Five Calvinistic Answers to the Five Errors of Arminianism

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I do not hold to everything Calvin or Augustine believed and declared. But I do hold to everything Jesus and Paul declared. And they declared election of the saints from the Father's planned, determined will before the world was formed, and perseverance of the elect.


Raised Arminian (among other things), then started to study for myself and RC Sproul's work was key in turning me around to biblical doctrine.


Nothing like mentioning the word Calvinism to bring out ignorant folks who don't know their bibles to start opposing it.


I tend to go towards the Calvinist view because TULIP best describes MY personal journey. Everyone is different, so everyone has different experiences in their journey. By reading the bible it clearly states we are enemies of God before we are regenerated. It makes sense that at some point in a Christians life they begin to live differently. When you know and love Jesus Christ you don't talk the same, or like the same things as before. It is a process and should go on your entire life span, until the glorious day Jesus comes back for us!!! I personally can't wait, but know there are certain events which must take place first. God bless all


A common problem other christians have with calvinism is that it refutes free will. I don't believe that's the case. So let's define free will.

Is free will the ability to choose between good and evil; to choose to do bad things or good things?

If that is your definition, then God Himself has no free will because He can never choose to be sinful. He can't choose to do that which is ungodly, it's not in his nature.

So let's define it as it relates to God and not man. Free will is the ability to make choices, voluntary decisions that are uncoerced, that are consistent with one's nature.
So God makes His choices in a manner consistent with his holiness. So all of His choices are holy, right, and good.

Fallen man's nature is against God. John 3:19 John 3:27 Rom 3:10-12 Eph 2:1-3 Eph 2:15-16 (I could go on)

So then by the true definition of free will (because we use God as the rule, not the exception) Fallen man has free will to do things within his nature, but cannot choose God. A dead man cannot choose to live.
Regeneration is when one is reborn in Christ. One's nature is changed to have a will to be more like God; to endeavor to do everything within one's power to please Him with all one's heart, mind, body, and soul.
Since one's nature has been changed, they will no longer seek out or enjoy things of the flesh. In fact, the new creature they are abhors the things they used to love.

The Bible is very clear that unregenerate man will never choose God until God regenerates him.

I have a whole list of scriptures I can provide as I've been studying this recently and have a whole lot of notes.

I'd like to finish by saying this is not an attempt to argue but inform. I'd hate to further divide the body of Christ; I don't want to put a stumbling block in front of my brothers and sisters.


The opening statement was an excellent explanation of "Calvinism" and what the 5 points represent. Not much of a Calvinist as I am of the word of God. If you know what I mean? Calvin believed what the word teaches.


I'm Reformed with Lutheran influence, single predestination that's to say salvation is of God perdition is of man which some Reformers held to like Luther, Oecolampadius, Bullinger etc.. some Reformers held to universal atonement like Vermigli, Bullinger and Luther. Reading the Reformers is important so we can be exposed to different opinions if one claims to be Reformed read the confessions and catechism. It's not just in soteriology but in all aspects of theology this includes the Holy Sacraments as well. I also enjoy reading the fathers which the Reformers did as well.


I'd like to think that calvanism isn't the closest sounding answer. But it's not about what I think, I need to submit to how God works and how he chooses to do. I am living and saved by his grace. And I know that we are to go out and preach to all creation. We do as we are called people! Just be happy it's not up to you!


Soo...someone explain to me. God so loved the world or God so loved the elect?


What is "common grace"?
Where can we find it in the Bible? Scripture verses?


The synod of dort was a kangaroo court and anyone who's actually researched the synod of dort knows this.


I believe 1 John 2:2 refutes limited atonement. Other verses speak against it also, but this verse is probably the best example.


It's too bad that the 5 "errors" of "Arminianism" are plain statements in the Bible that are rejected by Calvinists by adding qualifiers so that the plain statements can be rejects so that they can keep their doctrine. "Jesus in not just the propitiation for our sins but the sins of the whole word"..."You see that in order to 'properly' understand that verse we must recognize that world can mean the world of the elect or the world of all kinds of men....what did you say?....Oh, I know that is not stated in the Bible but we have to remember that with regard to Christ's death all NEVER means all."


Calvinism vs. Arminianism is a false dichotomy as both systems are flawed.


So here's a question for just anyone. If God Himself told you that you would never make it to heaven, no matter what because He hadn't chosen you, would you accept that? Or would you get angry and rebel?


First time I heard the I as irresistibility of the Holy Spirit.


Chosen “IN” him:
 Chosen "IN" him ('IN" Jesus Christ the God-man) is the condition/pre-requirement to be
met so as to be chosen before the foundation of the world!.In other words, we
1st must be placed "IN" him so as to be chosen!. Were you
"IN" him before the foundation of the world or were you placed
"IN" him at a specific point in your life after believing the
Gospel?.John 1:1, The Word (2nd person of the Trinity) existed before the
foundation of the world but Jesus Christ the God-man came into this world at a
specific point in time!.
 The Word, 2nd person of the Trinity, was not called Jesus back when He created the universe nor did
He had any human attributes to be able to die and shed His blood for our sins
so as to redeem and save us. The Word became flesh and is known to us as Jesus
Christ the God-man and our Redeemer and Savior! Back then (before the
foundation of the world) when The Word was a spirit being He couldn't have save
us because to redeem (purchase us back) us the shedding of blood was needed and
since He was not made out of flesh He couldn't have done it!. Without the shedding
of blood there can't be NO remission of sin.

 If you claim that you were "IN" him (Jesus Christ the God-man) before the foundation of the
world what you are actually claiming is that you were "IN" the Word
(2nd person of the Trinity ) before the foundation of the world and NOT
"IN" Jesus Christ the God-man who was born at a specific time in our
history (NOT before the foundation of the world), was crucified and was raised
from the dead, that is an irrefutable fact!. The Word became Jesus Christ the
God-man, 100% God (2nd person of the Trinity and ONLY begotten by the Holy
Spirit ) and 100% man by his mother side, therefore when the Holy Spirit place
us "IN" Christ then and ONLY then are we saved and chosen to be
predestined for the ADOPTION and REDEMPTION of our body.

 The ONLY way that you could elude this chosen "IN" him dilemma is if Paul would have said
"chosen and appointed to be in him before the foundation of the
world", appointed to be = a future event yet to come. The phrase
"chosen TO BE in him" is NOT in the bible, Paul actually says
"chosen “IN” him" which is a present requirement based on a present condition and NOT on a future
event. Calvinists seems to always overlook this crucial and important part
("IN HIM") of the process of PREDESTINATION!

 Likewise our Calvinist friends always get wrong and cannot answer correctly, what are we predestined for/to?

Ephesians 1:5-6 5 having PREDESTINED us to ADOPTION as sons
by Jesus Christ to Himself,  according to the good pleasure of His
will,  6 to the praise of the glory of His grace,  by which
He [a]made us accepted “IN” the Beloved.

Romans 8:23 "Not only that,  but we also who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, even
we ourselves groan within ourselves, eagerly waiting for the ADOPTION, the
REDEMPTION of our body" (all caps added as to emphasize a point).

What are we predestined for? WE ARE PREDESTINED
FOR THE ADOPTION and REDEMPTION OF OUR BODIES. Well I guess our Calvinist friends must be very
fond of Hamlet and the phrase "to be or not to be" and they just got
stuck in that NEVER-ENDING loop!


Good video, we need to know, especially in there last days, about the doctrines of devils. So we are not ignorant of them.


This video is completely dishonest. The whole purpose of the 5 points within Arminianism was not to give a complete discourse of what they believed but to show that the Bible states the exact opposite of Calvinism. It was a reaction to the Calvinist teaching. Remember, Jacob Arminius started out being taught Calvinism.
"That's a summary of Calvinism in its fullness." The 5 points of Arminianism is not a summary of Arminianism "in its fullness."


In the End they post Palagian heresy to represent Arminianism. Hahaha
