My knee won't bend 😳

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Thankfully, we got there eventually!! After a few days of range of motion practice, I got back to past 90 degrees of movement. 💜


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My Amputation Story!

Fourteen years of pain and failed ankle surgeries brought me to 2018, when I made the difficult decision to become a twenty-seven-year-old below-the-knee elective amputee. This channel has documented my journey adjusting to life with a visible disability as an amputee, and continues to be a haven to discuss physical and mental health!

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I had the same problem after a revision surgery when I was 11.
I actually had to have the surgery twice because after the first one I fell on my stump (very much like you did) and messed up the work that had been done.
BTW as you know how much it hurts to fall in your stump I think you can appreciate this. Until I had a heart attack falling on my stump was the most painful thing I'd experienced. The heart attack hurt worse.
So take good care of your heart.


Many years ago I had jaw surgery and I was wired shut for 7 weeks. They told me it would be stiff when I was liberated. One of my priorities was to brush my teeth again. Had to go to a drug store and buy an Oscar the grouch tooth brush to find one small enough to fit at first.


The whole process of regaining ROM after my ankle reconstruction was total hell, but still 12 years later I'm frequently in awe of the fact that I can walk at all. Bodies are wild!!


Free Mr. Nubbins🎉 congratulations. Not to be weird but it looks like your surgeon did an amazing job as far as stitches like you can’t even tell you’ve ever had stitches. It’s actually pretty cool. Hope the pain management is finally under control.


I can't believe it's been 4 weeks already. I know to you it feels longer but wow. I hope the rehab and physio goes well.


Smiling and no mention of pain. Go slow Jo and we're pulling for you!


Remember: Slow is smooth, smooth is fast.


Congrats Jo! I went though some similar rom issues after an achilles tendon repair. It will eventually loosen, as you know. I myself am 4 weeks post surgery for a back issue. Have given you many thoughts and prayers over the last 4 weeks as I knew our surgeries happened near the same time. Best of luck to you, Jo, and I pray this is the last of the major issues you have to face for some time now.


This is a great start. I hope the rest of your re-hab goes as well with little to no complications.


I had hip surgery years ago and one knee was in plaster unable to bend for 3 months... Took about a week to get it to 50 degrees which was the minimum required for the flight home. Took another couple of months to get back to 90 degree bend. You'll do great Jo, yes, it'll take time, rehab, exercise and probably more pain and discomfort but I have no doubt that you'll get there!


I'm so excited for you to be able to bend your knee again! Hoping eveything heals really well ❤


I remember getting out of my cast when I broke my foot. The pain in my ankle/calves was horrendous the first few days. Way worse than actually breaking my foot. Obviously you should follow what your doctors say, but I remember reading that I should write the alphabet in the air with my foot to regain mobility. It was so difficult at first but I did it religiously several times a day. At my one week follow up, I had full mobility though not yet strength. My orthopedist was thrilled with my progress. I wish you a full/quick recovery.


I broke my knee cap many years ago and the pain of bending it for the first time is SO real. I’m excited you’re on to the next phase though!!


watched several of your videos. You're absolutely amazing, Ma'am. I can't fathom how difficult your situation has been. Hugest big hugs. 😊


I’m curious; after this latest surgery you’ll obvs need new shells etc. for your prosthetics, but are there parts from your old prostheses that you’ll be able to reuse? E.g. will you be able to reuse your current liners, or is that dependent on factors? And what about your running blade? Can you reuse the blade but with a new shell? Or does a whole new blade need to be made custom?
Congrats on the leg-moving milestone!


It's so good when you're finally able to start trying to bend your knee again. It takes time and a lot of work, but the freedom to try is the best feeling!


Looks like the incisions are healing well, here’s hoping the insides heal just as well! Takes some time to get the strength and flexibility back but hopefully it works and you have much less pain now.


I gotta give it to you. I didn’t know why muscle degradation felt like until covid and when we were all stuck inside and I gained weight and let myself go, I never felt soooo out of shape. I’m still coming back from it. Every time you get a surgery on your limb you gotta rehabilitate it and that’s hard with two legs let alone one. It looks like it’s healing nicely though!


You are so positive I wish I can be like that! Thank you for sharing this very intimate moment with us! You will be able to look back at this and see how far you’ve come! Praying for your pain to be significantly less, if not completely gone!


i had knee surgery 4 weeks ago and today the PT unlocked my brace so it’s not locked straight anymore and can bend up to 90 degrees in the brace. he also measured the maximum i could bend my knee and i got to 105 degrees! i didn’t even know if i could make it to 90 so i was happy about that. i still have two weeks on crutches but i finally feel like i’m making progress with my knee so i relate to you on some level. good luck healing 😊
