Speaking in Tongues in Pentecostal Churches ☝️

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I feel so distant from God. I really feel like I’m trying to reach him. Pray for me and I’ll pray for you


I’ve spoken in another language before but as I was alone I don’t know what language it was. I didn’t try to do it it just came out.
I was actually praying for healing for a client. I work in aged care.
I was at home and it felt like someone pouring warm
Oil slowly over my forehead and I was covered in goosebumps. Then as I prayed in English I started I sobbing and sobbing for this women. I’d only spoken to her on the phone but I felt intensely for her predicament. (She had a lot of fear and tremors from a brain injury and couldn’t shower herself because of fear of falling) then my crying turned to words and they just tumbled out. A very distinct language with authority like I was telling someone to get off my property and then it passed. I just thanked God for His mercy. Two months later the family rang and discharged her from care as her tremors had gone away! Praise God He is so kind! So mighty!


Reminds me of a Greek Orthodox person who attended a Pentecostal church and heard someone saying “God is dead” in Greek. It terrified him and he returned to the true Church


“For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.”
‭‭I Corinthians‬ ‭14‬:‭2‬ ‭NKJV‬‬


The answer is yes because I was with a woman who was speaking in Italian and didn’t even know it and her prayer was interpreted by someone else in church.. So YES.. It DOES happen today because God is the same Yesterday, Today and Glory hallelujah!!!!


Speaking in tongues is a Gift From The Precious Holy Spirit Of Truth And Of Love And Of Grace Who Is God And Who Is Rest Giving


In the words of our LORD Jesus Christ, " .... These signs shall follow them that BELIEVE.... In My Name.... They shall speak with new tongues...."

Mark 16:17


I know of a pastor who was speaking in tongues there were 2 Jews that were sitting in the back of the church and at the end of service they came to the pastor and said “we really enjoyed hearing you pray in the Hebrew language”. This man is from Louisiana doesn’t know Hebrew lol

I think it takes a foolish person to make a blanket statement the way this man did.


I’m lost, I’m deep in my sins and my knees are too stiff to bend in prayer. My heart has become hardened lust for the world, my speech in lost when I think of prayer and I have forgotten how to pray. I can’t find my way out or if I did I try to forget my way back to my lord. Pray for me, I need the strength to come back to my lord.


I came out from hindu religion my parents are still hindus & i live with them, But 12 years ago i gave my life to Jesus got born again by the HolySpirit of God & reveived the gift of tongues & i never tried to imitate anyone, i received it right at my closet where i was praying & having communion with God & no one was there except God. Since then i pray in tongues without my head knowledge but Spirit gives me words to utter.


I have heard one old Man in Slovakia who spoke a fluent english, that was in the first day in my life when i became a Christian, i was like he speaks big godly things, mr Priest believe that


Facts 💯 There also was interpreters present so everyone was satisfied.


I grew up in a pentecostal church. I agree that most don't handle tongues correctly. The bible gives us instructions for tongues that often go ignored. For example it should be one person speaking at a time and should always come with an interpretation. If either of these are not observed then it is disruptive and does not build up the church. I do also have doubts about how genuine a lot of modern day "tongues" are.


Thank you lord for coming down and pulling me from my drug pit…giving me eternal life and a beautiful new language to speak to you privately amidst my old enemies. I give you the glory.


Here’s what I KNOW:

Had a dream 3/91. A huge Angel appeared & spoke to me in a UTTERANCE. I thought to myself “what kind of language is that?!?” However, in my MIND, my SPIRIT his UTTERANCE was translated into my language of ENGLISH & that’s how I knew what he was speaking to me!!!

The Spirit of God speaks in an UTTERANCE and each person interprets it in his own native language!

That’s what I believe happened at Pentecost!

If you have not experienced what I just shared, you won’t understand this supernatural operation by The Holy One of Heaven!



I was raised in an apostolic church. You wouldn’t believe the pressure they put on you to speak in tongues and “dance like David danced.” I’m an extreme introvert, so I never gave in to them. Everyone hated me and treated me like I was the worst sinner they’d ever met. My parents always gave me disapproving looks like “why won’t you just do it?!”


As a Traditional Latin Rite Catholic, I approve of this. Most of my family relatives are Pentecostal/Charismatic, they are trying to convert me because they speak in tongues but I don't like it, I don't believe they speak in tongues what I believe is they speak gibberish.


I’m in a Pentecostal church. I’m 14 and I don’t know what to think. I see miracles and hear amazing stories of people speaking in tounges. I’ve spoken in tounges myself and it doesn’t feel like gibberish. But I get scared because I’m oneness and people on the internet say that it’s heresy and I don’t wish to go to hell. Can somebody pray for me to find truth?


This guy is 1000% accurate and correct!


Prior to 1870s. The methodist movement started that interpretation of tongues. The “babbling”. Daniel parham or panham began the Pentecostal church i believe in 1901 or 1907 of i remember correctly. Adopting that interpretation. He helped spearhead the “charismatic” movement. The first Pentecostal church still exist today. Even today, when i visit family in greece and turkey. They think the Pentecostal “babbling” is insane. Everyone knows. Tongues was the languages of the peoples who did not know the gospel. Paul and peter were perfect examples. Being able to speak all the semitic and turkic languages of the tribes they came across. Orthodoxy has always taught that since Christ founded our church.
