5 Signs and Symptoms of Caffeine Withdrawal

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Caffeine is the world's most commonly consumed psychoactive substance.

If the body becomes dependent on caffeine, eliminating it from the diet can cause withdrawal symptoms that typically begin 12ñ24 hours after stopping caffeine.

In this video we're looking at 5 of its common signs and symptoms.

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The headaches from caffeine withdrawal are no joke


I quit for 21 days and replaced coffee with water. It was one of the best things I ever did for myself.


I had all these symptoms but the worst of it was the sudden anxiety that would come over me. It’s been a week and a half now and I feel more balanced at this point.


I quit for one day and i ended up throwing up stomach bile a few times because of my headache and upset tummy.. like i was quitting heroin or meth, .


I drink 3 cups of coffee a day. I missed one cup this afternoon and a severe headache followed. Then I drank 2 cups tonight and my headache's gone. It really is a drug and I'm addicted.


When I quit caffeine I had to take a week off work because I had anxiety and panic attacks. I was convinced during the first month of quitting that I was going to die and would burst out into tears several times a day


I was advised to quit cold turkey due to a bad uti and kidney stones. I’m miserable, feel weak as hell but I have no choice. Day 4, God be with me. 💯


I was literally delusional today because I didn't have coffee this morning. I was stressed and cried a lot to day.


It’s only been 12 hours without coffee and my migraine is the worst it has ever been.


Ive been consuming huge amounts of cold brew coffee for a few years now. Im on day three of no coffee and the pressure in my head is crazy. I do feel extremely relaxed in the evening, a feeling I'd lost touch with. The headache only seems to be around in the morning, around the same timed I'd consume most of the coffee I'd drink for the day. Its nice to know more blood flow is going into my brain, sounds like a good thing. Going for at least three months. Wish me luck!


So I know coffee is a drug, but I didn’t realize that quitting would affect me so much. I’ve been having bad headaches, random panic attacks, being un able/not wanting to eat, and stomach pain. I’ve also been super out of it and tired but I can’t sleep. Nothing about this has been fun 🙃... That’s what I get for working at a coffee shop for so long


It's strange, I didn't realize I even cut caffiene cold turkey up until now, little over a week of not having any soda. I have been having fatigue, loss of appetite, feeling Uber nervous and anxious all the time, getting no sleep and feeling nauseous from anxiety. I was never craving a soda because of how anxious and nauseous I was getting I never even thought about it. Then i had a mountain dew and by the end of the day I was feeling much better. Caffeine is no joke, withdrawal is awful, it was worse not knowing it was withdrawal causing more anxiety making me think the worst. Biggest kicker, i would only have one maybe two sodas a day... doesnt take much for a horrible addiction! Hang in there everyone, praying for all your success to get better!


I'm 14 and I use to consume roughly 5+ cups of coffee per day, I suddenly stopped drinking coffee and only consumed water in hopes to increase my health. I had very bad chest problems, heart problems, jitters in my hand, shaking, anxiety and fatigue. It's only such a painful process but it pays of in the end.


I find working out for about 30-40 mins full body gives me a way better energy high then caffeine ever will


I felt like I was I shall go more slowly to drink less gradualy.


No coffee for a couple of days and Im having these tremors, palpitations, anxious, and even panic loke symptoms. I can't sleep and I feel tired. 😪


Slowly coming off caffeine by mixing regular coffee with decaf really helped me to avoid headaches.


I'll give you a tip (at least it's what works for me).
If you want to still drink coffee, just cut it for one week (to let the withdrawal symptoms go away), and then drink a cup of coffee every other day. This has helped me a lot, for example if for some reason I don't drink coffee, I won't have any headaches.


I quit coffee and caffeine myself so i know how hard it can be. I actually have a couple videos on my channel about how ingot through it all and why I decided to step away from it for good! Great video! Thank you!


Day 3 was absolutely hell. Headaches, sick flu like symptoms, cold chills, increased heart rate, fatigue, body aches. Currently on day 4. A little better but I literally felt like I was dying.
