UNEVEN Shoulders? Is one shoulder higher than the other? Here's how to fix it

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In this video, you'll learn how to fix uneven shoulders and restore aligned shoulder posture.
If you're noticing one shoulder is higher than the other and may have developed uneven shoulders, this video will explain why that keeps happening despite massages or stretches to help solve the uneven shoulder discrepancy.
Many causes of uneven shoulders is repetitive movements where one side is more dominant and flawed postures. In the video, I'll share some great exercises to build strength and avoid these muscular imbalances that lead to uneven shoulders.

The 3 exercises in the video will ensure you hold proper posture to avoid trapezius tightness and strengthen the rotator cuff to stabilize and support the shoulder joint.
As long as uneven shoulders imbalance isn't caused by a permanent structural cause, you can correct this issue with postural changes and exercises.
Coach Sofia Fitness is a fitness channel focused on helping people fix lower back pain, piriformis syndrome and muscle pain through corrective strengthening exercise, nutrition and mindset. Coach Sofia is a certified strength coach, and someone who conquered chronic pain herself after being diagnosed in 2011 with piriformis syndrome, an L5/S1 herniation and ankylosing spondylitis. She shares everything that helped her heal and get her life back on her blog and this channel.

All information presented on coach sofia fitness channel and blog are based on personal experience as a strength coach. While I design every workout, and fitness post with care, I am physically not present to coach you through the workout, fix your form, or assess your fitness level and health history.

Before acting on any information, exercise routine or nutrition advice, you should consult your physician first. If you have a medical condition, including physical injuries, and/or your physician advises against it, do not engage in any exercise routine or training advice on coach sofia fitness site.

If you agree to use, and act on any information on this website, you accept to use it at your own risk. Coach Sofia Fitness will not be liable for any injuries, damages, losses that can result from your use.

All information on Coach sofia fitness channel is general in nature. All posts, workouts and nutrition information are not intended to substitute medical and/or health advice, or to treat an illness or health condition.
Рекомендации по теме

Thanks for this video and your other one, they are great. I am trying to fix my shoulder imbalance to help with my piriformis syndrome as I think sorting out my posture and imbalances overall will hopefully help.


Can you please help me that which doctor I should consult for this (chiropractor or physiotherapists)


Hello. I have a shoulder imbalance but in the sense that my right shoulder is more in front than my left shoulder. This happened because of an accident in the gym where the bench press machine was imbalanced and my left shoulder got pushed way back. Do you have corrective exercises for this type of shoulder imbalance?


Same problem so how can i do solve it? Please tell me more exercise and how to solve this problem quickly


Is it possible to completely correct uneven shoulders ? I was using uneven roman rings and that how I got this problem. I am at the moment doing scapular dips using dip station. Is is fine for correcting this issue ?
