Triggering my ADHD wife’s sensory issues

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I love her moment of regulation to control the ADHD rage before she says anything to you, i could take a leaf here


I wish everyone could understand the way Bubby does🥰


I call the "big light", the "harsh horrendous light", or just "harsh horrendous", if I can't be bothered to say "light". Your videos are so spot on. Thank you.


Anytime I’m suddenly in a bright light I hiss like a vampire. And now is just habit, especially when I open the door on a sunny, summer day after being in the house all day.


I also hate the big light, even when cooking. So whenever my husband walks in he's learned to say "Eyeballs!" before hitting the switch so I can prepare. ❤


Thanks you guys... Between ADHD and BPD I've experienced your experiences. I'm 70 years old and just started learning about my brain...


It's tough on both sides honestly. I can understand having to be extra considerate can feel limiting and frustrating at times, but it's also very tiring and frustrating for those with sensory issues as we literally can't help it even when we try. It's not easy either way, but it can be done 💜


My family thinks I am just a big ahole because things trigger me like loud tv, chip bag noises, eating noises, loud sneezes, bright light overhead, foot like a Mogwai. I will turn into a gremlin if you do those things. vid. Will be sharing !


On the days I work in the office, I’m in a cube farm. All day long, somebody or another is on a conference call on speaker. We have headsets, but most people don’t use them. It fills me with incandescent rage.


Lol, such a good depiction of what add/adhd can feel like.

This might sound horrible, but these are the exact reasons why my partner and I sleep in different beds! I love him to the next universe and back, but my sensory...uh... sensory things are on super high alert, especially right before bedtime.


The worst part is to most people her sensory issues come off as being sensitive or rude or whiny when she voices them. I've lost count of how many times I've been told to stop complaining or stop being so sensitive or stop using my adhd/autism triggers/stressors as an excuse. That I always have an excuse for everything and such. I can't help what sets me off and what doesn't, if I'm home I don't want to mask I want to relax. I want to be myself again and let everything drop. But no the only time that's allowed is when everyone else is in bed cuz then I'm not "souring the mood".


Listen, I adore Bubby as much as the next person who is not actually married to him and just values this platonic parasocial relationship, but the way my jaw grinding reflex flared up! I know it's just a bit for the short, but I related a lil' too hard to this one, lol


My ADHD daughter learned a couple years ago she has misophonia and me whispering in her ear or certain chewing sounds could trigger it, and she has the rage response.
My ADHD misophonia is thudding bass from nearby houses or vehicles. I hate it so much.


Ah, the blessing of noise-canceling headphones 🎧 🙌 🎶


This is so my Best Friend and I’m usually the one who triggers her cause I’m the complete opposite on the whole ADHD spectrum 😂


I'm 52 and I am an AuDHDer with Bipolar personality disorder, anxiety, OCD, and C-PTSD. I was feeling triggered watching this video, from the slurping, lights, and the intense tv show, because these kinds of things bother me much.😱 If only people would understand instead of getting mad when I share with them how something is bothering me. I usually get labeled as "too sensitive" or "high maintenance" etc...😢


I always say those things are assaulting my senses 😂


I had no idea that all those things were part of my ADHD. You forgot the one where Bubby talks to you during a movie or show, or during your work from home hours, and you need a pause button on him 😂 I feel so understood!


Sounds are always overwhelming to me. Beeping smoke detectors with dead batteries. The stupid sound cars make when you first start it up. I got a headache because a piece of foil was being blown in the dining room by the ceiling fan. I ignore as much as I can but some things I just can't.

And after sounds being my biggest trigger...smells / scents are second 😂😂😂


Hahaha. I went to the movies with my family on Christmas Eve and wow…the noises were literally making me crazy. This was a theater where you order off a proper menu and servers bring your meal (or whatever you’ve ordered) to your seat. Between the smell of someone’s SALAD with onions and the effing scrapping of the fork on the plate I was hearing ALL the sounds. Crunching popcorn, chewing lettuce, people whispering crinkling and smacking haha 😂. For a moment I really thought I was going to freak out. I had half my head under my scarf while the other half was desperately trying to listen to the movie.
