AUDHD Sensory Overload #adhd #autism #sensory #shorts

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Y’know, I’ve always felt like I’ve had some sort of sensory overload in my day to day life but I never knew that what I was feeling (I.e closing curtains, turning off noises, changing clothes) was an acceptable way of dealing with it… thank you for showing me that it can help me and it’s okay to do this :)


I never knew how to describe what I was feeling until I started dating my current partner who experiences a lot of sensory overload. He started to notice when I would get overstimulated and how I didn’t really know how to calm myself down and he helped me find ways to calm down in different situations. All of my exes used to just get angry with me when I started to feel anxious about multiple sounds going on and things like that, so it’s nice to finally have someone who understands


My in laws don't understand that this is a thing. They find it annoying that I become overwhelmed when their kids are screaming, multiple candles and oil diffusers are going, different music is being played on a TV and through a portable speaker while a sports game is on a second TV, and then there are multiple conversations happening all at once.


I never realised that my favourite "chill out outfits" were "sentory safe outfits". Like... Looking at it now, that's exactly what they are! And I wear them on days where it all just feels too much and I want to curl up on a corner with a bit of music and zone out. They're really loose and baggy, and I just feel safe in them. I never really realized what it was doing until you described it like that.


My husband and I both have ASD with symptoms of ADHD. Our daughter is 3 and exhibits the same kinds of overload.
If there's anything I've learned over 27 years, it's that your own community is one of the best foundations. We are like our own island of a family and I've never felt more comfort than that.


To watch these kinds of videos is so damn eye-opening. Society should really stop judging.. we should allow ourselves to do what we best feel doing.


And you know what sucks even more? Having all this and still having to get through work every day... It's extremely exhausting


I am not diagnosed autistic (but think there’s a high likelihood I am) and have been diagnosed ADHD for the majority of my life at this point and your content has made me feel a lot more secure in the ways I can help navigate my day to day and I appreciate that a lot


Sensory overload is not talked about enough. The people around me don’t understand why I can’t just go to the grocery store with out feeling anxious or exauhsted or why too many voices make me unable to be okay


I am 45 years old and this makes me feel more seen than just about anything ever has.

Thank you. ❤️


I just got out of school and had a complete meltdown because I was so overloaded from my joints aching and my clothing being too hot and the school being too cold and all of the things. I felt crappy about it but this was a nice wake up call :) thanks for sharing your life for those of us still learning that these things are okay to feel! It helps lots


I’m 31 and got diagnosed with both autism and adhd in the past two years. I wish I’d had somebody like you when I was younger because I did not understand that this is what I was experiencing or that it wasn’t the norm for everybody. I developed my own coping mechanisms, but they weren’t all particularly useful or healthy. I am so glad for your page even now as an adult who, in a shocking turn of events, really hates change in behavior or routines! There’s always more to learn, and this video made me feel like somebody else understands me. Thank you for that!


I have almost no autistic symptoms besides this. THIS single symptom practically rules my life. With the winter coming im almost always permanently annoyed and close to tears because of LAYERS. Not being able to move in layers, having to wear thick shoes with thick socks, HATS oh my god. It all makes me want to rip off all my clothes and fall into a pile in the floor and just bawl.
I have to start my days early so that my first moments being awake is very quiet and controlled, and my job starts at 5. I dont LIKE having such early shifts, but it's the only way I can start my day in a way that doesn't doom the rest of the day for disaster.
I work in retail, so of course all day I'm on edge and close to tears because there is just. Too. Much. People talking, heat from so many moving bodies, having to focus on work AND customers, trying to list my responsibilities for the day, dealing with flourescent lights, dealing with people's attitudes and energy.
I spend almost every single day, especially after work, in this shut down mode. I dont know what to call it other than just part of being HSP. But damn. This video spoke to my daily experience for the past like 5 years. It's so so hard and overwhelming. It's hard to hang out with friends. It's hard to work on projects. It's hard to participate in hobbies. All my time is spent literally just trying not to have a breakdown over the environment around me and how intense it feels.


I mostly get overstimulated from sounds or if there’s a lot of things I need to do and people keep asking me when I’m going to do the thing they asked me to do when I’m doing something else, it’s mainly a mix of sound and negative emotions, and if I don’t catch myself in a state of overload then I’ll just break down and won’t be able to do anything for like 35 minutes.


This reminds me of this conversation I had with my aunt one time after I had a panic attack because I couldn't contact anyone for help with something. My phone screen was so damaged I couldn't use it, the home phone only worked on WiFi and the WiFi was turned off and I didn't know how to turn it back on. I ended up having an entire breakdown in the hallway for about two hours before I snapped back and realized I could just drive the 15 minutes to her office.
She asked me how often I freak out like that and I said "well not very often but when I do it usually lasts a while". She said something very dismissive implying I don't know how to regulate my emotions but also saying that I need to keep my feelings in because "no one wants to see that". But she also asked how much time I use (the way she said it she meant how much to I waste) freaking out when I get stressed or overwhelmed. And I said I usually end up spending a day getting back to normal. And she said I shouldn't.
Made me think though like, I would much rather "lose" a single day to stress and anxiety and regulate all day kind of pampering myself than to be constantly stressed and overwhelmed because I don't take a proper break to make my brain work. Idk, she ended up showing her colors later and I don't talk to her anymore.
Anyway, spend your day! Take the time that you need. I do that now and don't care what people say about it. In taking care of myself and that's what's important.


I had this on Monday- I ended up taking the day off from work and felt so guilty about it. Thank you for sharing this, it feels incredibly brave to me and made me feel like I’m not alone 💛✨


I swear this is what I am seeing with my daughter. She is always so eager to be involved but randomly some days she just seems off. It feels like everything annoys her and see can't seem to settle, relax and focus on tasks. I bet this is what it is.


Thank you for this video. It shows me to be more compassionate with myself when I'm severely over stimulated and my plans for the day change because of it


Thank you for posting this. I just started allowing myself to rest like this and it is so recovering for me mentally and spiritually. Sometimes I shame myself for being “lazy” or not capable to do more, but seeing this is really reassuring and I don’t feel alone.


Thank you so much for sharing this. I'm currently overwhelmed with sensory overload right now so watching what you did really helped me find some things I can do to calm down. I love your videos, they're so helpful!
