HOW I TRANSFORMED MY LIFE #mom #motivation #kids #clean #organization #transformation #inspiration

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Thank you for this video. Clutter keeps the mind in bondage. Visual clutter keeps the mind cluttered. These types of videos are needed for our times.🙂👍


Im 40 and found a career i enjoy at 37, gained confidence and i feel like im where i should be, happy 😊


Thank you I'm in my 60's and I will be watching... this is my very first home of MY own


I lost everything after a violent marriage and I’ve been fighting my way back for 10 years with no success. This is exactly what I have been searching for. I live in a depression nest that I cannot clean. It’s humiliating and isolating. I am so glad you have creative this resource. You may help me be a whole person again.


So true. EVERYTHING has its place. Once you declutter all the garbage you dont need your brain will declutter. People say I'm a clean freak but I'm not going around cleaning all day long everything just has its place so it's so easy to maintain. Love it


Some of the best advice I’ve heard is- “never leave a room empty handed”. “Clean as you go”. And “give yourself a time limit. Whatever isn’t done can wait until tomorrow”.


This is relatable. I agree 👍. Home/apt./shack, whatever. Maintain your things and quit keeping the clutter 🎉❤


A place for everything, everything in its place.


Yes. Thank you for being so transparent. Your videos are not only inspiring but helpful and practical.


I need all of these videos, yesterday! Thank you for sharing!!


Yes, I want to see all your videos. Like your approach in this video. Makes simple sense, no tension.


You are confident in your delivery and this makes me want to follow your lead. Thank you for sharing!


Sweetie, I'm soo proud of you, I've implemented many of these methods for myself some years back, but I have slacked. Over the past few months, due to a struggle with my health of mind, being a single parent of three Sons, moving house and dealing with my own personal trauma, I had let things slip. Thankfully, reminding myself of these imperative regimes, has really helped me. Watch your short has also been an encouragement. I'm proud of you and I commend your transparency ❤️🙏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾


Oh my gosh I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only one that didn't get life figured out until much later in life! I'm looking forward to watching more of your videos so proud of you by the way for how far you've come! I am working on decluttering now and finding a home for everything. Thank you for this advice! ❤


Made me tear up, I’m 26 and feeling the same way you explained and now I don’t feel so alone. I will definitely be tuned in to this series! 👍❤️


Go girl !! Organize organize . Learn that when I was young. Keep your work area clean. That is your life!


I’ve always had a neat, clean home. Until I turned 72 yrs old. I’m a widow, and both my boys are busy with their families. I have depression and social anxiety, so I only know two of my neighbors. Then I started thinking why bother to keep my house nice when nobody visits. Well I just got out of the hospital, and have different nurses and therapists coming, and I don’t feel well enough to straighten things up. It’s very embarrassing for people to see my house like this. This motivated me to start really working hard on my house. It’s very frustrating right now because I can only do one thing, then have to sit down and rest. Then maybe later I’ll be able to do one other thing before I have to rest again. But I can see I am making a difference already!! Thank you for your post, reminding me not to give up. God bless you.


It's so true about the clutter. My husband and I started living our version of minimalist a few years ago. Mentally it helps so much! We're not perfect but we definitely try. For example we have one frying pan, one large glass bowl, one can opener, one set of oven mitts and so on throughout the house. We tried to eliminate multiples which really helps. It also really helps to be able to be honest with yourself and know when you are not going to use something and donate it!


You are blessed to own a home. Take care of it and it will take care of you❤


Yes. I’m looking forward to seeing part two. I can totally relate to this. After seeing this short it looks I’m in the rights track to far. I hope that everything that you aiming for is working for your good peace and many blessings over you and your family. Thanks for sharing!!
