Calvin and Calvinism

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Thanks Ryan Reeves. I am most grateful. I am learning a lot from you. Keep up the good works. May the Holy Spirit preserve his remnant, His church as we endure in sound doctrine. God richly bless you- your admirer from Ghana!


I think the majority of people today who say, "I am a Calvinist" simply mean that they subscribe to TULIP--not that they are necessarily fully committed to Reformed theology, nor that they have even read Calvin. They simply recognize the doctrines of grace in scripture.


Love these videos. Thank you for your effort.


Dr.Ryan, thanks for your uploads on HISTORIC CHRISTIAN MEN OF FAITH AND THEIR THEOLOGIES. I appreciate your effort to reach and teach the world about Historic Christian Theology. Oh, if only the swarming cultists propagading HERESIES on YOUTUBE would spent some time listening to your lectures, they would wake up and realize how wrong they were to reject the HISTORIC CHRISTIAN FAITH for thr errors of their founders!


The following quotes come from eminent Calvinist apologists that show the connection that Calvinism has with Roman Catholicism. If you were to do your own research, the best you could do is go to history books, interview "Bible" scholars and "theologians" in Calvinist and Roman Catholic seminaries, public libraries, theological journals, etc, but there is no way you can take a time machine to go back in time to verify your research.

1) Richard Muller - "John Calvin was part of a long line of thinkers who based their doctrine of predestination on the Augustinian interpretation of St. Paul." In his book, "Christ and the decree" 1988 page 22.

2) Alvin Baker - "There is hardly a doctrine of Calvin that does not bear the marks of Augustine's influence." In his book, "Berkouwer's Doctrine of Election: Balance or Imbalance" pg 25. 1981,

3) Gregg C. Singer - "The main features of Calvin's theology are found in the writings of St. Augustine to such an extent that many theologians regard Calvinism as a more full developed form of Augustinianism." In his book, "John Calvin: His roots and fruits", 1989, pg. viii

4) B.B. Warfield - "The system of doctrine taught by Calvin is just the Augustinianism common to the whole body of the Reformers." In his book, "Calvin and Augustine", page 22, 1956.

5) Loraine Boettner - "Calvin and Augustine easily rank as the two outstanding systematic expounders of the Christian system since Saint Paul". In his book, "The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination" page 405, 1932.

6) John Calvin himself - "Augustine is so wholly with me, that if I wished to write a confession of my faith, I could do so with all fullness and satisfaction to myself out of his writings" In the book, "Calvin's Calvinism:"A treatise on the eternal predestination of God" written by John Calvin in 1552, Translated by Henry Cole, page 38, 1987.

7) B.B, Warfield - "Augustine is in a true sense the founder of Roman Catholicism" In his book, "Calvin and Augustine" page 313, 1956,

It was Augustine who invented his own twisted interpretation of "PREDESTINATION/UNCONDITIONAL ELECTION" in his book, "City of God". Augustine states, "That owing to one man all pass into condemnation who are born of Adam unless they are born again in Christ, even as He has appointed them to be regenerated, before they die in the body, whom He predestinated to everlasting life, as the most merciful bestower of grace; whilst to those whom He has predestinated to eternal death, He is also the most righteous awarder of punishment." - "The City of God" On the Soul and its Origin - 4.16

Again, it was Augustine who invented "IRRESISTIBLE GRACE" in his book, "The City of God" - "On the predestination of the saints" -7, 8, 16.

Augustine errantly believed that the will of God became the cause of all things - In his book, "City of God" - under "Enchiridion" - 95, 96, 100, 101.

Augustine errantly believed "that no man is saved unless God wills it." In his book, "City of God" - under Enchiridion - 103.

It was Augustine who invented what is now known today as the 5th point of Calvinism which is "PERSEVERANCE OF THE SAINTS":

Augustine states, "We, then, call men elected, and Christ's disciple's, and God's children, because they are to be so called whom, being regenerated, we see to live piously; but they are then truly what they are called IF they shall abide in that on account of which they are so called." In "City of God" - "On Rebuke and Grace" - 22.

Augustine states, "It is, indeed, to be wondered at, and greatly to be wondered at, that to some of His own children--whom He has regenerated in Christ--to whom He has given FAITH, hope, love, God does not give PERSEVERANCE also." - In his book, "City of God" - "On Rebuke and Grace" - 18.

Augustine states, "But they who fall and perish have never been in the number of the predestinated." - In his book, "City of God" - "On Rebuke and Grace" - 36.

Augustine errantly believed that salvation can be lost and he taught that only those who are regenerated by God and PERSEVERE, or in those that have lost their salvation that only after they "persevere" that
the grace of regeneration is restored, are finally saved. - In his book, "The History of Christian Doctrines" - Louis Berkof - page 136, 1937.

Now, does that not sound like what Calvinism currently teaches?

Augustine's version of "predestination", "irresistible grace", and "perseverance of the saints" sounds identical to what MacArthur, Piper, and what Sproul teaches which are 3 of the biggest names in Calvinism/Lordship Salvation today. Are they not? Is that not what Calvinism teaches? Calvin's idol was definitely Augustine.

The Bible teaches that God "predestinated" people who have willingly believed on Christ and His finished work on the cross and are saved to be transformed into immortal physical bodies of FLESH/BONE at the Rapture when Jesus returns which is a future aspect - 1 Cor 15:51-52, 1 Thess 4:16-17 These will be eternal physical bodies just like Jesus resurrected physical body described in Luke 24:39, 1 John 3:2. Christ's resurrected physical body is the prototype of what all saved Christians will be transformed into at the Rapture.

The Biblical passages on predestination like Ephesians 1:4-5, 11, and Romans 8:29-30 all need to be read in light of 1 Corinthians 15:51-52, 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. and 1 John 3:2. What Augustine and Calvin did was take Ephesians 1:4-5, 1:11, and Romans 8:29-30 in ISOLATION and eisegeted those texts and read their "theology" into the text falsely teaching that God "picked and choosed" whom He saves in eternity past and whom He damns in eternity past and that there is nothing man can do about it. Is this not identical to the Islamic belief of FATALISM? Is it not identical to Stoicism's belief in determinism? Are these not all the same thing, but under different names?

In regards to true Biblical election, God elected those that are already saved for SERVICE/MINISTRY. God "elected" Moses to lead His people, God "elected" Abraham, God "elected" King David, God "elected" King Solomon after David, God "elected" Paul to be the apostle to the Gentiles, God "elected" Simon Peter to be the apostle to the Jews, etc, etc. God did not "elect" people for salvation/damnation in eternity past which Calvinism falsely teaches.

"Irresistible grace" is refuted with Acts 7:51. The Pharisees and the teachers of the law resisted Jesus in Matthew 12, Mark 3, and the unbelieving Jews resisted Jesus in John 10:33, and John 12:37 despite His miracles/healings in their very presence. Jonah resisted God. The Pharisees accused Jesus of being "demon possessed" and performing exorcisms by the power of Satan. The unbelieving Jews in John10:33 accused Jesus of being only a "mere man" despite His miracles which verified that He was indeed God in human flesh.

"Perseverance of the saints" which is Augustine's original twisted concept is also refuted with Scripture. King Solomon did not "persevere" at the end of his life, but became a serial polygamist and demon worshiper - 1 Kings 11. Does that mean that Solomon was "never saved to begin with?" NO.

Christians who don't persevere and who even die in that state are still eternally saved.

John 10:28-29 - 28 And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. 29 My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father's hand.

Romans 8:38-39 - 38 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, 39 Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

2 Timothy 2:13 - 13 If we believe not, yet he abideth faithful: he cannot deny himself.

Saved Christians are not kept eternally secure because of their own faithfulness which will always be susceptible to faltering and failure, but they are kept secure because of an UNFAILING SAVIOR.


Phd. student Richard Allinger reinforces the need for the continuation of the Reformation which started five centuries ago for the following six reasons cited in his book "The Reformation Cannot Be Over !":
i. God speaks today.
ii. Theologians make mistakes.
iii. New issues require new thinking.
iv. Scriptures must have priority over confessions.
v. The right of private judgment.
vi. Above all, it is important that we engage in the process of (semper reformanda) "always reforming" in the proper spirit and manner.


Take a shot every time Ryan says "Context" ;)




this is really awesome, because the reality is that if we make Calvin basically a French Luther then we lose the amazing truth of the fact that Reformed Theology is way stronger, and more thorough than just one man's opinion


Dr. Reeves, I have been listening to lectures as laid out by Matt Stahl's list, but there are other videos that are not in Matt's list.  Should I just go ahead and push through his list of your lectures?  Are there other videos we need to be watching too?  Does this make sense?


John Calvin falsely taught that God is the author of sin and evil.

1) "Thieves and murderers, and other evildoers, are instruments of divine providence, being employed by the Lord himself to execute judgments which he has resolved to inflict." From Calvin's "Institutes of the Christian Religion" - Book 1, Chapter 17, Paragraph 5.

2) "The devil, and the whole train of the ungodly, are in all directions, held in by the hand of God as with a bridle, so that they can neither conceive any mischief, nor plan what they have conceived, nor how muchsoever they may have planned, move a single finger to perpetrate, unless in so far as he permits, NAY UNLESS IN SO FAR AS HE COMMANDS, THAT THEY ARE NOT ONLY BOUND BY HIS FETTERS BUT ARE EVEN FORCED TO DO HIM SERVICE." - John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 1, Chapter 17, Paragraph 11.

3) "I admit that in this miserable condition wherein men are now bound, all of Adam's children have FALLEN BY GOD'S WILL." - John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter 23, Paragraph 4.

4) "The first man fell because the Lord deemed it meet that he should." - John Calvin - Institutes of the Christian Religion, Book 3, Chapter, 23, Paragraph 8.


The similarities between Calvin's God and Mohammed's God are striking. Both are essentially Pure Will.


What is a new Calvinist in your estimation?


The problem with Calvinism is the same problem with Human nature in general. Human beings cannot help but to put themselves in the place of God. This is the exact nature of satan. And so by recognizing the root of Calvinism, I label it to be, along with the catholic slant, the mormon bent, the 7th day adventist quirk, the Jehovah witness slip, many so-called Christian church doctrines, and especially the false "church of Christ", "FALSE". The reason is simple. No human being can understand the Word of God unless God opens the mind and heart to understanding. And once that happens, the human being ceases to proclaim the Word of God out of "self-righteous arrogance and indignation" which is exactly what I have seen in many Bible studies with many confused Christians. The Word of God humbles the human being. I, being a Christian and a Bible student cannot claim that any human being is born to be condemned to hell by God. Judas, who killed himself out of an overwelming sense of guilt for conspiring with the Pharisees to have Jesus arrested has to be in all of human history, the most condemned man ever to be born. But if Judas asked Jesus to forgive him, if Judas prayed to God for repentance before he flung his body into the air to have that rope tighten around his throat, who is to say that Judas would not be forgiven by God at that instant? Is it not satan who stands at the ready to reach into our conscience and entice us with the thought of sin? We only need a nudge to fall off a cliff with sin and satan. Did satan not entice King David with lust for the wife of a soldier in his army? Did satan not posses David when David had that honorable man, Uriah, sent to the front lines to be slaughtered by Jerusalem's enemies? Did satan not posses Peter when Peter told Jesus that he should not suffer and die in Jerusalem? And this happened after Peter identified Jesus as being the Messiah!!! I pray to God that my sins are forgiven by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. I confess to God that I forgive those who hate me and wish me harm or death. I pray that God spare me from being hounded by satan and his enticements to sin. That is the "Lord's Prayer". That is exactly what God expects of those who believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. For any so called pastor to teach a congregation otherwise and with "self-righteous arrogance and indignation" to boot, I say, watch out!!! Run from that pastor!!! And get into Bible study and out of "church doctrine". Read the Bible. Pray to God. Do this with fellow Christians. Spread the Gospel. If you do these things, God will open your heart and mind to UNDERSTANDING His Word. But you must come to God in humility. You must see EVERY HUMAN BEING as SAVABLE BY GOD!!! If you show arrogance or self righteousness to others or God, then you may not be following the Lord in your life. Jesus Christ made following Him simple. All we have to do is follow what He told us to do from Genesis to Revelation. So get to it!!! Time is running short. Amen.


Calvinism is the epitome of Satanic evil. Check out what the following Calvinist apologists had to say regarding sin and evil:

1) Loraine Boettner - "Even the fall of Adam, and through him the fall of the race, was not by chance or accident, but was so ordained in the secret counsels of God" - In his book, "The Reformed doctrine of Predestination, page 234

2) Jerom Sanchius - "Surely, if God had not willed the fall, He could, and no doubt would, have prevented it; but He did not prevent it: ergo, He willed it. And if He willed it, He certainly decreed it." - In his book, "The Doctrine of Absolute Predestination" page 88.

3) A.W. Pink - "Plainly it was God's will that sin should enter this world, otherwise it would not have entered, for nothing happens save as God has eternally decreed. Moreover, there was more than a bare permission, for God only permits that which He has purposed." In his book, "The Sovereignty of God" page 147, (1961).

4) A.W. Pink - "Not only did His omniscient eye see Adam eating of the forbidden fruit, but He decreed beforehand that he should do so." In his book, "The Sovereignty of God" page 249

5) Edwin Palmer - "It is even Biblical to say that God has foreordained sin. If sin was outside the plan of God, then not a single important affair of life would be ruled by God." In his book, "The 5 Points of Calvinism" page 82

6) William Shedd - "Nothing comes to pass contrary to his desire. Nothing happens by chance. Even moral evil, which He abhors and forbids, occurs "by the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God." In his book, "Calvinism: Pure and Mixed, page 37, 1986.

7) J. Gresham Machen - "All things including even the wicked actions of wicked men and devils -- are brought to pass in accordance with God's eternal purpose." In his book, "Christian View of Man, page 46, 1965.

8) William Shedd - "Sin is one of the "whatsoevers" that have "come to pass", all of which are "ordained". In his book, "Calvinism" Pure and Mixed, page 31, 1986

Calvinism makes God the author of sin and evil thereby exonerating Satan and man and is a direct attack on the true nature and character of God. The "God" of Calvinism is not the same God of the Bible.
