Single-Leg Glute Bridge with Hip Flexion

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Single-Leg Glute Bridge with Hip Flexion

An exercise that combines hip extension with hip flexion.
Attach one foot to a resistance band or cable and lie on your back.
Push the flexed leg against the floor and raise the pelvis. At the same time bring the knee of the other leg toward the chest and pull the resistance band.
The target muscles are the gluteus maximus and hip flexors (red).
In addition to strengthening these muscles, another aim of the exercise is to strengthen the core muscles and the hip stabilizers.

Anatomical analysis:
The gluteus maximus extends the hip joint.
The iliopsoas and other hip flexors flex the hip.
The quadriceps femoris extends the knee.
The rectus femoris of the pulling leg flexes the hip.
The erector spinae, transversus abdominis, and the other core muscles stabilize the torso.

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Рекомендации по теме

the hip flexors are rarely a weak muscle. usually always overworked due to inactive glutes
