Can EVERY Christian Pray in Tongues? | 30 Second Theology

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On this edition of 30 second theology, David Diga Hernandez addresses the myth that the gift of tongues is not for every believer.





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Here’s my testimony with tongues:

I attended church service Sunday, the pastor was praying over the entire congregation to make us speak in tongues. The whole service was literally worship & prayer to speak in tongues. I began to feel sad because I could hear and see many people saying words in tongues and being baptized in tongues. Unfortunately, I didn’t speak in tongues but I told Jesus, “I know when I am ready, you will bless me with speaking in tongues.”
I went home. Prayed before bedtime and went to sleep. While sleeping, I got woken up by mumbling noises coming out of my mouth. My mouth literally woke me up. I awoke, conscience, my lips continued to speak and I could see them moving. So I got frightened, “am I possessed?” I thought. Suddenly I felt Gods voice saying “Now get on ur knees and pray” as if this was the way for me to find out what was going on.
Mind u, the whole time my lips continued moving and these words kept flowing out.

I started praying. I felt the fire of the Holy Ghost. That’s when my heart leaped for joy because I knew it was TONGUES that I was speaking 😁
But there was this particular word that I kept repeating. I grabbed my blackberry (that’s how long it was ) and looked up that particular word in my phone. When I read the definition. It blew my mind 😮, it said something like: TO GIVE JOY AND PRAISE TO GOD. TO FILL GOD WITH JOY. ✝️
Now it’s been so long that I can’t remember the word. But the other day I heard someone say “MASHA ALLAH” and that sounds similar to the word I kept repeating in tongues.
Moral to the story ❤Be patient my dear brothers and sisters. When ur time is right, it will come. Be ready and when u start to speak in tongues, continue to practice them so they become stronger ❤


While I don't hold that every Christian *must* speak in tongues, I believe every one of us *can* access that gift by the grace of God.


Thank you very much my dear lord Jesus Christ for your holy spirit 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🎉 thank for


I spoke in tongues when I surrendered myself fully. I gave the holy spirit everything in my body while praying 🙏 God bless each and every one of you 🙏


❤🙏✝️ I observed individuals practicing this on television and in church. Initially, I believed they were simply fabricating it, and I couldn't relate to it. However, one day while I was engrossed in reading the Bible at home, I began praying and suddenly, I experienced the overwhelming presence of the Holy Spirit. Without pause, I found myself speaking in tongues, overcome with a mixture of loud cries and tears. Although it felt like an extended period, it was merely a duration of 10 minutes. I was utterly drained and depleted of energy when it was over. My hope and prayer is that you, too, will encounter the holy Spirit and have the privilege of speaking in tongues. May God bless all of you! 😮😮


It’s difficult. It took me two hours but it was very much worth it. Most beautiful thing ever


When the bible mentions "speaking in tongues", it's talking about suddenly speaking in a KNOWN UNDERSTANDABLE LANGUAGE THAT THE PERSON HAD NOT PREVIOUSLY KNOWN BEFORE, NOT BLABBERING NONSENSE GIBBERISH. READ THE BOOK OF ACTS AND THE CONTEXT CONTEXT CONTEXT!!! The apostles were speaking in different tongues/languages they hadn't known before, by the power of the Spirit, to be able to preach to other people who didn't speak their language. Also remember that believers have different gifts, some can prophesy some can't, some have the gift of teaching some don't, some have the gift to be able to speak in tongues AND SOME DON'T, AND THAT'S OKAY!! As a Christian, I'm tired of pastors and other Christians babbling complete nonsense and saying it's the Holy Spirit. "For God is not the author of confusion [. . .]" - 1 Corinthians 14:33


Where does the bible specifically say there are different TYPES of tongues as in gifts? It mentions diversity of tongues to be understood as different languages. You can pray in the spirit with your native language.


If u read the whole verse 1 corithians 14:5 it says there should be someone who can interpret so that the church can receive edifying same to 1 corithians 14: 27 but that doesnt happen in churches as we see today


No. That’s not what is being said. Paul was rebuking the Corinthians. He was saying that Prophecy is the true gift. Tongue speaking is nonsensical and does not glorify the church. It’s selfish and glorifies oneself.


Paul wanted all people to speak in tongues does not apply that all will. Nor does anything about that verse indicate that tongues is a prayer language.


He said, I wish you all spoke "with" tongues (different kinds of language).


Where does the verse says that there is a certain tongue that indicates personal prayer language?


Very good and quick explanation. Thank you.


People in these comments use their intellectual about speak in tongues the bible says in 1Corinthians 14:14 14 For if I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays, but my understanding is unfruitful. . Nkjv
If you pray in tongues you cannot understand what you are saying, your mind is unfruitful but your spirit prays to God. And only God can understands it in 1Corinthians 14:2.


Speaking in tongues is NOT a gift, it’s a manifestation (one of 9) of Christ in a believer aka The Holy spirit (1 Corinthians 12:7) EVERY believer can do it. However there are gift ministries that are given to SOME believers (Ephesians 4:11-12) This is often taught erroneously when not rightly dividing the Word


Love you my lord great great great great great great great hollyspiritJESUSYHWH the devine


i don’t think 1st Corinthians particularly the verse you cited shows that everyone can speak in a private prayer language. In 1st Corinthians 14 Paul tells those who have the gifts of tongues to remain silent and “to speak to themselves and to God.” He’s speaking directly to those who do have the gift of tongues to pray privately, but He doesn’t say that everyone in the church should pray privately in tongues. For the verse you cited, Paul says that “I wish all of you could speak in tongues, ” but that’s exactly what it is, a WISH, in the same way that he wishes that all of us would be celibate like he was, yet he knows we can’t. I really enjoy your videos and a lot of your teachings but I think your interpretation is a little off here with all due respect, not that you’ll read this anyway 😂


God knows what you ought to pray for before you even start praying. So why then do u even have to speak in tongues??? Does it benefit the guy beside u? Can he/she says AMEN to your unknown shikirabababsahndaaba? Praying in spirit is not necessarily saying out a word/syllable. You can keep silent and pray in your heart and yet God still hears you! So now tell me how do the mute guys shall speak in tongues? Are they left out? Speaking in tongues means speaking in a known language!!! For all the language in the world, none is without meaning! Don't pray like the pagans! Speaking in tongues is not the greatest gift and you shall be eager for gift of prophesy.


I have no need for tongues. It is the least of all gifts, and too much confusion remains about the issue. It is a gift that Jannes and Jambres can mimic, and some denominations have prioritized the gift as if its necessary proof that one has been filled with the Spirit. It is a Laodicean gift (in this current age), in my opinion. I am content with the gifts God has given me, and if you are content with the gift of tongues, then to God be the glory.
