Does Calvinism Make God Evil? Can Arminians Call Calvinism Unjust?

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Many Arminians and Provisionalists including Jerry Walls and Leighton Flowers argue that God under Calvinism is unjust and unloving. But are they judging God by doing so? Can Christians meaningfully critugue the justice, love, or goodness of God under Calvinism without making themselves the standard of what God can and cannot do? In this video, we discuss this in the context of the Euthyphro dilemma to answer these questions.
Subject: Does Calvinism Make God Evil? Can Arminians Call Calvinism Unjust?

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Yes we can argue Calvinists are making God unjust. It doesn’t come from nowhere but from what God Himself reveals about His character. If Calvinism is true then God is guilty of failing to live up to His own standard. Pharaoh is portrayed as evil when he commands the Israelites to meet the same quota while removing their ability to meet that quota. If Calvinism is true, then God is condemning Pharaoh for being exactly like Himself. Calvinism is evil by its own standards and should be rejected thus.


Both Calvinism and Arminianism are false. It is also used as a false dichotomy. Bible Believers are none of those false things. We believe what God says. God never elects someone to have salvation. Never. Literally no Bible verse says this, rather, God elects for service and or blessings. Example, God chose the Apostles. Not chosen to salvation, but for a purpose to preach the Gospel of Christ to all nations. Judas was chosen, and never saved. Another example, the Jews. They were "elected" by God, but not all Jews are saved. ----


Blessings to you brother, you seem to be defining the word just as good or morally correct but the definition also implies fairness and impartiality as well. I think you are overlooking these aspects of the definition of the word. So are Calvin’s doctrines fair and impartial?


under classical theism you cannot judge God because he is not a moral agent so if he determines a world with people that go to hell he is not unjust because you would hold him under some kind of moral standard
of course you could just reject classical theism though


I would like to invite you to a Discord fellowship server, which is actually a VERY good server, but there is a reformed thread running through it, and I do desire more brothers who are not reformed and CARE about the issue to come and hang out with us.
