Train Like PAVEL TSATSOULINE: 5 Exercises - 5 Reps - 5 Sets

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Maybe you’ve asked yourself the question: How does Pavel Tsatsouline train?

One of his programs jumped at me: The 5x5x5 Mind Over Muscle System.

So here’s my personal spin on Pavel’s program - since we want to confine its structure to kettlebell only.

Let’s check out the exercises first.

5 x Double Deadlift
5 x Double Press
5 x Double Reverse Lunge
5 x Double Front Squat
100 M Farmer’s Walk

The minimalist approach to this training schedule makes it easy to digest.

We do 5 reps per exercise.

We do 5 working sets reps per exercise; always leaving a couple of reps in the tank.

I intentionally deviate from Pavel’s routine since his focus in that regard are mostly barbell exercises.

Since we’re using kettlebells, 5 Sets should add enough volume to compensate for this.

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There are already great recommendations in the comments as to substitute particular exercises with calisthenics (pull ups), Rows, Swings etc. I'm grateful that we're building a helpful, inspiring community that comes up with great ideas on their own! Keep them coming so we can use some of your feedback for future workout videos! - Gregory


Farmers walk is such an awesome exercise. It seriously got me so strong when I started using it regularly


Thank you so much for this. I’m 143 pounds down and counting with my kettlebell training and this has helped so much! I’ve been doing warehouse work and it gets to be quite repetitive so these videos with new routines have helped me keep that side of life fresh and exciting! Much love from Texas ♥️


Best tool I ever bought, for the price, looks great, i mean not much details but it is just perfect


Longtime fan, first post. Your work is awesome! I always appreciate your commentary. Any possible links to the posts you mentioned at the beginning?


I always appreciate the Lebe Stark interpretation of Pavel's methods.


Hi Gregory. I recently lost my sister, just 5 months ago. Prior to that I was using kettle bells 4 days a week, and she even started trying them with me in attempt to get healthy, physically and spiritually. Since we lost her, I just haven't been able to even look at them. Today will be my first time picking them up. Looking forward to watching you again.

Also, I pray your brother is healed up and well, we don't know what we have until we don't anymore. Much love 🙏


I think for a perfect specific "kettlebell" workout I will try it adding "clean and press" instead of just press, although that maybe it will be change to 6x5x5 :-)


Great exercises, the only thing that's odd seems the choice of kettlebells for me. Who has double 44s at home? A single 44 is around 200€, so if all you're going to do with them is deadlifts and farmers walks, you're better off getting a hex bar and some weight plates.


How about a single kettlebell? I only have a 16kg and 24kg. Thanks coach!


Is there rest between each of the 5 sets? I am assuming the 5 exercises are done one after another with a rest between sets?


how much rest between each exercise and set is recommended? thanks in advance


I just saw this after I asked about it on ig, lol sry


That routin looks very good to me. I will check it after I finish again metcon 6 by Chandler Marchman ( great guy btw). Pavel started a whole new era I my way of training after I readed, ,beyond boudybuilding, , . I have big respect for this guy but what happen in Ukraine now gives me bad opinion about russian peopel. I like your channel. Good job. Some day I will try your workouts.


Good work as always. Could you do a video explaining the different types of workouts and their main focus ? Like why to choose an EMOM, a ladder, a pyramid or a simple sets and reps. Why to choose 3, 5 or 10 reps and 3, 5 or 10 sets or work for time. And explain the work and rest ratio and its influence on your workout. Thanks.


The only thing I would add would be either kettlebell rows or Pull-Ups
However given the limitations of kettlebells, I might substitute swings in for the deadlifts


I also like the minimalistic approach. However, I feel that a hip hinge, a squat, a lunge, a press, and a carry leave out the back. Yes, the back has to actively stabilize. But I feel this is lacking a row. If it was down to me, I would swap out the lunge for a heavy gorilla row and then this would be a perfect strength workout if you have the weights available. In fact my barbell training back in the gym looked very similar:

Back Squat, Rumanian Deadlift, Bench Press, Pull-ups

Deadlift, Front Squat, Strict Press, Row

As you guys have pointed out before, there is the right tool for the the right goal and I feel for this 5x5x5 approach barbells are a bit better suited, because the exercises don’t really utilise the kettlebell in the best way possible as you can’t microload them and would need to achieve overload via volume and thereby messing up the 5x5 volume system. Plus, who’s got a double kettlebell rack up to 44kg at home!?

So for home training, I rather stick with my 12, 16, 20 and 24kg kettlebells and perform swings, squats, clean and press, tgu, snatches, push-ups, pull-ups, ring dips, rows, lunges and carries and try to increase volume over time, but mix exercises kind of like you guys do in the monday live workouts. Has been working well so far!


I've done this a few times and love it. The heaviest kettle bells I have are 24k, so I use a barbell for deadlifts and do pull ups instead of the farmers walk. It's feasible for people with kids and a job. Leaves me nice and sore the day after.


Hello, greetings to everyone!i would like to ask if we adapt that method 5-5-5 and use it to other exercises such us... Bulgarian bag, steel mace and kettelbel of course, is it ok? I mean for example instead of those exercises to do swings, cleans mace etc.Or that program works ONLY with those exercises??
Thank you!


great channel and great content! could you do a version of this for those of us who do not have double kettlebells at our disposal?
