What Is Speaking in Tongues?

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I love his authenticity, and his passion for God’s heart.


I love his transparency and abiding by the scripture and accurately teaching about the gift of tongues.


I love how you share your heart and your understanding of God's word so balanced. You have blessed me.


speaking in tounges is a wonderful gift especially when it just follows out naturally in a supernatural way with out any effort and knowledge of what you r saying! I never thought I could receive it, but I did one day I went to church and in worship the holly spirit touched me and I started speaking in tounges. I really was trying to speak English but I was filled w/ the holly spirit! English is the only language I Know so to receive this was amazing and I was in shocked that someone like me could speak this??? I went to work and I could not speak English straight until I knew how to turn it off and on when I want.


The true gift of tongues will build you up. It will open you up to the presence of God. It causes the gifts of the word of knowledge and wisdom to flow so that God shows you things when you pray. I received the gift of tongues even after telling God I did not want to speak in tongues. It was not something that appeared desirable to me at the time and I was afraid that God would cause me to speak in tongues when in public and people would think I was crazy just like the bible says they will if everyone is speaking in tongues at the same time. Mr. Piper is right, it is a true gift from God. I would never refuse anything that Jesus wants to give me. I do not elevate tongues above the other gifts and it grieves the Holy Spirit when we speak disdainfully of this gift. There are people who get their flesh involved, just like the Corinthians did, and they do things that cause others to reject what is truly a gift from God for us. And I would like to say that Paul never told the Corinthians they were not speaking in tongues but he did bring correction to their use of the gift. Just like any other topic in the bible there will be error taught about it but we don't throw out the message of salvation because some denominations teach error about it. We seek the truth and allow the Spirit to lead us and show us what he wants for us. God is good to give us this gift and all the gifts. Let's not be guilty of refusing something that God wants us to have.


very biblically sound interview. I am pleasantly surprised to hear someone who does not have the gift still accept it and understand it biblically and not shame anyone who believes in it. Very mature believer right here.


Here is your answer: 1st corinthians 14:2 "for anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to people but to God. Indeed, no one understands them; they utter mysteries by the Spirit."


I'm glad to have a better understanding of this. I have been encouraged to do this, but the Holy Spirit has never grabbed my tongue, and I ain't trying to say banana backward to please people. My Lord knows what He's doing.


For me when I started speaking in tongues was when I was praying in spirit, uncontrollable groanings from my heart, the lord presence all around me and within, my heart feeling like it’s going to explode, I can’t speak any words but the lord is breaking me with loving kindness and all I can do is weep and wail... all while my mouth/jaw starts vibrating like when you are freezing cold, then all of my groaning from inside starts forming words/sounds when leaving my moving mouth and all of a sudden My heart is so full of joy reaching out MY LORD MY LORD, that I begin shouting which comes out uncontrollably in a foreign language... i had completely burst... next I’m spinning around dancing with joy because god has spoken to me... for hours afterwards I could feel god in every breath I took, every exhale.... everywhere I looked, in everything all I saw was JESUS JESUS JESUS !! I wanted to hug everything I could see, I was so happy and could see the truth which we forget, that I am held In the arms of my LORD!


Speaking in Tongues is "a Gift, " and it is a good gift since it is from the Holy Spirit not from man or earth-languages though it is occasionally manifested as human language. Some says, "it is a gift not for every Christian." But I would rather say, since it is a gift, everyone can have it if they ask for it; and yet it is totally up to the Holy Spirit.


This man shows abnormal levels of deep humility by speaking truth ❤ God bless Bro. John Piper.


"Don't fret too much if it's not a prominent experience." This word from Pastor John comforts me. I've been a Christian for a long time and never experienced speaking in tongues. I tried but to no avail.


Praise God for an honest preacher who admits he never spoke in tongues though he tried and prayed diligently. I pray for you that you do receive it Brother Piper as well as myself and any other Christian seeking tongues as a gift from our Lord Jesus.


Best thing I've heard in a long time. I pray that God continue to gift John Piper long life.


Paul admonished me to pray without ceasing so I took the bible as being 100% true.

I have been praying in tongues now for 10 years, 5 to 10 hours per day. I am so glad I did not quit along the way, or look for outward signs that my prayers were doing well for others or myself, for the longest time there was no evidence of edification. Then about 4 years into this venture I began to experience the Holy Ghost in a new way, he begins to explain passages of the written word to me that made the gospel understandable to me.

As I continued PIT for long hours every day and night, I began to have unusual favor dropping on me without asking anyone for anything, the favor was overtaking me at every turn in slight ways that only I could recognize and know. Now as I continue to PIT there is from time to time a new dimension to my prayers I have a change in tongues known as the gift of tongues and Interpretations of tongues, I write these Interpretations out, as they are things that are being said to me about my near and/or distant future, and they never fail to come to pass. Now I prophecy almost at will without a pre-ceding tongue, and they too are 100 percent accurate and do come to pass, sometimes they are insights into biblical texts too, little mini revelations about the bible subjects that both Paul James, Jude, John, and Peter wrote about. Mysteries explained, prayed out.

Now I am stepping it up on purpose praying more hours on a consistent basis, as God has blessed me with more time available, I now only have to work 2- 5 hours per day to receive the amount of money it takes me to live.

I recommend you start, don't look back or even think of stopping, PIT without ceasing and it yields big favor and grace. God says if you pray in tongues excessively it will make you irresistible, in my words “whatever you need will find you, it cannot stay away, it will find you”. PIT is a revelation gift to the body of Christ; the only gift we totally control the operation of. I can pray anytime for as long as I want just because I choose.

Jude said as we pray we are building a house from the ground up, building upon the foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus said he was preparing a place for me in the Father's house (the church) it would be built and fully furnished, the church will be full of Mansions that had been placed there for Fathers habitation or permeant places of abode, that my friend is what we are becoming when we pray in tongues, these permeant places of the dwelling of our God, placed in the father's house (church) by Jesus our Lord and savior. We are placed into the church as it pleases Jesus.

We choose to pray or not pray, when and where and how long to spend in our prayer closet. I have yet to go into an actual closet, I understand by reading the bible this gift when entered into fully brings rest, REST from life’s toils and hard labor, Jesus gave me this gift, as Apostle Paul said I don’t want to despise Gods gifts. The Holy Spirit prays through me the exact next thing I am going to need before I become aware of my need, and he then brings those things to me, with the assistance of the heavenly helpers (angels on assignments) without my human labor to obtain I just receive when they arrive. This is the REST wherewith he causes the weary to rest! PIT, no- ceasing. PIT is a revelation gift, as you PIT the scripture is revealed, your calling and your ministry will be revealed and how to fulfill your ministry step by step, day by day is revealed a little at a time. Paul said he did not shadow box but he always hit the target, why because of the day by day revelation. Most people will not endure long enough to draw water from this deep well, If it is not quick fast and in a hurry most people quit before they get a taste of the provision freely given by God, Grace, Favor, and freedom from the curse of mammon which enslaves your time and puts most into chains of financial bondage.

I can now understand the Apostle Peter when he wrote the admonition to cast all my care upon Jesus and he will care (take care of me) for me, as a husband cares for his wife. This will end in disaster unless you have prayed yourself to a level where the Holy Ghost gives you instruction to quit your job and be a full-time person of prayer. The reverse is true also if I carry my worries around I become prey for the devourer, the roaring lion who is looking for heavy-laden prey to devour. People full of debt and working 50+ hours per week, and their spouse too, this is bondage the Holy Spirit will free you from as you PIT without ceasing. Remember why God set the Hebrews free from Pharoah because they didn’t have time to pray or worship God. God wants his people free.


October 01, 2014 Page 1


The most biblical attribute of a genuine tongues experience is speaking a known earthly language that you don't know that can be translated by a native speaker of that language. Source: seeing a close friend of mine experience the baptism of the Holy Ghost and he spoke fluent, 100% translatable Japanese as clear as any native speaker could, and did not know the language. One of the most amazing things I've ever witnessed in my entire life. I've also known a pastor that was in Korea and went to a prayer meeting and heard a woman speaking clear, fluent English. After the meeting he tried to strike up conversation with her and found out, to his amazement, she did not speak English. This is extremely rare, but it does happen.

The genuine experience of tongues needs to be affirmed as something that can be interpreted, otherwise it is not fully biblical. The "tongues of angels" argument is a misunderstanding of Paul's hyperbolic expression (1 Corinthians 13:1). Paul did not literally mean speaking in tongues of angels.

Unfortunately the modern Charismatic movement has perverted tongues to mean "angelic prayer languages", meaning it could just be babbling brought on by emotions. We have to affirm the word of God and what actually happened at Pentecost. We also need to be very, VERY careful about teaching the attainment of spiritual gifts. They are received as a byproduct of a close relationship with God. If we ask in accordance with His will, then he will give it. But we should not put these things on a pedestal or even desire the actual speaking in tongues or prophesying. First we should seek a life that is totally honoring to God, and then in His perfect timing and grace, he will distribute what will build and edify the church.

Definitely not a cessationist, but these days, I completely understand why people are.


I really appreciate John Piper's candor about his own experience with this.


Used to make fun of people who did this and then it happened to me... and just like piper said before I spoke in tongues I said “God is with us” and I felt God in a way I never have felt him before and I don’t think I will be that close to him until I see him face to face


I loved this video, I think a lot of us "Christians" pretend but definitely not all & I'm happy he was honest about him personally not experiencing tounges


There’s a difference between the gift of the Holy Ghost in Acts 2 when they were initially filled with the spirit and 1 Cor.12 - “gift of diverse tongues”, which is linked with “the interpretation of tongues.” So in the end the gift of speaking in tongues and “diverse tongues” are two different things.
