Is the Calvinist God the Author of Evil? w/ William Lane Craig

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Is the Calvinist God the Author of Evil? w/ William Lane Craig

Dr. William Lane Craig explains why he believes that Calvinism is forced to conclude that God is the author of evil.

#god #bible #calvinism #debate #apologetics #theology
Are you tired of all the confusion in the Catholic Church? So was I! For this reason, I decided to intensely study the Catholic Magisterium in order to discern between what people say about the Catholic Church vs. what it actually says and teaches. If you are a confused Catholic, or are discerning becoming a Catholic, Reason & Theology offers you an in-depth examination of the situation in the Catholic Church that will help make sense of the confusion.

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The awesome thing about this channel is the dude not only looks like Henry VIII but is also a legit Defender of the Faith


Accusing Calvinists of accepting that God is the 'author of evil' does not make sense.
Predestination and free will are compatible and not contradictory views.
Regardless of how evil came to be and its purpose, it is an inessential debate or speculation.
Some theological concepts, like the Trinity, are best accepted as they are.
As he is absolutely sovereign, before creation, not only did God predetermine everything, but he HAD to predetermine everything.
The notion that any part of God's creation is not determined is unsupported biblically and rationally.
And it is against God being an absolutely sovereign god.


Below is what JohnCalvin wrote about relation between God and evil:

Then we shall understand that God is not made the author of evil deeds when he said to lead the ungodly where he wills and to accomplish and execute his work through them, but rather we shall acknowledge that he is a wonderfully expert craftsman who can use even bad tools well.
Calvin: The Bondage and Liberation of the Will, Book 2, page 40
Lane, A.N.S. (editor)
Davies, G.I. (translator)

But it is God who created those "bad tools", isn't it?


Calvinism isn't saying He's the author of evil. He allows free-will within the bandage of the spirit one is in.


Yes it does. Calvin writes in Book 3 of the Institutes that God at His own pleasure willed the Fall and with it the ruin of man's posterity. That settles it.


I have a family member that's a Calvinist and he brought up a point that I've never heard before. He was saying that you can see it all through the Old testament that he picks his elect people specifically the Jews and the lineage of Abraham and so why would he switch it now that he saves the whole world?

I did point out the gospel of John that he died for all of us. But of course the his interpretation was that means" all types of men not all men" was the rebuttal even though the text doesn't say that.


All protestantism is false and the devil rejoices in the heresies and errors of all these religious denominations outside of holy mother church, but I will say Calvinism has to be at the Forefront when it comes to heresy because not only does it have an erroneous view on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist, but it also completely undermined God's sovereignty making him the author of evil and depriving the very free will that humans have always believed that we had for thousands of years.


Rom. 9:19-23 that says God is the potter and all men are clay, is used to justify double predestination. Yet Paul was not the first to use allegory of Potter and clay. Jer. 18:6-10 says (ESV):

"O house of Israel, can I not do with you as this potter has done? declares the LORD. Behold, like the clay in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel.
If at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom, that I will pluck up and break down and destroy it, and if that nation, concerning which I have spoken, turns from its evil, I will relent of the disaster that I intended to do to it.
And if at any time I declare concerning a nation or a kingdom that I will build and plant it,
and if it does evil in my sight, not listening to my voice, then I will relent of the good that I had intended to do to it.

The "Clay" in the above verses can change, which in turn will make God, the potter, change His earlier intention.


The door in Christ is still open for all today. This cannot be argued. Therefore why is it even being talked about. Christ and the father are who we deal with not the angry old testament God.


Question. In looking that this issue is the following summary accurate?
The two views are ...
1..God wants some people to go to heaven and He WANTS some people to go to hell.
2. God wants ALL people to go to heaven, however some people CHOOSE not to go.


loving these ADHD friendly length videos. Keep it up!


Ok… so Calvinism doesn’t mean God determined every choice.


DW: Thank you for this! One question I would love to ask Dr. Is there ever a point in which the Calvinist is granted a CHOICE in the matter of anything?

First - let us examine what we humans understand concerning the concept of CHOICE

An act or instance of choosing; selection: an *ALTERNATIVE*

The Free Dictionary
The act of choosing; selection - a *NUMBER OR VARIETY* from which to choose

Collins Dictionary
If there is a choice of THINGS, there are *SEVERAL OF THEM* and you can choose the one you want.
Your choice is someone or something that you choose from *A RANGE OF THINGS*

KJV Dictionary
The act of choosing; the voluntary act of selecting or separating from *TWO OR MORE* things

So we can see from these definitions that the concept of CHOICE entails the existence of more than one option.

In Calvinism - an infallible decree does not grant any *ALTERNATIVE* from that which it decrees
*ALTERNATIVES* do not exist

If it is decreed that Calvinist_A will perform SIN_X at TIME_T - that decree does not grant any *ALTERNATIVE* to Calvinist_A.
The very existence of any *ALTERNATIVE* would falsify the decree
Since there is *NO ALTERNATIVE* available for Calvinist_A to choose - it follows - Calvinist_A doesn't really have a CHOICE.


Is William Lane Craig slowly becoming Catholic?


the title is offensive and disrespectful, however ....
- As for the one who is weak in faith, welcome him, but not to quarrel over opinions.
- romans 14 : 1


Yes and there is nothing wrong with it. James was an apostate who clearly wrote his epistle against Paul.


The One forming light and creating darkness,
Causing well-being and creating calamity [literally, _evil_ ];
I am the Lord who does all these.
Isaiah 45.7
oh no calvinism in the bible! the bible must be wrong! but God _creating_ evil does not make his _character_ evil for he uses the evil for righteous purposes. this is all throughout the bible. stop listening to apologists attempting to teach theology. none of them have a single clue


wi not say as muhummuduns du - god icreatid evil but da creation is gud. dat is diffrunt tu evil per se.


I have a hard time understanding how this doesn't apply to Thomism as well.


This guy places the focus on man's supposed freedom that people don't have after the fall and then creates false views about what other people believe.
