HOW I HEALED MY GUT | My tips for IBS, Bloating, digestion & struggles!

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In this weeks video I'm sharing with you how I healed my gut as well as my top tips for anyone suffering with IBS, bloating, digestions issues as well as struggles on a plant based diet.

I've had so many requests to do this video, so I hope you find it helpful!

Love you guys
Sophie x

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Instagram - @sophiehadkins
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I healed with 1) intermittent fasting (at least 16:8 every day) and 2) reduction in sugar and simple carbs to minimum. Very restrictive with sweets-sugar but not eliminating completely. 3) moderate exercise. 4) increase in proteins 5) water water water 6) better sleep 7) sunlight 8) oatmeal

Most important for me is the fasting for healing


1-cut out sugar
2- a mixed diet
3- l glutamine supplement
4- prebiotics and probiotics
5- fasting


What helped me too with my gut health…was seeing a naturopath who ran a blood and food sensitivities test which was a game changer for me. I always thought my plant based diet was to blame but it turns out I had high yeast, lots of inflammation on top of other symptoms I was experiencing and once I took the right supplements and cut out the high sensitivity foods which was feeding my inflammation I felt better than I had in years, all symptoms disappeared within months.


Thank you so much for this video. I have struggled with IBS for the past 3 years but the first two were a nightmare, going constantly to the doctor, going through colonoscopy and very expensive tests, just so that I can learn I have IBS and basically there is no cure for it, and I could try to take spasmolytics. I did not want to go to work in the office, go out with friends or travel and at age of 22 all I wanted was to stay home and hide. But now I went through therapy which very much helped me with the anxiety, which I feel made worst the IBS, also I am eating healthier, avoiding sugar as much as I can and fried foods and exercising more and I feel so much better. So, for anyone who is struggling right now, believe me things will get better and honestly do not be ashamed to talk about it, it takes the pressure off!


37 years old, severe IBS, tons of sadness/frustration throughout the years. I’ve tried many diets, starved myself at times because food meant excruciating pain and not being able to leave the house, victim of sudden accidents. I don’t cut out anymore entire categories of food, and I don’t spend expensive amounts on probiotics/supplements with wrong bacteria which make me feel even worse. What has worked for me, to exponentially reduce my symptoms is: working out on a daily basis, meditating, sleeping more, reducing my fibres intake, drinking more water, avoiding sugar-gluten-lactose-fried food like hell, introducing kimchi-miso-sauerkrauts, increasing my proteins, switching to whole foods, saying bye to spices-chillies (just a pinch of pepper), trying plant based plans every now and them. I still have bad diarrhoea when I am off balance, stressed out or emotional, when I try something new or cooked differently but at least I have a life now and those are just episodes!


Don't give up guys!!
It took me 3-4 years to finally get a very good digestion on a plant based diet. I was the biggest dairy eater and I had such big problems oh my..
I even saw so many doctors, already being on a plant based diet.. But it takes time!
Be patient and trust the process ♥ Never again dairy 🙌🏼


intermittent fasting ( not eating after 5-6pm ish :) eat/drink kefir, kimchi, and Sauerkraut daily. helping.


i am in tears watching this video and reading the comments. i have been dealing with stomach pains for a couple of weeks now and feel so helpless. this information really sparked a fire in me to get to the bottom of this 🙏🏽✨ thank you so much


I'm about in tears after stumbling across this video.. your experiences hit very close to home for me and I'm so thankful you took the time to share your brain


This is THE best video I’ve seen so far on restoring gut health. Wait to go Sophie! The only other things I’d say that can also help is going to get a blood test done for food sensitivities and manage stress. Deep breathing in the mornings really calmed my daily anxiety which allows for smooth digestion.☺️


I am in awe at the level of your content 🤍 Sharing your health journey is literally saving me years of struggle. How precious your videos are 🤍


Thank you Sophie ! What helped me was eating every 3 hours but smaller homemade meals. Stopped all fastfood, no sugar of any kind, no coffee, caffeine, all dairy, all gluten and chocolate which was so incredibly hard for me. I drink ginger tea once a day. Exercise for 20 to 30 minutes a day. Sleep as much as possible I aim for 9 hours a day more if possible.


Wow!! Beauty AND brains, and a big compassionate heart! Bless your sweet soul! You’re pretty enough to be a super-model and smart enough to be a University professor!! I’ll have to follow all this research you e done! You are very brave, and I’m sorry for the pain you’ve had to endure! I relate I had IBS since age 7 and today I’m 52 and I’m still struggling and the pain can be unbearable!!


Awesome! As a note for anyone with IBS that react to fodmaps - you may have to focus on gut healing first before being able to tolerate fodmaps, but I’ve been using an enzyme called fodzyme to digest them so I don’t ruin the microbiome more due to lack of diversity!


I’ve struggled with ‘IBS’ for the past 2 years and found Low FODMAPs sooo restrictive! Your videos have honestly helped me so much, as you inspired me to go plant based and I feel so much better. Thank you!! Your advice has been such a godsend 💖💖💖


hey, i am new sub, u were on my recommended . I did too, healed my gut of acid reflux, IBS, constipation, from birth, , pain, since b4 i was 16, bloating, terrible heart burn, i was on 3 meds for it, asking for more. I went vegan/no highly processed foods [SOFAS free], & all my digestive issues reversed. I was yo yo dieting since age 11, & finally, age 66, i learned how to heal my guts, and HBP, CFS, fibro pain 24/7, restless legs, depression, racing heart & mind, the list goes on. So, i am now 69, feeling more like 30 something, not 20 yrs older. I do get a bit sugar &/or salt, in pickles, ketchup, etc.. I use sweet spuds & fruit & dates to sweeten. I eat at least 2 lbs spuds, a day, 3 & 1/2 yrs now. The extra bonus was losing 100 lbs, which i was 239 at 5'1" tall, low thyroid, . I also eat raw & cooked foods, batch cooking i learned from Chef AJ, doing The Starch Solution, eating twice a day, eating from 5-6 p.m. to 12=1p.m., which . I love this life style, it is so easy & delish. I was nearly bed/home bound, & now am loving living again. Yes, health & wellness, top priority Great tip about soaking beans & grains, i mainly eat spuds, they keep me fuller, longer, & i do not want to gain an ounce back. I am liking my new size small tops & 10 skinny jeans, down from 3x's. Anyway, tfs bee safe 🙏🙏


Thank you for not listening to those doctors & doing your research because you’re helping so many people. God bless you beautiful ❤️🌻


I found you and your sister about 3 weeks ago, and you guys are already one of my favorite YouTubers. Keep going ♥️


This was super helpful! I too have struggled with going to the doctors and being told I have IBS. I wasn't very happy with the answer because it was such a quick solution and I also felt like how could they be so sure with such little information about me. I have learnt a lot about gut health over the past few years and its importance and its still definitely a journey for me getting to the right diet and making sure I commit my time and energy into my health. Ive wrote down all your tips and ill be sure to follow through with some. thanks so much, we need more people like you being a good role model to our healths ❤️


Using a pressure cooker like instant pot will also breakdown the lectins and make foods easy to digest. That's what a lot of scientists recommend you to do.
