#3 LIFTING DAY | Building a Staircase

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I know it’s really just a staircase, but to me it’ll always be a miracle. It fit! It’s beautiful! The craftsmanship behind all this! I’m in a really good mood right now! Thank you!


Your dad makes lime rendering look effortless! Happy to see the latest installment of the staircase saga, can't wait for more.


Thanks Carl, it is always a nice surprise to see you've uploaded new content . Please continue for us less skilled individuals.


I've been building for 35+ years, , staircases are by far the most nerve wracking, and difficult job you can do, not having square walls just complicates it even further. Nice job!! from an old New England, carpenter.


The phrase "Impressive craftsmanship" falls short when describing what this channel offers in the way of building. Artistry comes close but still short changes what is taking place. Once again Carl, thanks for sharing this journey.


Carl just to help you and your father in plastering! He puts it on the wall as a left hander but uses his right hand in reverse. Tell him to always start in the top left corner when putting on or even rubbing up. It takes all the lines out as you go and its easier when taking it off the hawk as well. Also tell him to get it flatter go up and down in two motions each time applying the material of choice. Also to get less sticking in the mixer jack up the rear two legs with a block and it will mix faster cleaner and less effort. Keep up the great work. You’re both living a dream of mine to restore a foreign house. All the best (a plasterer of 15+ years)


The brilliant picture of you and dad smiling and hugging. Lovely moment when the plan works out


Master class in lime render - awe inspiring job. Stair case fitting was a thing of beauty.


I see words like: craftsmanship, masterpiece and similar in the description… add to that: amazing bit of artisanship and a bloomin’ brilliant job. You could frame that staircase and hang it on a wall… oh, you just did. Really nice work.


its such a joy to watch your videos. the craftsmanship, the relationship with your parents, the history of the house... and combined with just a great edit, voice-over, a bit of humor... thank you!


You put your heart, soul and skill into everything you create. It really shows. Brilliant work Carl.


Love your videos, and know as well as any other builder that there's a "do as I say, not as I do" approach to safety. But I feel that since I care about you guys, and much appreciate the work you're doing, I must remind you of the importance of wearing protective eye gear when you mix lime. It's highly alkaline, and getting that in your eyes can render you blind.

I work with lime, and have burns from it on my hands and arms. One of my building friends, Caroline (from France, as it happens), has permanent eye damage on one eye from lime dust while mixing without proper glasses, a 40% reduction, if memory serves.

Take care, and good luck with the rest of the renovations!


I love the color of rendering, It looks stunning with the oak!


Keep going, creative. All the best for your followers from Iraq 😊


Amazing production quality as always, well worth the irregular upload schedule. So much better than folks pushing videos just to feed the algorithm. I particularly enjoyed the teaser for the landing door, can’t wait to learn what it’s hiding!


Carl, dad's comment "You are not trying to knock it into next week" make me larf and cry at the same time as I could hear my own dad 20 years ago saying just that sort of thing. Great job on that staircase and your old man is a whiz at lime rendering.. almost like he has done it before!


Incredible effort again gents, your carpentry skills definitely went up another level this time....

Btw, that's a brilliant photo of you and your Old Man!


Superior workmanship done with limited materials, tools and labourers. Brilliant how beautiful and sturdy these new stairs and landings are. They will last centuries as well or better than the originals👍🏻


My Grandfather was a Master Carpenter, and I am quite sure he would have placed an arm around your shoulder and told you how proud he was of you. Not only are you a Master Carpenter, but you are dedicated, articulate (translating carpentry terms for those across the pond) and fastidious in your endeavors. BRAVO Carl. Your parents must be very proud of you. Donald Price


Your dad is on his game. And your craftsmanship is to be commended.
