Can More PROTEIN Improve Your Mental Health? (New Study)

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We're familiar with exercise having a net positive in our mental health, improving symptoms of common mental health disorders like depression and anxiety as well as helping with stress. We also know that eating more PROTEIN generally will aid us in most fitness goals, especially for muscle but also for weight management. But what about eating more protein for... mental health? A rather interesting question has been posed by a new study and their findings provide quite a fascinating connection between this important macronutrient and mental health. Let's check it out!
#protein #mentalhealth #fitness

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If I had to guess, 750kcal deficit is a lot and being hungry makes you feel like crap, protein being satiating probably helped.


I've suffered from OCD, ADHD, anxiety, and depression my whole life. Was only recently when I started making sure I was getting 150-200grams of proteins daily that I have felt a lot happier, less anxious, better able to focus, sleep a lot better etc etc. Before my diet only had like 20-40 grams a day, which was way under for how active I am.


Protein can cause muscle growth, which then makes you happy whenever you see yourself in the mirror, PROTEIN DOES BOOST MENTAL HEALTH!


Looking good, pic fit! V taper is poppin and triangular arms looking wider at the tops!


Testing two things (750kcal deficit & high protein) simultaneously is terrible research design to begin with and holding back important data makes it way worse. How the hell does this crap make it through peer review?


More protein is mostly always better than less protein


As an Iranian, I'm so excited and proud to see that a study from my country has made it onto your channel!


Always appreciate the science and depth behind ur vids!


Wishing all a great year. ❤ including you awesome content creator


We Also need to consider environmental factors that would have contributed to the improved moods of those with high protein diets. Positive life events could have played a role in the lowered stress, but the study tunnel-visions on diet.


What do you mean we dont know why? We need amino acids to make neurotransmitters like dopamine. They even sell tyrosine as a supplement for mood. If you add that we need protein to make white blood cells, make stuff like stomach lining and to just in general to grow new cells it makes perfect sense.


Here’s an idea that I’ve shared with very few folks for obvious reasons: If 90% of our flesh is bacteria; when I squeeze my arm, is the pain I’m causing myself that hurts my arm, or is it the bacteria 🦠 or cells in my arm alerting me that they are in danger. If I’m asleep then, why does it still hurt; exactly then, if it’s my arm sending the message, then my arm is but an extension of the whole. If I know this then I can’t give the body what it wants but what it needs; I have to Lord over myself to quiet it’s gripes about food at night, or pain when I’m working-out. If I want to go faster, I can’t tell my body to go faster; I have to convince my body that I can stop 😇


been doing a lot of n=1 experimenting over the last 12 years... personally, as protein and fat go up and carbs down, I have less depression symptoms (it seems) ... a few days ago I got a physical and bloodwork and started a 3 month carnivore experiment. I will gather physical and bloodwork again at the end... but so far... I haven't felt this good since the first time I experimented with the ketogenic methodology. (fyi I'm a test engineer by trade so I live to experiment)


Without the unreported data this research has diminished to be correlational at best


I will also add that 60 people is not very comprehensive. Being divided into 2 groups means that of 30 if 3 people change a lot of aspects in their life, like getting more sleep, drinking more water, or simply lying, the results can easily skew in any direction.

I would still agree that more protein can be good simply because not getting enough is terrible for you and lean meats are some of the most satisfying foods you can eat. So if we can guarantee a standard amount of calories in a diet at 25-30 percent and not risk any sort of binges or general over-eating than at a lower percent, thats a good trade to me.


I think it depends on what you’re going for; if you’re training for tennis, and you know you’re trying to mold your fascia, then you know there’s a mind-body connection that needs to be met with nutritional needs and neurological. In symbiosis it would only be logical to postulate that the one can’t do without the other, and in all cases they compliment each other. If the muscle has the protein to build the muscle then the neurological “engineering” pathways have the material to work with ergo “I CANNOT MAKE BRICKS WITHOUT CLAY; DATA, DATA, DATA!” - SHERLOCK HOLMES


My guess is that if a high protein improves sleep quality, and improved sleep is corralted to improved mental health, thats enough information for me, but for the rest of community more data is needed.


I guess theoretically it makes sense. While muscles grow and respond to protein more "Noticeably" the rest of your body still needs protein as well. Many hormonal imbalances, namely their cell-receptors, are made out of protein. Of course, the missing data does make it a little suspicious, but at face value it would make sense. In the normal American diet, protein, even for a carnivore, is surprisingly difficult because of other things, high fat and high sugar. (I want to stress it's the HIGH amounts that makes this problematic.) It also might be that protein absorption gets interfered while the body is concerned with other consumption. Which makes sense, your body is primarily looking for glucose and fat for energy. You change that, high protein, calorie deficit, it makes sense. Again, more data is needed.


ive sort of observed this as well and really enjoy my chocolate protein bars quite a bit for my own mental health.


My protein intake in a average day is 170g, much higher than my 50g of carbohydrates.
