Do You Have ADHD? or Depression? or Both? #shorts #adhd #depression #mentalhealth

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When somebody has ADHD & depression the depression is considered either primary or secondary. Primary depression is a completely separate condition from ADHD. There isn't any internal or external events that trigger feelings of sadness and despair. There's often a family history of depression. Secondary depression is "because of" ADHD. It's due to years of low self-esteem, frustration, discouragement, because of living with untreated ADHD. It often occurs in teens and adults who's ADHD wasn't recognised and treated when they were younger. Who have come to accept the idea that they "aren't good enough", or they're "lazy", or "irresponsible". In either case, ADHD and Depression can exacerbate one another, so it's important to consider both in treatment.
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When somebody has ADHD & depression the depression is considered either primary or secondary. Primary depression is a completely separate condition from ADHD. There isn't any internal or external events that trigger feelings of sadness and despair. There's often a family history of depression. Secondary depression is "because of" ADHD. It's due to years of low self-esteem, frustration, discouragement, because of living with untreated ADHD. It often occurs in teens and adults who's ADHD wasn't recognised and treated when they were younger. Who have come to accept the idea that they "aren't good enough", or they're "lazy", or "irresponsible". In either case, ADHD and Depression can exacerbate one another, so it's important to consider both in treatment.


When everyone tells you your whole life that you can do anything you put your mind to and you spend that life NEVER acomplishing things you set your mind to.
Your going to be depressed.

I know I am.


i got that special combo of adhd, depression _and_ anxiety! any minor setback sends me into a spiral of despair and new experiences trigger panic attacks! :D


I've never thought about whether my depression is a result of my ADHD. I've just assumed it was separate and clinical the whole time. I'm untreated (diagnosed but went off meds as a teen) and need help but I just can't work up to it at all. I have so many self-esteem issues never mind motivational issues that are barriers to help. I feel completely trapped, and it's hard not to feel like it's a choice I'm making even though I know what the issue is.


It's an interesting journey going from thinking you have primary depression to realising you have ADHD, getting diagnosed, and seeing how your depression is actually secondary to the ADHD and now your life makes so much more sense 😅. The good thing is that my depression has improved hugely with ADHD diagnosis and treatment, and changing my mindset about things because I now don't see things as a character flaw and allow myself a lot more grace and care 🥰


This is why mental health education is so important. I was diagnosed with depression a few years back, with no real reason, and I tried three different antidepressants. None of which had any noticeable effect. Fast forward to a few months ago, I started researching ADHD and identified with nearly every symptom. Suddenly, things started making a lot more sense. I now have an official diagnosis and am getting treated ☺️ while I'm disappointed I didn't know earlier (I'm 22), I'm very glad to be gaining a greater understanding of myself and developing a treatment plan that works for me.


Yup. I was having serious suicidal thoughts around the time I met my boyfriend/now husband. He's the one who made me feel like I am a person with worth as I am. When I was 3-5 years old my mom took me to a Dr who said I had ADHD. She tried to treat me with diet and essential oils. My dad definitely has undiagnosed ADHD and is very abelist. My ADHD went untreated until a couple years ago I at the age of 34 I got an official diagnosis and started medication. Then I decided I wanted to try for a 3rd and final kid. I stopped taking the ADHD medication for that and finally got to start it again this week. In the meantime I got Post Partum Depression. While being treated for that I realized just how badly my ADHD affects my ability to regulate my emotions. Now that I'm being treated for both depression and ADHD I feel calm, adaptive, spontaneous, a little more organized, and a lot more confident!


I'm sadly one of those who weren't recognized early. In December 2021 I was hit hard by depression because I had untreated ADD. I had moved out 2 years prior and never had a functional structure in my daily life. My mom would always clean up for me when my dorm became too messy. That itself greatly decreased my self-esteem. Meanwhile, my amount of sick leave at work was piling up. Finally after an emotional talk with my boss, I finally found courage to get help.
I really wished I had gotten help sooner, since it's currently taking a long time for me to recover. I hope by sharing this, I can get others to reach out for help before it gets way out of hand.
You are not a bad/lazy person.
You just need to be placed on the right path.


Always thought my depression was primary. It's definitely secondary.


Yep, still waiting to get an official diagnosis but yeah I spent years ignoring the feelings of failure and frustration on why I wasn't good enough. In my early to mid twenties I spiraled down eventually (after an abusive relationships, job loss and self medicating) I forgave myself without knowing the reason why just knowing I was a good person and deserved forgiveness. Now I recognise, (I think), my symptoms and how to manage them.


In my situation, I think my anxiety/depression is a symptom of my ADHD. I don't think of them as separate conditions in my case.


Damn this hit deep. I have both but I have no idea which it is. At first I assumed depression must be primary. But when you mentioned “not caught until adulthood” and “lazy” and “irresponsible” I’m like 😧😧😧 wait a minute…. My parents drilled into my head for so many years that I’m so irresponsible. That took years of therapy to undo. And it still creeps back in every now and again. I wonder …


Pretty sure i have both forms of depression 🙃


I don't call it depressed. Fatigued. Anxious. Sleep deprived. But I'm not sad or desperate to hurt myself. I'm just tired of being tired


That's good to know. I was once diagnosed with persistent low-grade depression (I can't remember the actual term, that's the best way to describe it.) There are times when things are going great, and I'm happy. I may still do things associated with depression, like spend time alone because I'm also autistic, and it's easier to be alone. My executive functioning deficiencies mean my house is still a mess, but that's not depression. I can tell when I'm really depressed when the isolation gets extreme, and I haven't done laundry or tried to clean the house in over a month. I agree that my depression stems from not knowing and not being treated for ADHD, and hopefully, in a couple weeks, when I have a doctor's appointment, that will start to change even if it slowly happens.


I've been pretty blessed, I think I'm the only person I know that's around my age that doesn't have Depression or an Anxiety Disorder


This hit hard, 'cause i waited two years for my adhd assessment, did two 4 hour zoom calls with docs and was told to come back in 6 months because there was too much overlap from my depression to accurately diagnose my adhd. smh.


Again, thank you and please continue this wonderful journey you're on spotlighting adhd and its side effects.. I would nominate you spokesperson for adhd awareness and president of accompanying organization. I can't be the only one, in fact, it must be a massive number of people benefiting, being enlightened by the information you're disseminating. Hope life is smiling with you and your circle of influence.


It’s hard when you have been diagnosed with ADHD for over a decade and yet still can’t get doctors to actually treat you. I’ve been so dismissed and written off and made to feel like I have to keep jumping through hoops to even be helped. It can feel so overwhelming, when it takes so much energy to even motivate myself to go get help, to then not be helped, again & again. So, I just feel exhausted, unheard, unseen & uncared for in times when I get so upset that so many different doctors treated me like they were like gods over me and would decide to treat me or not, and decide just not to treat me. I’ve cried in many parking lots at doctors offices. So many don’t care that I’ve been diagnosed by both a psychiatrist & psychologist, or that I was registered through the office of disabilities at my own college. I stopped taking medication because I was pregnant & when I stopped nursing my past son, it has been so hard to even be taken seriously. Some doctors in Fort Worth, Texas still treat ADHD in adults like it’s a pseudoscience. I have been abused by a psychiatrists after having good experiences in the past, which adds to the stress of having to be made to get assessed over & over again. There is a part of my brain that doesn’t function. If I was blind and made to go prove it again & again, it would add to depression for just not being recognized, cared for, & treated for my ADHD. The way we are sent on so many different places, to take the same tests over & over again, to pay again & again, to just try to get medicated for our own disability is very traumatic. It makes one feel like a guinea pig & not a human being treated for their own disability. It’s so hard to get good health care, and that’s with insurance. I can’t fathom how much harder it is for those without insurance. Being so pushed around and treated like you don’t matter, leads to depression.


A friend of mine recently suggested I had ADHD, and I laughed it off at first. She then sent me some videos from your channel and understood. And all of a sudden everything just fell into place. I can not explain how amazing it feels to finally have the words to explain what I have been feeling for years. I actually can not get through any of your videos without tearing up. Thank you for everything you do, it is helping me through some really rough times right now.
