Caffeine Withdrawal- How to Quit Coffee

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Caffeine Withdrawal- How to Quit Coffee- Thomas DeLauer… How it Works and Tolerance:

Caffeine is molecularly similar to that of adenosine, a molecule that builds up and causes you to feel tired - builds up throughout the day and is depleted during sleep; adenosine thus facilitates sleep and dilates the blood vessels, probably to ensure good oxygenation during sleep. So, when you ingest caffeine, the molecules bind to the receptors in the brain normally used by adenosine. Caffeine Is an adenosine-receptor antagonist; meaning it binds to the same receptors, but does not slow down neural activity. In other words, once caffeine is locked to adenosine's receptors, there’s no place for adenosine to accumulate – Which prevents it from building up and making you sleepy. All of the extra adenosine that’s floating around causes the adrenal glands to secrete adrenaline - so it increases your attention level and boosts energy. Also, it increases the production of dopamine in the brain’s pleasure circuits, giving you that feel-good sensation.

Caffeine is not a direct stimulant, but rather a stimulant enabler; lets our natural stimulants run amuck - usually lasts from 4-6 hours.The blocking of adenosine receptors by caffeine causes your brain to produce more and more receptors to make up for them - this means that you’ll have to keep upping your caffeine intake in order to bind to all the new receptors (1,2)

According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Investigation, caffeine tolerance occurred after just 1-4 days among their study participants. They measured this by noting the increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, and plasma epinephrine levels - After 1-4 days these levels were back to their baseline. (3)

Withdrawals: Caffeine causes vasoconstriction, but when we go through a withdrawal, a re-widening of the vessels increases blood flow to the brain, leading to a withdrawal headache (4,6)

Reduce Withdrawals: Caffeine withdrawal symptoms typically begin within 12 to 24 hours after discontinuing caffeine, peaking during the first two days, and can last all the way up to day nine - however, those that consume incredibly high doses of caffeine can experience symptoms for longer.

Cold Turkey: Going cold turkey can be effective, however, it can be crippling to many and is not the ideal way to reduce withdrawals. Slowly Reduce Intake- Slowing reducing caffeine intake day by day is the preferred method - the slow withdrawal of caffeine from the body will eventually result in the decrease of the extra adenosine receptors.

Common Solutions:- Replace caffeinated beverages with herbal teas to soothe symptoms and counteract dehydration, which can worsen headaches and withdrawal symptoms. Get extra sleep to combat fatigue and grogginess.

Rutaecarpine: Rutaecarpine is an extract from the herb known as Evodea and has been shown to help rid the body of caffeine. A study published in the Archives of Pharmacal Research looked at rutaecarpine’s effect on caffeine metabolism in rats. Since mice and humans metabolize caffeine very similarly, the effects of rutaecarpine in regards to human caffeine metabolism are likely the same. The study found that rutaecarpine increases the metabolism of caffeine, theophylline, theobromine, and paraxanthine by inducing CYP1A2 (metabolism of xenobiotics; substances foreign to the body) and CYP2E1 in rats. Rutaecarpine speeds up the rate at which caffeine is broken down and removed from the body - cleansing caffeine from the body eliminates the side effects of caffeine much quicker (5)


Рекомендации по теме

I'm on day 9 of no caffeine and I feel like a kid again in terms of energy. More than I ever got with caffeine. That stuff is horrible for you and the media government pushes it on you because it's addicting and they make billions off it.


I got an extreme headache and throwing up whole body hurts, I NEED OFF THIS STUFF


I would of really enjoyed an explanation of what caffeine can do to anxious people. I've noticed that my anxiety attacks have diminished when I don't drink coffee during the day.


Anything that blocks a natural occurrence should be cut out completely, doesn't matter, it's not natural to do that, if you live a true healthy life, you will be able to have energy when you need it, and then fall asleep when you don't need that energy, and that is how a human being should be.


you don't have to go cold turkey, you can taper down with decaf and zero-caf (herbal coffee, Teeccino) mixed in your blend. especially if you have to work and don't want headaches


I'm a caffeine addict from the womb. I can't have the stuff because it causes a great deal of anxiety.


I find caffeine takes a LONG time to get out of my system, even longer than what nutritionists will tell you (only a couple hours). If I don't have caffeine for a day or two, assuming I am not going through withdrawal, my mind becomes super calm and I just become this spiritual hippie. Truly this stuff should not be taken more than twice a week and even that might be too much. There is just no scientific benefits to caffeine unless you need a diuretic. (doesn't actually give you energy, makes you alert by putting you in sympathetic mode which destroys your focus, etc.).


I 16:8 IF. I take a ginger, cyan pepper, cinnamon, turmeric mix in 8 oz of water in the morning when I wake up. Does it lose it health benefits if I take it all together like that? Is it kicking me out of my fast? And if so how long will spike my insulin for?


Bro every video you do is on point! Great job.


read Caffeine Blues - Caffeine is horrible for you.


You are very honest guy. Thank you, Thank YOU! Congrats to your family. God bless you


Have you done a video on the effects of fiber and chromium in the morning to stabilize blood sugar throughout the day?


Does Caffeine Deplete Vitamin D and B in the Body? I've already read about this.


200+ days without caffeine. Sleep is amazing now.


Watching this video just helped motivate me more to stop with my caffeine (energy drink) addiction. I want my body to operate properly like it used to years ago. Having my body produce so much extra adenosine and even when I drink caffeine it's just not enough and I still feel so tired and not motivated to do anything. It's seriously not that I'm lazy, it's just that I just physically can't feel the energy to do a lot of things.


As always, great work, im recommending your videos to everyone i know!!


Go to Alex Becker's channel if you want a much better explanation of why you should quit caffeine completely. It is 100% holding you back from your full potential.


I like that "joke" in the beginning.


Am currently going through withdrawal, even though I have not yet stopped, I am feeling as if I am not normal, wrong, am missing something. This is the fourth day of reducing by 50% perday, having started with one mug of green tea, and one mug of black, then two mugs of greet tea for two days ( now as green tea is like rocket fuel in my system I could not sleep that well) then one mug of green tea, and today a large pinch of loose green tea in a strainer - I do not feel tired as of yet, just slightly more relaxed, as well as feeling off as mentioned.

I was scared yesterday morning that I would feel bad all day, but that never happened.


I'm in the 13%, unfortunately. We're taking severe migraines, throwing up and near emergency room illness.
