings.... THIS is probably one of the few vids I’ll watch from you cos the connection is too real!!!


I am an ENFP and after getting friends and relatives to take the test, I realized that I am surrounded by INFJs hahah. I have an INFJ parent, sibling, and quite a few close friends. When I noticed this, I also couldn't help noticing that INFJs often seem to gravitate towards other INFJs, as well. I liked your video a lot! -Alyx


I'm an ENFP and my best friend is an INFJ too! It's so funny, she's definitely an introvert yet she's the one who sought me out and kind of got our friendship going. I guess she saw the potential in me that I didn't know existed and she's the first really close friend I've ever made. 14 years and we're still going strong!
