100 Squats Challenge [Round Butt + Burn Fat + Toned Legs] - How Many Squats Can You Do?

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Here is the long awaited 100 Squats challenge! Squats is an excellent exercise that involves your buttocks, quadriceps and the rest of your lower body.

Perform this 100 squats challenge for a firmer buttocks, the "bubble butt" and for stronger legs.

Let me know in the comments below if you managed to complete the entire 100-squat challenge!
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Shocked and proud that I actually got to 100 squats on the first day, feeling confident even though my legs kill. Hearing someone count for me makes it easier!


Hearing someone count for me makes it easier! Thank you!! :)


People this really works. I have been doing this for almost four weeks and see major improvement. I am 50 years old 5"5 and weigh 117 pounds. My butt has never looked so good. Always been on the slim side but my butt although small was always very flabby. This is literally lifting my cheeks like I can not believe. Stick with it ..u wont be disappointed at all. Follow with a healthy diet and some cardio. I run four to five nights a week for an hour and do my squats. My body is in better shape than some 20 year olds. Keep it up guys. I am a firm believer of this video!!


If you do this workout straight no breaks you gonna feel the burn the intense heart beating I haven’t did squats in about 2 weeks and I noticed I am developing dips in my hips so I got to get back to the squats. I was doing 250 a day challenge I took a break now I’m committed to 100 a day.


I love this video its an answer to my need for exercising my legs. I'm an 85 year old paraplegic and by holding on to paraelle bars, I manage to do 100 squats 3x daily.


I am doing a 30 days exercise. And I want to do 100 squads per day. This is very helpful, thank you very much!


Started doing this everyday for 30 days and I can already see a difference thank you 🥺💞


Every time someone likes this comment i will do it agen❤


Finally not a fake 100 squats! I have seen other ones but they were fake! Thanks to you im on a diet!


I do this everyday including 20 squat pulses after 100, works great guys


i'm back!!!!50 this morning before school without stopping💪💪
no it's time for 100💜


Wow, i am shocked at my ability!!!! I got 100 on the first day!!!! :)


This is my 2nd week.
Doing them every day, and i love the results ❤💪


Day 1: done I'm doing 200 squats a day
Day 2: done
Day 3: done I'll keep you guys updated everyday and I'll tell ya the results!!
Day 4: done!! (update i did 340 squats and 50 donkey kicks!! I feel amazing!❤️)
Day 5: for now I've done 200 squats I'm taking a 5min break and i will do 100 more!) btw I'm seeing a lot of differences my but is bigger and more toned! Quick update i did the 100 more i did 50 normal squats and 50 squats and kick! Cyu tmrw!
Day 6: done i did 200 like a said but at night I'll maybe do 100 more if i feel like doing and i feel amazing!
Day 7: done its been a week now and I've seen alot of results!!
Day 8: done
Day 9: done i did 230 sqauts
Day 10: done
Day 11: i did 200 squats 200 donkey kicks and 50 Bridge💪❤️
Day 12: done 200 squats 100 donkey kicks
Day 13: done
Day 14: done
Day 15: done
Day 16: done
Day 17: done
Day 18: done
Ps: I'm take a 2-3 days break cz I'm on my period


I'm a beginner and I've planned to do a daily workout. Every day I'll be doing the 100 Squats Challenge as a part of my routine. I'll also be updating this comment from time to time. I weigh somewhere between 50-55kg. I haven't had my weight checked at the clinic for a few months so I am pretty sure I have gained weight especially because of the inactiveness due to quarantine. So here are my results:
*Day 1*
7:15 AM: I'm halfway through the video and I have also done a 5-minute jumping jack workout before this. So, my legs are stiff but I have managed to do 50 squats so far.
7:25 AM: Even though I haven't done the squats spontaneously, I've managed to complete 100 squats. My legs became stiffer but once I got to 75 squats, my legs started pushing itself. After the completion, I went on do 10 more squats which means I did 110 squats on my first day. Not bad for a beginner who has been a couch potato and hasn't bothered to get up to do something lol.
*Day 2*
9:20 AM So I have slept more than required because my body went tired and sore from yesterday's workout. My body aches everywhere and I can't even move my neck. But I have got the determination to get up and continue my routine. I just finished 100 jumping jacks and my muscles feel more flexible and the stiffness has subsided a little. My calves and my back are still sore. I will also consider adding another 50 to my workout every new week. So next week I'll be doing 150 and the week after, 200. So I'll begin now.
9:35 AM I'm taking more breaks than I did yesterday, not because I'm fatigued or tired but because of my sore muscles. My legs feel like rocks the more I keep on doing.
9:40 AM Yes! I've completed it. I feel much better.


Completei meus exercícios com esse 100 agachamento, amo esse canal❤


Successfully did the 100 squat challenge 🤟🏽💯 so proud of myself ❤️ Legs are definitely gonna be burning in the morning but I completed the challenge and pushed myself . I love your videos


i left a comment on here and i didn't get any likes to come back lol! so i will try to come back if there any commens or likes. anyway im also doing this while on a diet and doing 100 situps!!
day1 - i had to take breaks my legs were shaking!!
day 2 - i pushed it through kinda looks like my legs are a little toned!
day3- my legs feel so much better! thank you!!
day 4-


100 squats done ✅ 😁 thank you so much 💕


Day 9 done!
Loving my consistency and the little changes.😁
