10 Foods You NEED To BUY NOW - Prepper Pantry And Emergency FOOD Storage EASY (Last FOREVER)

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Hey y’all! Food SHORTAGES ARE HERE.. 10 Items that you should stockpile now, budget friendly and last forever!! Cheap and Easy to do.
#themacs #survival #prepper #foodshortage #shtf #pantry #prepperpantry #stockpile #prepping #emergencypreparedness

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Pure, Raw honey is expensive, but I am a bee keeper in NC, and I promise you that I spend far more money than I ever make. It's a labor of love for the honeybees. They help our gardens to flourish, as much as they pollinate to make honey. If you knew the sweat, hard work, heartache, and real tears that go into beekeeping, honey would seem priceless. To watch honeybees, is truly watching our Devine Creator at work. Thanks Mac family for all of your videos!! ❤🐝🍯


I counted 11 items, not 10, but all good ideas:
1. Honey, local, unfiltered
2. wheat berries
3. powdered eggs
4. salt
5. sugar- raw, brown
6. instant dry potato flakes, no chemicals
7. instant coffee
8. ghee, coconut oil
9. dry beans- garbanzo, lentils
10. baking soda
11. vinegar


👍Purple hull peas and cornbread. A little raw onion on the side, a meal fit for a king.


Because I am on a soft and liquid diet we eat a lot of yogurt which would be hard to make from powdered milk, for all other uses powdered milk would be fine. We all so have 75# of rolled organic oats in 25# bags, bulk quinoa and amaranth. The only meat I can eat is chicken in my great homemade With other meats the fibers are too long. Oral cancer is not fun but I'm here four years out and enjoying life.


From Australia. Organic molasses contains vitamins and minerals. Very good for preventative health and recovering from illness.


Thank you again for a reminder list for us as my husband decided we stop buying!! We live in England. So thanks from me as I will buy some more of these items.
All our big supermarkets..
Tesco, Sainsbury's etc have now got barriers up and say it's to stop thieves!! I believe they are getting ready for food shortages and people flooding into the stores to take as many food items they need. If you self scan your shopping you need to swipe your receipt so that the barrier opens to let you out.
God bless you all and keep smiling cause the Lord has our backs.


I've added popcorn kernels to our prepper pantry. In fact, we purchased a 25 lbs bag from Azure Standards.


1) Honey - best to buy local - 2 min
2) Wheat berries - 3 min
3) Powdered or dehydrated eggs - 4 min
4) Salt coarse and/or fine - 5 min
5) Brown sugar most raw form - 6 min
6) Instant dry patato flakes - 7 min
7) Coffee Instant - 8:30
8) Canned butter or ghee - 10:19
9) Dry beans - Lentils - 12 min
10) Baking soda - natural form - 14 min
11) Vinegar - 15 min


I am doing a little at a time and it is getting there. We use some of our pantry and rotate it. My friend said that is for long term, you can't use it. I say wrong. I get an 10 extra items each month to put back along with foods I used to replace. We only shop monthly which works for me, Do what you can but keep doing something. God's blessing to you and yours


Vinegar is actually great for sunburns also. It helps heal and stops burning! My grandma used it on us kids when we got sunburnt.


You are a wise young man. As a baby boomer I was never taught about such things as preserving or using natural products or herbs. We did learn a lot of good things in school, and I am grateful, but I really respect your knowledge!


If you are gluten-sensitive, you can store spelt berries instead of wheat berries. Spelt is an older form of wheat and is low-gluten.


I planted 1 Jerusalem Artichoke last April. The 6ft Daisy like tree grew and now I have 70-80 more plants as tubers. They taste similar to potatoes. Not picky about soil or water. They multiply like crazy!


You can also get cleaning vinegar only for cleaning not for putting in food. Awesome video as usual 🤗👍👍


Some people drink wine after dinner and some of us drink coffee on the porch it is relaxing and a time to reflect and spend time with your spouse and maybe company just depends on your preference . I love coffee. ☕🍵


Not only do I love your video, but the great comments below too.


LOCAL honey cures seasonal allergies as well. I heard the bees pollinate what you're allergic to and there honey gives you immunity. I tried this 2 yrs ago and within 5 days my allergies were gone. I only eat local honey now and haven't had allergies since.


Great video and share of information. Much respect to the beekeepers. Such a healing property due to the frequency the bees produce.


Rose red homestead has an awesome video on how to make your own ghee!


If you can, pick up canning salt. I am adding more cucumbers this year, so I added canning salt to my list.
