TMJ Exercises #1 --- Jaw Pain Help --- Teeth Grinding

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Stretch your clenching muscles, strengthen muscles that oppose clenching and exercise your tongue as you help your TMJ tracking improve. Best done in conjunction with care in our office using chiropractic techniques, extracorporeal shockwave therapy, class IV laser therapy or other modalities.

TMJ Exercises #1 | Jaw Pain Help

TMJ Exercises #2 | Jaw Pain and Teeth Grinding Help

TMJ Exercises #3 | Intra-Oral Massages and Stretches for Jaw Pain

TMJ Exercises #4 | Exercises for Jaw Popping and Pain

TMJ Exercises #5 | Posture Exercises for Jaw Pain

TMJ Exercises #6 | Acupressure for Jaw Pain

TMJ Exercises #7 | Locked Jaw Relief

TMJ Exercises #8 / Massage Gun for TMJ

Dr Fields is a practicing chiropractor in Northern California
0:00 Start
:05 Chin tucks
1:04 Open and close mouth with resistance
1:38 Occipital lifts
2:34 Tongue range of motion exercises
3:45 Open mouth jaw waggling
4:15 Masseter pressure massage with mouth opening
5:08 Open mouth with tongue press and good posture
5:55 Sub occipital massage
7:18 Open mouth exercise
8:04 Masseter massage
8:30 Open mouth exercise
9:20 Breathing with focus on peace

Рекомендации по теме

Please do not EVER delete this. A lot of us who wrote comments here are in other countries. Incredible gentle manner, soft guidance, excellent form when explaining. Thank you.


OMG!! I can't believe it 3 days ago I had a click in my left side of my jaw. I got really worried and didn't want to open my mouth. Doing these exercises have stopped this clicking in less than 2 days. This guy is a genius. Use this like button as an appreciation button


I've had TMJ for about 10 consecutive years, and not a single treatment/exercise video has EVER helped me, not a single one, so i just adapted to suffering with a jaw problem continually getting worse.This is the ONLY video that I felt actually work. I watched it first two days ago, and my jaw had felt a lot less clenched, and then two days later I tried the exercises again. I felt and heard the pop that had straightened my jaw out and i yelled "Holy shit" immediately after in disbelief, then looked at a bathroom to see my bottom teeth were actually properly aligned with the top. The left side of my jaw had been clenched for 10+ years. That mixed with a 2-year relationship going down the drain this past 2 weeks threw me into a major depression. This video actually feels like it was a life changing fresh start with all the bad luck I've been having lately. I cannot emphasize how thankful I am for this video. The rolling eyes to the opposite side of the cheek my tongue was pressed against was what finally did it for me, on the third day of using this video's exercises.


I love the way you do the exercises with us instead of just telling us how many reps, etc. It's so nice not having to stop and start the video after each one. Thank you so much!


Please don’t ever delete this video, it’s soooo helpful. Thank you dearly!!


For the past two years I have had pain in my jaw that makes it difficult to eat at times. Once a year it randomly lets off for a month or so, but the rest of the time it hurts all day, every day.
Lately it's been hurting me to smile and it's even been keeping me up at night, much worse than it's ever been. Yesterday, in desperation (before booking a dentist appointment for it), I hopped on youtube to try to learn about what was happening.

I found your video. I did your exercises. I have now been 100% pain-free since I first did them 3 days ago- this, to me, is a kind of miracle. I've not had control over this pain for over two years. I had assumed I would feel that pain for the rest of my life. I have never found ANYTHING that helps.

I can not thank you enough for posting this video. You have no idea what you've done for my quality of life by helping me to get rid of this persistent, increasingly-debilitating pain :) I'll be doing these exercises every day from now on!


Dear Adam,
I was/am struggling with TMJ disorder for about three years. I searched everywhere for a solution, but the pain never left me. I found your video one day, and it completely changed my life! I wish you and your family the best. Thanks for your generosity to share your invaluable knowledge with us. I will be forever indebted to you.


The immediate relief I felt in my jaw brought tears to my eyes. It unlocked all the tension in my neck, shoulders, and around my ears. It even cleared up my sinuses. Incredible


I’ve been doing these exercises for months on a daily basis, it was so painful at the beginning, now I do them with such ease. I use to be aware of my jaw 24/7 because I couldn’t find a comfortable spot for it, now I barely think about it. I am forever grateful for you!


I found these videos in 2020 when I was going through a miserable time with my TMJ, I did these everyday for 3 months and it was like I was a new person, all of my symptoms went away… Unfortunately some symptoms came back recently and I started doing these again, I’m on day 4 and happy to say it’s working like a miracle again. Thank you so much again for these videos, I feel like they save my life 🙏


I love how you're like pumped workout guy during the meditation. "Your Whole body is relaxing keep going" "really feel the burn of that inner peace"


I’m from Italy! Reading all these comments gives me hope that one day my jaw issues will get better. I grind my teeth at night and I’ve been using a mouth guard for 3 years now. My tinnitus is over the top - and I’m only 29. After this video I feel less tense, but I hope this sensation will last ❤


Did anyone that was suffering from TMJ also feel daily headaches? Especially after waking up?


This is by far the best jaw stretch/exercise video I've found online.


I've been dealing with tmj for almost 15 years. Words cannot describe how grateful I am for you, sir. It didn't get rid of the pain completely the first time I tried it, but it cut the pain out pretty substantially. Thank you thank you thank you.


Please never delete this! I can’t tell you how much it helped me. I have horrible bruxism at night which lead to jaw pain, headaches, biting my tongue and sleep apnea. After doing this I literally had the best sleep in weeks (4 days and counting)


When he said 'feel the pain', man, I felt that.


These exercises has given me relief already after just doing them one time. TMJ pain had me feeling like I was going crazy! Thank you so much for this!


Ok so I want to share my successtory here. What I had: more than 10 years of neck pain, back pain, nerve numbness all over my body, jaw pain, ear pain, headaches, an uneven looking face, never could keep my head straight, had bad sleep, ... I also have bruxism since I was a child. I couldn't keep my arms in the air for more than 10 seconds, I had bad posture etc... Nobody was able to tell me where I should start to fix all that. Physical therapy sessions only helped a bit. But I decided to do my research and be my own physical therapist, because I knew something was causing an imbalance in my body. Last week I found that imbalance, even if it was there already the whole time in front of me: my jaw. I saw this video and did all those exercises, and they helped quite a lot. I did so many chin tucks and it really helped a LOT for my neck. But a few days ago I found the number one thing that fixed everything: releasing the pterygoid muscles in my mouth. A few times a day, I palpate and squeeze the pterygoids for a minute. I only do it on the side where I lacked mobility in my jaw. It's crazy, my teeth/jaw are now aligned correctly, I feel the stress coming of the jaw and I feel it through whole my body. It's really weird because for the first time in many years I keep my head and teeth straight, which feels weird. I feel more balanced, flexible and I have good posture now. Just by doing one simple muscle release.


Self care over health care!! Yes!!! This has helped me tremendously. Listening to your body and taking time for yourself is so important. We often don’t look for help until we are just miserable. Thank you!!
