What I (an INFJ) think of ENFPs

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I loved your comment on ENFPs not being about adventure for the sake of adventure. I am a geographer/teacher and love travel - but I’ve always felt this “wanderlust” stereotype of ENFPs is not so correct. I feel that ENFP’s could see every monument, mountain, and museum (with great awe and excitement) BUT what we’d love even more is to share a meal and talk about that persons perspective of life. I don’t need the Eiffel Tower - I need a good croissant and good conversation. Ha! Thank you for your video! Also, I’m an ENFP and am married to an ENTP and it’s a blast! Ha!


ENFP here. I stand firm in my personal values and am told by everyone I work with that my optimism and encouragement is contagious and motivating. People ask me how I’m able to stay so optimistic and warm all the time. The truth is, and I’m not certain if this goes for all ENFPs, that there is a lot of pain I carry daily. Sometimes my empathetic nature tortures me and upon self reflection I feel a deep sadness that I’ve carried my entire life. When I slip into my introverted nature I spend that time exploring those painful feelings and investigating my private depression. It can be quite the Pandora’s box of emotion.


I think that if I found a healthy INFJ to marry, I would never want for more! They are endlessly deep and interesting! ENFP female here. 😌


ENFP here - it is true, our emotions run very very deep, especially towards everyone in our lives. All my relationships are meaningful to me, even just my acquaintances.


Female ENFP here...I am over the moon to be with my INFJ boyfriend. We are both in our 40s and thought we'll never meet our match... it took quite some time to 'persuade' him, we dated long, we have this phenomenal connection and chemistry, and since he finally admitted to his feelings (I was smitten since the first date), it's the most beautiful relationship I ever had. He is absolutely not comparable to anyone I ever dated, and I 'lived my life'... I just want to grow old with this person. ENFP's find your INFJ! It won't get better than this!


I have two confirmed ENFP individuals in my life:
One was a best friend in college. He was, shall I say *chaotic neutral* with an *interest* in chaotic evil. I ultimately hit him with the “notorious” INFJ door slam to protect myself from ruin via drug abuse (to be perfectly honest). But we did get along swell, and I dearly miss the companionship and conversation we shared. To this day, I’ve never found anyone else who I could cycle 20 miles with, all the while carrying a deep philosophical and political conversation.

The other was a romantic interest 5 years back with whom I’m currently reconnecting. I’m blown away by the staying power of the INFJ/ENFP connection. We remained friends from a distance as life and growth did their thing, but upon reinvestigating the romanticism, we found the embers leap to flame. I mean hello, can you say excitement and passion and synchronization ANY louder than INFJ/ENFP? Really, though.

They are such a pleasure to be friends with. They make you laugh, they entice your mind, they impress you with wit, they socialize like champions, and in the quiet conversations they prove themselves bottomless reflection pools. My instinct tells me they only get better with age...as their frivolous fancies fade (e.g., Russell Brand...I do hope my college buddy follows suit, and perhaps that door may also reopen)

😊 three cheers for ENFPs from this INFJ. Thank you for being you, and letting us be us.


I love enfps, you are so cute and energic! As an INFJ I admire you so much.


ENFPs are lightning fast. I have been told this btw but didn't think much of it until recently. ENTPs can do this as well though with ENFPs it is usually deeply connected to the human condition. ENFPs seem to do something else on this level as well, we can see both sides of the coin though this might not come until later life. Some INFPs can do this too, though again as they mature, seems to begin in our mid 30s. Hard to say. I am not close to many people.

ENFPs can in some ways chameleon but only if they can go into the world of others. Until this happens they are going to take up hard lines on Fi values that are not going to budge. I think most cannot understand how much effort has gone into an ENFPs system of values. There are some things we will not budge on and on this point it is best for both parties to agree to disagree. ENFPs (well this one) do not really like to argue, we like to explore without antagonism. I would hate debating for instance.

I spoke to an ENFP yesterday about a strangeness in us. Many people when they encounter us think we are bubble headed idiots. Not many see the deeper intellectual side because we probably prefer to be bouncy fun and silly. The amount of misperception that goes on here is staggering. And I think it is because most people cannot read the undertones of what the ENFP is really expressing. I thanked an ENFJ recently for laughing in all the right spots because she is one of the few that seems to get me at all.

ENFPs will go to incredible lengths, understatement. This comes at a cost when it fails. Devastating heartbreak. I have been told ENFPs have a hard time ending relationships because of this tendency to go to incredible lengths. For very clever people we can be taken advantage of. An ENFP that has lost a friend is about the sadness creature you will ever encounter.

I feel our emotional lives are as deep as INFJs as well, though I feel it is strangely invertedly so. I think it is why ENFPs seek out INFJs. I feel if I could ever be understood it would be by an INFJ. Either of the N dominants paired to feeling creates a very intense individual. I would suspect INFJs ENFPs are about as intense of personalities as you are likely to find. One is as still as an ocean with the deepest currents, the other is mercurial and energetic like the storm over that ocean. If you want to really know an ENFP, look for what they aren't showing the world.

ENFPs are seeking external validation for what they feel deeply on the inside. This is extremely perplexing as our wide sweep of Ne cannot find what we seek, how can this possibly be ?


I'm an ENFP woman dating an INFJ guy. Love him to death. He does take his time to process things and to show emotions the way I do...but he keeps me calm.


There are so many inaccurate stereotypes of ENFPs out there, I’m amazed and impressed with your ability to see past them. It’s a beautiful thing to be seen! Thanks for posting these insights 😊~ENFP


I am a male infj and my best friend is a female enfp, we have never dated despite gossip that we have. She keeps my spirit up for the most part. When she is in a good mood her mind is rapid, like fireworks, I have to get on to her for using sentence fragments at times, all in good fun, but when she's down and begins feeling sorry for herself, everything slows down, and it is impossible to cheer her up, which can make me frustrated, she will not accept the FACT that she is an incredibly awesome person. She always bounces back but usually not with my help. I often know the right thing to say in most situations, but not when she's in a sad/bad mood. I'm getting better at being what she needs me to be during those times but I admit it's difficult for me. In the end though we need each other.


I’m an INFJ and my best friend is an ENFP. I feel like this is such an accurate description of ENFPs... this really helped me understand Fi more, because I didn’t really understand how it works. But my ENFP and INFP friends both have an innate sense of morality. They are driven by their moral compass, no doubt.


“Trying new experiences in an attempt to keep the internal emotional realm in harmony bc it’s important to them; they’re at peace there. High emotional intelligence.” That’s pretty good. This entire video is on point from an ENFP!


I’m ENFP dating an INFJ. It’s the best relationship. But also it is very difficult at times. Miscommunication can be huge. It’s either heaven or hell. But I hope it will get better.


This resonated to my core. I was literally feeling a light pang the whole time in my sternum and stomach area (sounds weird, but I don't know how else to describe it). It's not often that I feel like someone recognizes what ENFPs are actually like. And I guess specifically me as I have only known a handful of ENFPs in my life.

Sometimes I think that I don't understand my own emotions well, but from an objective standpoint, I take a lot of time to look at and process my feelings. I take time to go over them, understand where they come from so I can not only deal with them now, but hopefully deal with them in the future.

I've realized that even when I post things on my channel about ENFPs, I focus more on the ideas and the Ne. I don't spend as much time really telling people what I'm feeling or how my Fi works. However, this video has inspired me to delve further into it and bring it up to the surface.


I am INFJ married to ENFP and you are bang on in my experience. Thank you for your time to make these videos. I truly enjoy and relate. 💕


If this isn’t an INFJ stare, I don’t know what is.


Infj is BY FAR THE BEST type for enfp’s. Its like we dont have to oblige them or “win” them over. They just accept the way we are and APPRECIATE and enjoy what we really are. For me, infj/intp are best ppl for me. Intp can be difficult as ppl to understand but personally infj/intp are the ones for me


5:00 - INFJ apologizing for drinking coffee. I see stuff like this all the time with INFJs
