Particle Physics (27 of 41) What is a Photon? 11. Volume (Density) of Photons

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In this video I will calculate how many photons strike 1m^2 of Earth's surface per second.

Next video in the Particle Physics series can be seen at:
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Professor, I continue to stumble upon more and more of your lectures that are answering so many of my questions. I really appreciate your videos!


Why do you calculate for a CUBIC meter instead of a SQUARE meter?? Are you implying that a square meter of photons will travel one meter in one second?


Would that makes width of one photon 44.4 micrometer?

OK, now ask the same question within a visible spectrum?


You need to keep re-emphasizing the fact that that is 3.4210^21 photons in that 3x10^8 m^3 volume of space passing through EACH SECOND. I know you said it, but you should write it: don't write 3.4210^21 photons but write 3.4210^21 photons/second.


Hi, dear Professor
I appreciate your amazing lectures, including this one. However, if you don't mind, let me guess there's a mistake in counting of photons per volume. To count them per cubic metre for example, it should be multiplication ✖️ not division ➗ process.
Would you agree?


Mr. Professor, thanks to this video I am able to calculate how many chromophoric centers in a sun cream I need, to dissipate sun energy in a period of time. Unbelievable.


Huge thanks for your help of understanding plus loving physics again. l've watched several videos of you and never miss a point. lf you saw my lecturer's note you would understand me why l started to think about suicide because l'm a stupid student who can never understand basic perpectives of physics. lf my notes were in English l would really want you to see what we've been taught. Again thanks for your effort. l really appreciate that.


Does that mean that a photon is trillions of times bigger than a proton, or it is just a matter of density?


I STILL do not understand te connection between or know the formula that connects POWER of a light source to the ENERGY E = hv where h = Planck's constant.


Light is perturbations of the Aether field. Compression of the Aether field, until it bounces off the coaxial circuit of the Inertial plane. FLASH so called photons. Rarefaction of the Aether field. Repeat!
"The smaller the spacial footprint, the higher the capacitance", = The Inertial plane/Counterspace.
Light does not have a speed. Light has a rate of induction. Light needs both transverse waves, Dielectric energy and Dielectric voidence field/Magnetism. Lights rate of induction is the rate of creation of Magnetism. Because both transverse waves are needed to create Tesla Nodes, that EM waves travel on/in.


It seems the most obvious & logical explanation for a #particle acting like an #AxialWave when moving thru space is that it's orbiting something (a dark matter particle perhaps) or visa versa.

It's not unlike Earth being pulled into a wobble by the moon, or a distant star's wobble evidencing planet orbits making our trajectory as we fly thru space have an axial wave (packet) as well.

And since we think we know undetectable dark matter exists but don't yet know where it's distributed, this seems the most logical possibility. What do you think?

This could explain the double slit experiment results, including with a detector with some interaction between the dark matter and the detector.


This video would have made much more sense to me if you had calculated the FLUX of photons: the number of photons of sunlight passing through a square meter per second.


What type of technology are you wearing on the back of your belt?


How do discrete chunks of energy turn into a beam, which implies continuity.
