HOW I HEALED MY GUT + Chronic Digestive Issues | My Gut Health & IBS Healing Journey

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Hey everyone. In today's long overdue video I'm sharing how I healed my gut and an update on my digestion after years of struggling with chronic IBS and digestive issues. You can find resources linked below to learn more about some of the things I discussed!






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Disclaimer: This video is for informational purposes only and does not substitute or replace medical advice. All opinions expressed are my own. This description contains affiliate links, which means that if purchases are made when clicked, I’ll receive a small commission. Thank you!

Meghan Livingstone, CNP
Certified Holistic Nutritionist
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I feel bad because i feel that people demean digestion issues 😢 I hope everyone feels a little less lonely


The medical industry would rather you don't heal you gut. Great information!


Yes, the struggles are real. I actually became a Functional Nutritional Medicine Practitioner because my daughter was on her way to full blown Ankylosing Spondylitis. Very few doctors understand this disease.. so I took control and we reversed her symptoms. She's no longer having a stiff and painful back. After her testing we discovered that she had pathogenic bacteria, Klebsiella Pneumoniae, Citrobacter Freundii.. ..and at that point it gave us the direction to work on.. and it took us about 3ish months to heal her intestinal permeability. The Low FODMAP is the beginning process diet as your gut lining regains structure and you nurture the good bacteria. When you have more negative gram bacteria, your gut cannot break down fiber so you will be bloaty and gassy. You need more good bacteria that can handle the breakdown of fiber.. and the enzymes to help. Stress takes a toll on your digestive juices.. because it puts you in a sympathetic mode. I encouraged my daughter to eat a lot of healing soups with low starch, primarily greens with chicken, cruciferous long as she cooked it well for 6 weeks.. so that her gut could digest healthy nutritional foods more easily .. and digestive enzymes. Amongst other things we were able to rebuild the tight junctions in the cells that kept the lining of her gut intact. What I have learned truly is that the microbiome is, it is comparable to a beautiful rainforest. There needs to be balance and all of the bacteria work together to create digestion. When there is an imbalance you will struggle and one thing leads to the next. The liver is nutrient dependent so if your gut does not digest food or food proteins escape into your lymph or circulatory system, you will suffer from so many diseases because these particles.. will awaken your immune system and you will start to incur chronic inflammation. So yes.. heal that leaky gut. I am wanting to help more people now!


The food phobia is so real. When you spend 6 months curled up in fetal position wishing you could die due to stomach pain you rightfully get very terrified of anything that might bring that back. The constant headaches and nausea, and I'm in Canada so there are vague promises of tests which never happen, so there is the constant worry in the back of your mind that it's something critical. Not having medical support is awful.
My ordeal was after an exploded root canal, and funnily, the best thing I found was zinc, which I then changed to zinc L carnosine, and mastica. I pretty much bought up all the raw mastica in my area and then bought capsules. Of course a bout of food poisoning in the middle of it all, probably due to the weak tummy, really didn't help.
I used to have a really healthy body and this just destroyed me, but hopefully slowly healing.


This was so helpful 🙏🏽🙏🏽 Often i hear people saying they healed their leaky gut in a few months and I’m 1.5 years in and still struggling to heal and I’m working with a functional doctor, a dietician, and an acupuncturist. So thank you for reminding us that some of our healing journeys will take longer and that’s okay. ❤️❤️


Thank you for sharing your story. I have been struggling with chronic Ibs after food poisoning for the last few years. Today was a bad day and after doing well for a few weeks I felt very discouraged and fear that I’m moving backwards as I have to continuously cut things I enjoy out. It is very discouraging and anxiety Inducing. Ibs can be so traumatizing for the body and the mind.


Thanks so much for sharing your experience with gut health! I'm at the beginning stage of healing after three years of chronic stress and symptoms that caused even more anxiety. The food phobia you mentioned hit HARD. There used to be days where I did not eat at all because the pain and bloating were so bad. Still working on stress management and mental health, but I'll keep reminding myself that healing is not linear. May God bless you!


Thank you for sharing your journey. I just met with a functional doctor to come up with a personalized plan for my digestive issues that I have dealt with for decades. You're giving a lot of hope to those on this journey of getting to the root cause of issues. ❤


Videos like this help me stay sane and maintain hope being commited to my healing journey


Thank you so much. I don’t know how I came across this video because I don’t usually watch things like this but bless the algorithm! I am in rough spot with severe food fears due to pain etc and this is a great reminder!! Thank you


Congratulations for your perseverance and for sharing your story. As someone who has had allergies and digestive issues my entire life (I'm now 68) I totally relate to not only the impact these issues have on being able to function in one's life, but the mental health challenges that go along with having a reactive body that interferes with being able to function at even a minimal level. I've tried numerous remedies throughout the years. Things that used to help are no longer effective and I'm at the point now where I cannot eliminate all the things that trigger issues because pretty much everything is a trigger. Unless I get some kind of validation within say 3 weeks that something is working, I give up. Thanks for reminding me that it can be a very long journey. Living with a highly reactive body for so many years is a form of PTSD.


Hey @Meghan I am new to the channel, I want to tell you something I had Cdiff about two years ago and among the dark and painful moments your channel give me so much hope. Thanks and God bless you and your family so much❤


thank you for sharing this! i’ve had gut health issues for 2 years now and it is just so awful and i think i have ibs, so sorry to others who are struggling with this too.


Thank you so much for this!! I am currently transitioning into the fodmap phase 1....after having c much to learn! But, I am already feeling so much better. This is a video of hope, which we ALL need at some point. ♥️⭐♥️⭐♥️


Thank you for this! Great video! Been sick on and off 15 years with IBS and the last 6 months has been hell. The part about it taking time, induces hope!


I love coming back to this video. It’s so helpful. Makes me feel less alone and hopeful. I just wanted to share that after 2 years of struggles, research, testing, and trying everything I can, I believe I am finally in the part of more good days than bad days. :) I am sure I’ll come back and watch your video again for another courage and perseverance boost. Thank you. ❤


Needed to hear this today. Have been very discouraged and it is encouraging to hear your story. Thank you


As someone who started to have digestive issues within the last month or so, I am happy to hear that it may get better and that having one or two good days and then experiencing a not so good day (regression) may be a sign that I am on the right path. I have scheduled some appointments with my Doctors and hopefully we can get to the root of my problem and work on a solution. Thank you for sharing your journey, it’s very insightful and motivating.


Thank you! 🙏🏻 It feels less lonely, less overwhelming and gives me some hope grounded with the notion that it will take time


Oh my god. This is what I am going through right now and for over a year. 😢 Thank you for this video. It helps to hear other share their story.
