Uneven Shoulders - Fix The One Which Is Up or Down

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Dr. Joe DeMarco, chiropractor and owner of OcraMed Health, discusses the issue of uneven shoulders.

You look in the mirror and one shoulder is up and the other is down. Which shoulder is actually the problem?

Uneven shoulders can develop for a number of reasons. In this video, Dr. Joe discusses how they occur when some muscles of the upper back/shoulders become weak and others develop fascial adhesions.

Dr. Joe demonstrates how to determine which shoulder is actually the problem area. He then goes over techniques to help bring the high shoulder down and the low shoulder up!

This is a must see video if you are currently dealing with uneven shoulders!

DISCLAIMER: This content (the video, description, links, and comments) is not medical advice or a treatment plan and is intended for general education and demonstration purposes only. This content should not be used to self-diagnose or self-treat any health, medical, or physical condition. Don’t use this content to avoid going to your own healthcare professional or to replace the advice they give you. Consult with your healthcare professional before doing anything contained in this content. You agree to indemnify and hold harmless OcraMed Health, Dr. Joe DeMarco, its officers, employees, and contractors for any and all losses, injuries, or damages resulting from any and all claims that arise from your use or misuse of this content. OcraMed Health/Dr. Joe DeMarco makes no representations about the accuracy or suitability of this content. Use of this content is at your sole risk.
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I am 17 and I have been suffering from uneven shoulders for 2 years now, I have done everything, physiotherapy, exercise, stretches, everything.
My right shoulder is down and my scapula and rhomboids pains like hell

I hope this fixes my problem 🙂


I would watch that 2-hour video on shoulder alignment. Great video, keep up the great work.


Been to MDs and chiropractors and have described this, but it's still there. Thanks for this video. 👍


Now I realize I somehow have all this in one shoulder. Left shoulder up un forward. Thanks a lot!!!!


I was in a bad car accident 6 years ago and I feel I have both a high shoulder on my left and a lower rolled forward on my right. The spots you told me to check are both tight! Is this possible? Physio and therapies for 4 years din’t explain as much as you did in this video you make it make sense. Thanks so much.. I am sure my whip lash and head injuries made me hold myself differently for years.


One of the most awaited video for new physios


Do you have any videos about uneven pelvis too?? And how can we understand if it is


I've had uneven shoulders since I was a teenager. The higher shoulder has been painful for 18 months. I can't raise hand overhead or reach away from my body. My neck and peck are extremely tight. My massage therapist says that it feels like i swallowed walnuts. He does cupping on my pecs and scapula. Your videos are awesome. So many areas to work on (shoulders, pecs, glutes, piriformis, lower back, calves, quads). Your website has 3 sizes. Which one should I get?


Yes! I can’t wear necklaces or earrings . I found my cervical spine in neck is c curve . Not forward but s shaped looking at my back . I need help ! FinAlly I found out after 5 years. I had to take implants out .


Have you heard of drop shoulder syndrome that can cause lower cervical issues? I’ve been having a scapula issue one sided for 3 years. only recently it was causing major pain in areas of the scapula and at times neck. Between chiro, neurologist, 3 pt’s and a ortho doc no one knows anything. The one thing I haven’t strengthened was my levator scap and upper traps b/c everyone said to stretch. This is the wrong protocol if you have dropped shoulder syndrome. The levator is overstretched and needs to be strengthened as does the upper traps. Have you ever dealt with this?


Sir my pelvis are uneven and rotated and that's why my shoulders are uneven and even my jaw is shifted....please can u suggest some treatment...plse sir


My shoulders aren’t uneven to each other. But I just found out from my PT that my shoulders are down and they are smooshing down my first and second rib, impinging some nerves. Can I use these tips to help?
I just bought your Tai chi balls and I’m excited to use them!


Hlo dear i have congenital scoliosis and due to this i have uneven shoulder plzz can u suggest some exercises to align my shoulder plz help


I think i may have a pec minor problem. If your pec has a lot less muscle does that signify the pec minor needing release?


My left arm is lower than right. What should I do to solve this problem?


I have a question. Can my uneven shoulder cause asymmetry in my face? And will fixing my shoulder also fix my face, or will I have to fix my face separately?


My right shoulder is lower from like 2 days ago and whenever i try looking right my levator scapulae starts paining and when i try feeling it it feels like there are knots what am I supposed to do


Can this also help with winged scapula issues ? I have thoracic outlet issues, and winged scapula just started happening unfortunatly


Yes I try it sir you bless me sir my shoulders correct


Hello my right shoulder is higher than the left one since I was teenage what should I do sir
