Particle Physics (1 of 41) The Atom: 'What Is It?'

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In this video I will introduce the atom, what is an atom, and its history

Next video in the Particle Physics series can be seen at:
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You just stunned me with this series, sir!
99.999% of videos & online stuff on particle physics deal ONLY with electrons, neutrons, protons.
NEVER with this zoo of particles that physicists keep talking about exists. NEVER about the rare exotic particles.
But, you do! I did a YouTube search for someone to lecture me about these exotic particles,
and to my happy surprise, I was directed back to you & your wonderful series of videos!


Discovered your channel some days ago and i'm surprised by the amount of lessons, they're rich in detail and information and you organize the playlists pretty well! I find your explanations to be simple and fundamental and i can understand the content better this way. Thank you for disponibilizing so much awesome content for free, please keep up the good work!


Looking forward to watch them all. Great presentation.


Michel van Biezen, thanks for your effort in putting this together. Very informative. I really enjoyed it.


Excellent video presentation of physics.
Thank you, Dr. van Biezen.


best lecture on particle i ever learned!!


An atom is electrons, protons & neutrons, but most of space within atom is occupied by electric & magnetic field due to presence & motion of charged particles. If density of EM field exceeds a certain limit the atom breaks up. Lower density of EM field produces pulls force which holds nucleus & atom together. I think it is the EM field of atom which shapes & control internal dynamics of an atom & is responsible for whatever an atom & its constituents do.


I watched the entire course and found it pretty informative in terms of information and mathematics. But you focused in the last twenty plus videos on photons only. Some photon-electron interaction but otherwise nothing about the other particles like the other leptons or the baryons or their interaction with each other or with photons. Moreover you said nothing much of value about neutrinos or their properties. Nonetheless I do appreciate your videos. Thanks for creating them....


I am from Pakistan, how to download your lectures sir. I don't want to miss any video and want to keep it with my life. but here is no download option . so what I can do for these?


what grade level is this material? Throughout this series on Particle Physics.
