How to Lose Weight With Lipedema

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Are you wondering how to lose weight with #lipedema? Have you heard about people using a keto diet for lipedema? Sturdy Woman founder Rebekah discusses her diagnosis with lipedema and #lymphedema and how she lost 140 pounds using a ketogenic diet. She also discusses bio-individuality and using bio-hacking to discover what works best for your body.

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You can absolutely lose weight with Lipoedema. I was diagnosed with stage 2 this past June. I had always been between thin and average size (my weight fluctuated throughout my life) with a brief time in which I was obese in my twenties (I’m now 42 and within average weight). After I processed this diagnosis, I went on a journey to improve my health to manage my Lipoedema. I began eating an anti-inflammatory diet and working out at least two days a week at the gym. My diet consisted of having one cup of green tea per morning (no sugar or anything added), significantly decreasing my carbs, lowering my zero sugar sodas from 4 per day to one maybe two per week, eating berries, nuts, dark chocolate, minimizing sugar and salt, seasoning with fresh herbs, onion and garlic, cinnamon, etc., consuming lots of veggies good for controlling inflammation (avocados, broccoli, cauliflower, tomatoes, etc), and eating lean meats (fish, turkey and chicken). While I give myself one “bad” day a week where I eat what I want, my taste has changed where I can’t eat as much of the foods I love. My exercise regimen consists of 90 minutes of walking on the treadmill, keeping my heart rate under 130, which I can do with 3 miles per hour with a 2% incline. I do this 90 minutes twice a week, which is about 5 miles per week. Then I do weights two days a week. Sometimes, schedule permitting, I go three days to the gym but that is not always possible, and some weeks, I go once. But as long as I do an average of two days a week at the gym, I feel like that is best. I also drink a lot of water. I do lymphatic massages a couple times a month as well, and I wear compression all day 6 days a week. My results in three months, according to my appointment with the specialist last week are: I am down 20 pounds since June 18, 2024; I have lost 3.3 liters of fluid, I have lost 5.9 kg of fat, the circumference in my legs have decreased between 1 cm and 3 cm., depending on where (3 cm on my upper left leg was the most significant loss), and I have gained 7 pounds of muscle. The worst was not experiencing any decrease in circumference around my left knee. So, my condition actually did not get worse, but got better or stayed the same (left knee). I had initially made the second appointment with the doctor to see if I could get liposuction. His report? In his words “You have saved yourself 5000 Euros. These results are equivalent to one lipo surgery. Keep doing what you are doing.” So, you can lose weight with Lipedema. It is possible. I think there is a lot out there that says it’s impossible and while it may be more challenging, it’s still possible. Just believe in yourself, create an exercise regimen you can stick to and eat healthier. While I am not a specialist of medical provider, this is how I personally have managed my Lipedema and how I have obtained good results. Since this lifestyle change, I have less inflammation, less pain, less bruising, less stiffness in my legs. Before I was experiencing pain daily, massive inflammation and bruising (primarily around menstruation), and stiffness daily, I have this maybe once per 7 to 10 days (stiffness and soreness). Upon maintaining this change I have made, I feel like I can better live with this condition.


Thank you for making this video. When I first found out I had lipedema I watched a ton of videos about it and of course, like you said, everyone kept saying you cannot lose weight but you can try to maintain. I am also menopausal...this makes weight loss harder, too. But, I watched your video on April 15, 2024. I decided to try low calorie Keto for 12 weeks. I had not been able to lose one ounce, literally! The scale always had me at 199, 201 202... frustrating. I've been eating the healthy low calorie Keto since 4-17-2024 and have lost 6 pounds in six weeks!!! I am going on two ten minute careful stroll type walks each day and I feel wonderful! The cuffs at my ankles are almost invisible! The cellulite covering my knees is disappearing! Thank you, sweet lady, for giving me hope and a simple plan. Plus, I've got nutritional satisfaction and being off carbs has killed my cravings. I know God led me to watch your video. I've been praying He would help me and He used YOU! ❤️


The lipedema experts are seriously looking at the keto diet for lipedema patients because not only are they losing the lifestyle fat, but the lipedemic fat cells are shrinking. This is amazing news because lipedema patients were told that their legs will always look like that unless they get water-assisted liposuction, and the keto diet is a promising non-invasive option to reduce size.


I’m in tears because you’ve given me hope that I can find a food balance that will work for my body. I’ve recently found a great nutritionist that’s as baffled as I have been about how difficult it is to find a nutritional balance that will work for my body type. Between Lipedema and hypothyroidism I’ve stumbled into weight loss. I suspected food sensitivity or allergies may be part of the answer but haven’t known how to confirm. My PCP and nutritionist are open to learning so I’m optimistic. Knowledge is power with this.


It was going carnivore that led me to understanding what lipedema was and how it had affected my body shape for my whole life! I'm so grateful for the info you provide and the hope you offer those of us just starting down this road. Carnivore is working great for my needs, and I'm down 30 lbs in 3 months!


I’m grateful to have begun and stuck to clean keto many years before lipedema diagnosis. I started keto because of debilitating digestive issues. This way of eating has been good for me along with long periods of carnivore, and I believe this kept the lipedema stable.


I take collagen in my coffee (1 large scoop per cup/ 2 cups of coffee per day) and the pain from my stage 3 lipedema has reduced significantly!! The fat used to feel hard and heavy, and is now much softer and lighter.
Lipdema has also been diagnosed as a connective tissue disorder. Collagen helps w/connective tissue.


Doctors are so clueless about lipedema and lymphedema. Many don’t even know what lymphedema is😮


I have lipedema. I don't have any real answer for the disease, but i do find regular deep, sometimes painful, but good, massage to the lower back and legs really helps with the heavy painful symptom and gets my mobility back. If your muscle are tight and painful, you do not want to exercise. At now 40, i have managed to maintain lipedema by adding this treatment into my lifestyle along with my exercise patten. Massage isnt a luxury. Its medical for alot of condition, because it can help prevent worse problems starting by draining out the toxins before they do damaged to the muscles. Plus helps breaking up fatty issues. I also know this because i am a spots massage therapist and lipedema woman are some of my patients. They are all better for it. I hope this help alittle.


The keto eating plan has drastically improved my lipedema. I probably need to give up dairy, but I love cheese so much. I don’t think I would ever give up cheese or eggs unless they caused me a severe issue. My go-to meal is an omelette with cheese and some kind of meat. I have lost about 80 pounds and kept it off for over 5 years. I need to lose more weight, but I am reasonably happy with my current situation. Doctors definitely don’t have all the answers—especially when it comes to weight loss!!! BYW, I used to be borderline for Type 2 diabetes but the ketogenic eating and weight loss thankfully ended this problem. Congratulations on your success with Keto!!!


I do keto with lo carb and that works for me. I don’t need sugar because I don’t have a sweet tooth but I do eat some fruits and make my own whip cream. However, diet alone is not the answer. Along with my diet I have a vibration plate, walk, and am jogging laps in pool for one hr. The combination of all this has contoured my body immensely. The scale says little. But I feel fabulous! I’m 67 and when I started to add the pool workout I finally started to lose weight and inches. It is hard not having bread which I love but there is Ezekiel bread but I feel my health is so much better this yr than ever before.


You’ve encouraged me! I’m new to lymphedema/ lipedema diagnoses but have struggled most of my life w/ the heavy legs and obesity. Now, @ age 65 I’m praying to “tackle “ this and live a quality life. Thank you for your efforts to inform and encourage us!


I have just recently been diagnosed with lymphedema, and I accidently saw a pic of a lady in her underwear on lipidema site. I was shocked out right, that was definitely my look alike.
I cried, to day I am 70. And for the past 60 years I have only heard u must eat only boiled food, eat less, move more. Was ridiculed by ppl, given stares.
I have just started the treatment for lymphedema , antibiotics and compression wraps. I am 320 lbs. And I am.miserable. I did the keto diet, and had lost almost 40 lbs, a few yrs back. Then things happened, and I piled on all the weight and more.
Those of you who are doing keto, can you roughly just tell me what u eat in a day. And if u do intermittent fasting. This is just so that I know I am on right track
Please help. I had given up all hope, till I came across this video.
Thank you for bringing back cheer in my life.
Please, please do guide all of us who are in misery.


I’ve struggled so much with this my arms and legs have lipedema. I’ve had terrible body image issues for such a long time from drug abuse to eating disorders. Thank you for making this video and for sharing your journey, you give me hope.


I'm so happy I came across your channel, I'm in the exact same position you were before you lost your weight.I did a food tolerance test and found out that I was not tolerant to any dairy.Im excited to start this journey with these tools .I'm not even considering surgery.So hopefully this helps.Thank you so much for sharing 🙏🌹


Thank you for sharing this. I've just become familiar with the term, but have felt for years there's got to be something in our lines that causes the reaction that I have often when I eat foods. Literally directly goes to my thighs and I can feel it. Super painful thighs even especially during massage or any type of physical palpation. And my mom absolutely has a typical lipedema shape.
I just started listening to some videos, and seeing some of the people getting carved up just pains me. I would beg everyone to listen to the recent video by Dr Ken Berry and his guest regarding lipedema. It was fascinating and super enlightening.


This is a BOMBSHELL!! Ever since puberty I have struggled with packsaddle thighs and large calves. Before I was a rake. Through my 4 pregnancies Mu weight fluctuated. But no matter how much weight I lost (which would easily come off the waist up) my bottom half would always be two sizes bigger. And always the large dimpled outer thighs. Over the years it’s been frustrating to have to buy a larger size pants to fit my bum and thighs only for it to absolutely swim on my waist. As a nearly 55 yr old who is now in menopause this gives me hope.
I’ve lost 20+ kgs over the last year simply going sugar free. I’ve dropped two, nearly 3 sizes. My bottoms size 18 versus 14/16 tops. Sigh! And I always thought I was just a classic PEAR SHAPE. But after watching a few videos the penny has dropped. I even suspect my two daughters in their 20s may have it. They are both size 12-14 but their legs a bigger and fluidy looking. Sorry for the long comment but I am sooo EXCITED to find this info. 🇦🇺


7:37 I have recently been diagnosed with this condition by my podiatrist of all things. When I told my primary care Dr she just shook her head yes. She had never told me this. I am seeing a Lymphatic specialist November first for the first time and hoping to get some answers and help. It is very hard to get around when your legs are so swollen. I am glad I found your channel and hope to see more. Thank you.


I'm REALLY at a loss for words right now. ALL MY LIFE (49yrs) I have struggled with excessively large calves and tried everything to lose weight including bariatric surgery. Recently as I was looking at my legs since the weight loss I was still confused. Then I felt moved by God to start looking into lymphatic information. With a very short search my prayers have been answered 🙏🏾 I love keto but had not been consistent. To know that this diet helps this condition is great news! THANK YOU💕


I am just now embarking on basically a ketovore style of eating and will likely head more towards carnivore. I am 380 and 67 and if I don't do it now, I won't and I don't want to be this way. Thank you for the video and encouragement...
