How to Heal Your Gut | 7 Steps to Restore Gut Health, Bloating & Digestion

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One of the best things I've ever done for my health! heal my gut began by knowing what's going on in there. this test has been SO eye-opening for me.

0:10 Digestion is a parasympathetic activity - the most important thing of all
0:48 1️⃣ Damage Control - stop eating foods you're sensitive to (doesn't mean forever!)
7:34 At home gut test for targeted answers
11:45 2️⃣ Soothe - heal & soothe gut inflammation with mucosal
13:28 3️⃣ Bind - bind onto toxins that are released in the gut from bacteria/viruses/fungus so they stop causing inflammation
15:57 4️⃣ Kill - kill pathogens with lauric acid - a derivative of coconut oil that is anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral. monolaurin breaks down the structure of the virus without wiping out good bacteria.
17:15 My candida overgrowth story (& before and after following these exact tips)
18:45 5️⃣ Seal - seal up leaky gut with l-glutamine
19:53 6️⃣ Bring Back the Good Bacteria with targeted probiotics
20:58 7️⃣ Feed the good bacteria with fiber from roots & fruits

Helpful Gut Healing Goodness Mentioned
specific issues:
Hormone Probiotic (take w breakfast): my favorite Just Thrive Spore-Based Probiotic (REDUCE ENDOTOXIN!) code Cambria for 15% off


code CAMBRIA to save!


most links are affiliates. it's all to help you + answer questions and make things easy for you. thanks for your love. love you :)

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PS l put more bloating tips in the description box. 🤗 ily! hope this is helpful!! let me know if you try anything out, and don't forget - chew your food, relax and let your life nourish you. 🥰


I have literally watched this video multiple times, just to keep digesting the information. I am currently healing from parasitic infection and needing to deal with the bacteria(candida/other). I have learned so much and have had the best digestion system I have had in over a decade! Thank you for sharing this information with us. ♥



1. Damage control: assess what is irritating your gut. Examples: gluten can be very difficult to digest (try sourdough). Eat organic wheat because of glyphosate sprayed on wheat. Improperly prepared beans (soak them first). Cruciferous vegetables (leafy greens) that are raw; cook them well. Dairy can be irritating to some people as well; try raw milk.

2. Soothe: alove vera and marshmallow root.

3. Bind: bind onto toxins with charcoal. Systemic enzymes.


Thank you SO MUCH for this video. This is incredibly needed for me! I have been praying and asking God how to heal my gut and this video is apart of His answer! Thank you!


As I heal from parasitic infection, endometriosis and try to conceive, I am soooo thankful for this video. A lot of what you’re talking about is a huge part of my healing process. Thank you so much for sharing! ♥️


For my iherb fans I found a great snack/dessert: get the nuco coconut wraps, put peanut butter and natural fruit spread (I get the blueberry one) for like a pb&j vibe, but the secret ingredient in the dessert wrap is to add rice chex cereal (or any cereal really). Then wrap it up and enjoy! Sooo good! The recipe was inspired from the back of the nuco wraps packaging.


Cambria!! I’ve been a viewer for years & this video has been so so informative and helpful! A year ago I started struggling with severe joint pain, abdominal pain, and feeling like I would get a fever everyday. It literally felt like I had the flu for 6 months. I went to the dr’s a bunch but they weren’t super helpful so I did some research and have been cutting back on gluten. I’m 98% all of my symptoms were gluten-related but am following up with a rheumatologist for an possible autoimmune issues. This was super informative for me as a consumer just to be more aware of why gluten may have all of sudden wrecked my body and it’s likely because of the damage it’s been doing to my digestive tract. Thankful for these videos!


this is actually a very cool concept for a video it's nice to see you eat and live in the everyday life of the world aside from every body You are not like anyone and this is what makes you a special and exceptional person. I wish you a happy life and to everyone who reads my comment ❤️🥰💖😍😘🍓♥️❤❤❤❤❤❤😊🎉🎉


I never comment on YouTube videos, but I am SO glad I found your channel! I am waiting for the results from my Viome test and I’ve just cut out gluten for gut and thyroid issues. I feel so encouraged and supported by you (from afar). Thanks so much for sharing all that you do! ❤


Yes, a naturopath suggested L-Glutamine. It helped me SO much.


I love that you are soo educated!! It makes your tips so much more real knowing that you are so smart!!


This is so me! I'm studying to get my health coaching cert and I've been struggling with recurrent miscarriage and perioral dermatitis...I know it's my gut, I'm so happy I found your channel!!


Eating less, even for short periods of time gives the body a chance to focus less on digestion so it can heal itself. The tricky part for people is to not develop an eating disorder.


Just the video I’ve been waiting for!! I’ve been struggling with Gut issues for along time & upset stomach, bloating all the things 😢 I’m excited to try these products out and I feel like I learn something NEW every time I watch your videos and try new recipes!! One my way to a Gut Free lifestyle. Thank you so much Cambria God Bless You !! 🙏🏽❤️💐🫶🏽


Your videos have really helped me jump-start my own journey to improving my health. Thank you, and may God continue to bless and keep you and give you peace. 🙏 ❤


I trust what you're saying mainly because your skin looks immaculate. You must be doing something right.


Question: Did you do all these steps at once or is this in phases? Like are you taking binders and killing and sealing all at once while also taking probiotics or is this a step by step thing? Please help, I’ve been trying to heal my gut for almost 3 years 😢.


I read that the gluten issue was due to the change of wheat used, one that is more resilient to disease and a higher yielding wheat but has a higher amount of gluten in. That’s why gluten intolerance was hardly heard of years ago.


This came at the perfect time! My doctor just put me on antibiotics for a really long time and I am nervous about it wrecking my gut! I will look into these. Thank you!!!😊


great! I love dairy!!! I only do ghee, kefir and lactose free sour milk(lactose free fermented milk) and when I have lactose free curd with nice basmati rice as lunch I feel very good and my gut feels calm I can instantly feel it(many ayurveda and other ancient cultures advocate rice with curd(but not anything else like spices with it) to calm down gut...sadly I tried raw milk but any milk lactose free cow, goat I tried all low fat but it always gives me bloating....for wheat i am going to try allergy test...great video! I also take triphala because its amazing for reducing colon cancer or bloating and IBS
