Particle Physics (31 of 41) What is a Photon? 15. Mie Scattering - Radar Cross Section

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In this video I will explain the graph of the principle of Mie scattering of particles the size of 1/10 of a wavelength to 1 wavelength.

Next video in the Particle Physics series can be seen at:
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Thanks for the lecture. These videos are great as preliminary material before studying Mie scattering in depth.


Michel van Biezen, would you say it is a geometrical process? You say, “Scattering depends upon pi πr² squared” is this because we have spherical 4π geometry? Does this info point towards quantization not being a property of the field, but just of the energy transfer processes between field and matter, between photon ∆E=hf and electrons? In your other videos you explain that light photon ∆E=hf energy is continuously transforming potential energy into the kinetic Eₖ=½mv² energy of matter, in the form of electrons. Kinetic energy is the energy of what is actually ‘happening’. Therefore, I ask the question could we have a geometrical process formed by the spontaneous absorption and emission of light photon energy that is continuously forming a probabilistic uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future?


Spatiul fizic este materializat de materia inponderabila necoeziva, inelastica si neinertiala.

Physical space is materialized by weightless non-cohesive, inelastic and non-inertial matter.


Hello Michel, I'm studying this topic(Mie Scattering) these days and I'm trying to find a good book to study it. I've already read something in Jackson and Bohren Huffman. But I'd like to get one which really discuss the physical meaning of Angular momentum in this theory, and these nice things that aren't discussed in the conventional books.

Congrats for u channel! I haven't thought about that explanation about headlight in fog days :P Really nice!


Scattering: In the Apple🍎 experiment, the bullet strikes the apple leaving a cone around itself due to scattering.
The force photon at 'c' is the bullet that tears into vacuum of space, getting deflected from the axis of propagation into a sine electromagnetic wave ray.
The cone and bullet merge where a perfect circle ⭕ defines the photon. At any point, it would have momentum to impart, but no mass. It's force confined in vacuum of Aether or free space, and propagating at 'c'.


can u pls expalin the formula for y axis. effectiveness vs cross-section.


what happens if the particles of irragular shapes and sizes??


Fotonul pare a fi unda, fiindca are structura periodica si fiindca se misca cu viteza uniform rectilinie. Dar asta este doar o aparenta. Fotonul este structura dinamica similara motorului electric liniar, care luneca hidrodinamic prin spatiul vid materializat de oceanul eteric inponderal si neinertial, necoeziv si inelastic, in care nu poate functiona mecanismul undelor, care cere transformarea succesiva a energiei unui camp in energia celuilalt camp. In vid nicio vibratie, numai translatie.
The photon seems to be a wave, because it has a periodic structure and because it moves at a uniformly rectilinear speed. But that's just an appearance. The photon is a dynamic structure similar to the linear electric motor, which slides hydrodynamically through the empty space materialized by the ethereal and noninertial etheric ocean, noncohesive and inelastic, in which the wave mechanism cannot function, which requires the successive transformation of one field energy into other field energy. In vacuum no vibration, only translation.


I'm confused of the message you are trying to convey, is the line on the chart showing the size of a specific target and how it's RCS is changing by its wavelength and thus its detection vulnerability, or is it showing what RCS is best detectable at certain frequencies?
