Can You Treat Narcissism and Narcissistic Personality Disorder?

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Narcissism is majorly misunderstood. Most of the time it’s lumped into a picture of an extreme conceptualization of a resistant, demonstrative, grandiose individual. However, the reality is that it’s on a continuum like all other disorders. This means mild, moderate, severe, and extreme. In this video were going to unpack the concept of narcissism, the 2 types, and the question, can these individuals benefit from treatment? The big question is it possible and can it be done? Watch to find out.

Most individuals along the narcissistic spectrum do not seek treatment.
To understand this we need to talk about the 2 sides to the same coin of narcissism. On one side is the grandiose type of narcissism and on the other is the vulnerable type of narcissism. These two forms of narcissism share several characteristics such as self-centeredness, exaggerated sense of self-importance and entitlement, disagreeableness, and a tendency to interact with others in an antagonistic manner. The difference is in how these manifest.

The grandiose type is what most of think of when we hear narcissism:
grandiose sense of self-importance (e.g., exaggerates achievements and talents, expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements).

Individuals with vulnerable narcissism are described as defensive, avoidant, insecure, hypersensitive and vigilant for criticism but they also need people’s recognition (e.g., admiration) to bolster their self–worth.
They have very low levels of self-esteem, tend to be solitary and reserved, detached from others, critical, callous, selfish, cold, resistant to participate in situations, as well as sensitive and nervous.

The reality is that those with narcissism do come to treatment when they incur a narcissistic wound. It is important to recognize that the wound may drive them to treatment but when it heals to a point of ego stability, they usually leave treatment early.

Despite the lack of treatment outcome research on NPD, there is a wealth of clinical treatment reports. These reports share two common similarities: (1) narcissism is difficult to treat and the treatments are not often effective, and (2) one key in treatment is to form a strong alliance with the client. This alliance is crucial to encouraging the client to remain in therapy.

Daniel J. Fox, Ph.D., is a licensed psychologist in Texas, international speaker, and a multi-award winning author. He has been specializing in the treatment and assessment of individuals with personality disorders for over 15 years in the state and federal prison system, universities, and in private practice. His specialty areas include personality disorders, ethics, burnout prevention, and emotional intelligence.

He has published several articles in these areas and is the author of:

Pincus, A. L., & Lukowitsky, M. R. (2010). Pathological narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder. Annual review of clinical psychology, 6, 421-446.
Campbell, W. K., & Baumeister, R. F. (2006). Narcissistic personality disorder. In Practitioner’s guide to evidence-based psychotherapy (pp. 423-431). Springer, Boston, MA.
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I see a lot of comments saying that narcissists enjoy hurting other people and this and that. As one who is working on not being one, I can confidently say I do not enjoy hurting people. It was really just me being ignorant to the world around me. I never noticed if I was being an asshole or not because I was so focused on myself and why I felt so down all the time. Looking outward instead of inward is really helping me recently. I also keep repeating to myself "I'm not special" whenever something slightly inconvenient happens and I start to get angry. All I can do is try to be a better person from here on and hope that I can one day repay those who I've hurt. I wish I could've come across videos like these 8 years ago.


The key is treatment and it must be done like treating a child not a adult. People with full N.P.D their core is a broken child.


A person with NPD is like a drowning victim—
If you try to swim over to save them, be very careful because they will grab you and pull you down with them and you’ll both drown—
Orrr the rescuer will get extremely battered and scratched trying to save them.
I’m not saying let them drown..
I’m saying throw them a life preserver or something and protect yourself.


I heard narcissist are mentally stuck at the age they get traumatized at, I’m a narcissist and I want to mature and improve I just don’t know what do anymore


It is wonderful to see someone that genuinely cares for the person with narcissistic traits. My wife committed today that she will get evaluated because our marriage is literally falling apart. I have read multiple books and watched hundreds of hours of videos and this video is probably the only one I would be willing to show my wife that I don't believe would push her away because it focuses on what the person is suffering with in a compassionate way. I hope my wife follows through with the evaluation and treatment because we have been married for 22 years and even though she is not diagnosed, the patterns of the behavior have overwhelmingly blossomed and to destructive patterns. I hate how my identity has literally been erased with how she sees me, but I hear someone inside crying out and hopefully, and God willing, this is the first step to healing in a healthy way.


I've just realised I have many of the symptoms of narcissism. I can't actually believe it...I really want to get this fixed because I am very unhappy with my life deep down.


I think there's hope with anyone who is willing to change. I think with inverted narcs like me can be treated from it, because it's like an addiction for us and change our ways to healthy functional ways. And ofc.. it's because i want to be healthy and healed.


A friend who studies psychology recently said to me "A lot of people don't want to let go of their trauma because it makes them special." This is obviously especially true for covert narcissists, but I think it is true for MANY people and important for everyone to reflect on...


Hallelujah! It is so, so, so HARD to find ANYONE who is optimistic about narcissists being able to change! It is entirely possible. I AM one!😊


I'm sometimes worried that I myself might be a covert narcissist and I'm glad to hear that there ARE successful cases of treatment. I get scared whenever I hear or read stuff that basically sounds as though narcissism seems to be an uncurable genetical neverchanging illness-thing that forces you to be an as***le for your entire life who has to be left forever alone.


Who voted down? This man is the epitomy of personality disorder info. He is not wrong. ♥️♥️♥️ I'm so grateful for what he's done for me over the internet, for free... He's the best of the best.


I'm a narcissist, I will be seeing someone to seek help soon. I'm just afraid there's no hope to change, afraid I won't like my psychologist. But I know that I'm just making excuses to convince myself to not go. So I'm not gonna listen to that part of me, the part that hurt others, I can see it coming out of their mouthes but I can't see it myself

Edit: I have been seeing a therapist for a year, I was gaslighted to believe and almost off myself because of how guilty I felt. I felt so much guilt for things I didn't do


Thank you for being positive about treatment for NPD! A lot of therapists aren't.


I always thought myself I was sensible and emotional and very empathic but the last days I reflected what I did and what I said in front of other people and realized that I did everything for my self-image. I told good friends of mine that they shouldn‘t do certain things and instead should do this or they should buy this. I don‘t know if I am a real narcissist or if I only have some traits of a narcissist. I only know that I will start therapy because I know that something isn’t right the way I am. My deepest wish is that I can someday give my family and friends something back for everything they did for me. 😕


You just explained all my traits man wtf i see why I ruin all my relationships I need therapy


I don’t want to effect the people around me negatively


Oh no, I'm a narc. I just thought I was anxious.. I'm anxious because I'm a narc. I run a business, it has been tough, my partner has pet my kitty at every step. Anytime something goes wrong at work I feel overwhelmed and anxious and whilst I handle it ok (usually, at work with the employees, I don't flip out in front of them, I take some time and respond in a more productive calculated manor) however, my partner catches my response in realtime and that response is soo over the top doom and gloom and I become very snappy towards her. This video explained a lot


In my own personal experience I have observed that it can be both for them, grandiose and vulnerable depending on time and circumstance. They warp seemingly fluidly btw both ‘types’ at times.


Will not reveal their behavior in public.


I was raised by a covert narc and have known a few others. The foundation for all the narcissistic behaviours seems to me is their incredible insecurity. Maybe addressing this fundamental aspect would help the most.
