Does the gift of Speaking in Tongues make you closer to God than others? Cliffe Answers.

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Blessed are the ones who are humble.
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Christianity needs people like George who are secure in themselves to ask the tough questions, and the obvious ones that seem stupid


Honestly it doesn’t matter if you have a certain gift or not. The only gift that should matter to you is the gift of salvation.


God gave me the gift of faith. :)

I am grateful. I am not boasting, just wanted to share.


"I don't need subtitles." 😁👍
That statement touches my prayer to be blessed with the gift of discernment.


Discernment is another one of those gifts.


1 Corinthians 12:4-11 says exactly what Cliffe is saying. it talks about all the gifts you can receive and that they are all given by the same spirit, and the same god empowers them all in everyone


I prayed repeatedly for that gift, to no avail.
I'd be happy if the Holy Spirit let me know precisely what gift I DID get! 🙏


Once my mother told us that she was given the gift to speak in tongues. My brother asked her to show him, because he was curious to see what it was like. My mother then replied, "No. I don't want to misuse it."

She passed away from cancer 6 years ago. I believe my mother to have been an very honest and convicted woman. She knew that (by showing the gift of of tongues), the risk of pride might sew its seeds in her heart.

She was given that gift to pray for and minister to the persecuted church, not to show off her closeness to our loving savior. She was given that gift to praise our Lord and serve him, not to be a quick proof of His existence.

I know my mother was very honest, therefore that claim was not a lie. I know she had a very rational mind, therefore that claim was not delusion. I know my mother sought only to love and serve The Father, Son and Holy Spirit through her earthly journey, therefore her faith was rewarded.


You weren’t even talking about this directly, but I have been trying to decide whether or not I should allow my children to form a friendship with a certain family at church that make me uncomfortable for somewhat inexplicable reasons, and this video reminded me that what I should be doing is praying for the gift of discernment.


I have discernment and whatever gift you have or don't know of yet, know that God loves you and keep praying


You’re very blessed to have Cliffe on. That’s a wise man.


What's the point of speaking in tongues in public if no one is gonna understand you?


I have been told by others that I have the gifts of hospitality, generosity, and service. I'm all for it too, I love to help anyone.😊
(I'm sorry if I sound like I'm bragging, but that is not my intention)


I have spoken in tounges once and I was and am still INCREDIBLY grateful for it as I have always wanted to and i have the exact standing as Him, tongues is a gift, you cant force it and not everyone will have it, even when I felt Closest to God, i never spoke in tongues, i started backsliding and there was a church service i went to and they asked about tongues and so i went up with a few others, they started praying with me and my tongue started shaking as well as my whole body, i then started to exhale and let my tongue go, do what it wanted and i started speaking in tongues, I cant remember what i said and i dont know what i said, I barely even heard myself and for the first time in my life, my mind was calm and quiet not a single thought until near the end, i even tried to stop talking and i just couldnt stop no matter how much i tried, that is purely a gift given by the Holy Spirit, if you never got it and forced it then you are sinning


Every Christian can ask for the gift of tongues 🙏🏼 He gives freely


Hey George, I’m Assyrian too, I’ve been really interested in your podcast and putting our culture on the map. It’s awesome what you’ve done!


I've been learning Aramaic so that I can pray in the language of my Lord and Savior. There is something about repeating the exact vibrations that Jesus prayed and instructed his disciples to pray that immediately fills me with the Holy Spirit. I pray it so often that my 6 yo and 9 yo can pray in Aramaic as well. God is such good!


I've felt the call to serve people from a very young age. Helping people, not just in the name of God, but because its the right thing. Even if its the smallest thing, it changes the way someone thinks if just for that moment or that day and sometimes for their life. I don't know how big of a seed I plant, but if i can show someone how much they mean to a nobody like me, its only the smallest fraction compared to how much God loves them.


My grandmother had that gift of speaking in tongues it was amazing a few days before she passed she said there was an angel in the room and she was so happy 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


The Gift we all have is Salvation. The talents that God gave us are different from each other so that we can serve God in every way. Through evangelism, serving, speaking in tounges, etc.
