5 Things that Stimulate Autophagy

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Here are some of my favorite biohacks to help stimulate autophagy!

1. Red light therapy-- my favorite is a Joovv device, and I try to do 10-20 minutes a couple of times a week.

2. Hyperbaric Oxygen -- I've been doing a challenge of getting into the chamber every day, but outside of that I try to get into it 2 times a week.

3. Coffee, Green Tea, Bergamont Tea, and Ceylon Tea-- my favorite is coffee, and I have an amazing coffee recipe in one of my posts and on my website.

4. Ginger, garlic, pomegranate, elderberries, turmeric, and MCT oil -- I wouldn't recommend mixing these all together 😂 but I make sure to add them into recipes and drinks when I can!

Have you used any of these? If so, tell me in the comments below!

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5 ways to enhance autophagy:
1. HIIT exercises (out off breath, heart rate goes up and down)
2. Fasting with different fasting variations
3. Exogenous ketones (low in proteins and high in fat)
4. Sleep and circadian rhythm alignment
5. Hot/cold therapy


5 things to stimulate authopagy
1 exercise
2 fasting
3 presence of ketones (less than 20 g of protein)..LCHF
4 sleep, AT least 1 hr DEEP SLEEP


Your excitement and energy when you tell us about all the different aspects of fasting is so addictive. You are the best cheerleader and support system for us out here. Keep doing what you're doing!


addendum: I think you're amazing, I love your energy and I LOVE the simplicity with which you teach fairly complicated concepts. keep up the good work - we need more of you


I just want to thank you for specializing in fasting specifically for women. For years Ive been interested in fasting and I appreciate the men Ive learned from BUT it’s been so HARD bc many of them aren’t keeping a special lookout for women… and when they reference studies, they aren’t saying if this was tested on males and/or females or male or female mice even. So to find you specializing on female fasting is such a gift and I’m so grateful! So excited to read your book and I LOVE your title! I feel like Ive hit pay dirt just finding your videos! I hope you always stay specifically just for females in regards to fasting (unless a specific video for men just like the men do for women on occasion) because otherwise it’s so hard to determine amongst all the advice what is safe and beneficial for US!!! 💜 thank you again & many blessings


Fast like a Girl Companion Guide! I'm excited about getting your book, too. Have struggled for so many years. You give me hope! 😀


DR. I AM FREAKING EXCITED!!!! I HAVE NOW WATCHED HUNDREDS OF YOUR VIDEOS FROM THE PAST 3 YEARS.... AND I AM COMPLETELY CAUGHT UP!! OK...I'll stop SHOUTING!!! I made a "deal" with myself...that when I watched the videos and "edumacated" myself....I would join your Academy. I was thinking maybe end of the year. Whelp...although I know sleep is critical...I finished around 3:45am!!!
I just joined Resetters and signed up for the Academy and ordered the CGM you recommended from Nutrisense. Putting the damn mask over my face first. I AM WORTH IT!!! Love you... love your message.... and I am SO EXCITED to see what my future holds for ME!! PS I miss hearing Sequoia in the background of your old videos. XOXO A fan for life. "Mommaslew" Susie Lewis


Fast like a girl, companion guide !! I love that title!! Definitely need the book.


Fast Like Girl guide PLEASE! Love this channel


I hate coffee but I do drink Bang, has CoQ10, creatine and a bit of caffeine in it, made with deionized water, comes in many delicious flavors. Walked a couple miles today, completely forgot to eat & I'm already a loose sz 2. It's late at nite here, not hungry at all so I've done another 24 hr +, not that I need to. Spoke to a young man on the bus today, told him I'm almost 73, he was floored and sd You're very beautiful, always nice to hear. Thx for the tips, napped earlier today and lots more to catch up on. Nightowl but I still sleep well. I'm convinced that we tend to sleep late if we were born late at nite as I was. Ok, later, thx Dr M.


Companion guide please! I bought the book and have read 2/3 of it so far. Great stuff! Thank you!


Fast Like A Girl Companion Guide. Thank you! Love your videos--just ordered your book.


Thank you for the information! I’ve had so much success with fasting this past year. My wife has been confused with all of the conflicting information when it comes to men and women. I can’t wait to buy her the Fast Like a Girl audiobook if/when that happens.


The information gets better and better. Thank you very much🙏✌💜


I literally just fell in love with you today!!
Watched only two of your videos and you already scientifically supported I think all of my issues I had about my body and have been trying to explain to my husband, whose body works absolutely different from mine.
My body has always craved the things you have explained in your other video about eating/fasting, exercising around your period cycles, sleeping habits, why I sleep less why fasting, no curtains, I need to wake up with the Sun, how much protein my body wants, how sugar feeds viruses and sicknesses
So happy for find you and soak in your scientific knowledge to understand WHY my body wants what it actually needs ❤


Fast Like a Girl companion guide. Thank you for what you are doing. At this point I can not join the group but would definitely love to if my finances allow for it in the future.


I would like the Fast Like a Girl companion guide, please & thank you!


It's getting harder and harder to follow best health practices. First I quit sugar and all sweeteners, sweetening my breakfast with fruit only. But fruit is now a no -no because they will impede ketones. I also follow a whole food plant-based diet, which makes this whole ketone thing impossible anyway without fasting. Both beans and grains are carbs and carbs kill ketosis. I try to eat for my blood type, but vegetarianism is impossible for blood type B on that plan, leaving very few sources of protein. I eat once or twice per day and I can fast comfortably for one day, once per week. But apparently that isn't good enough either. I cook for my husband, but as a woman (who needs to weigh less than a man), I need more filling, less calorie dense food, though the more calorie dense foods, that he eats, are tastier. The restrictiveness of all of this is making me feel more and more deprived. Every time I tune into health channels, I hear of one more thing I can't have. For my lifelong commitment to healthful eating, intermittent fasting and exercise, people do say I look much younger than my age, but any more restrictiveness than I'm already demanding of myself, will send me straight to the super-market for chocolate (and not that horribly bitter 90% cacao type!). Basically, take no pleasure in eating and starve! I even heard that too much sleep has been linked to dementia. Although I commend channels like these for giving us this information, so we can make our own informed decisions, instead of getting recommendations based on what the average person can handle, feeling good about doable health practices is becoming increasingly difficult even for the most disciplined of us. And no more hot showers without ending it with ice cold?!! I hear being cold most of the time is good for you too. Brutal. Basically, deprive yourself of anything you've ever enjoyed, or that made you feel comfortable and you'll live long. We all have to find a balance. For me that means, intermittent fasting, no sweeteners or processed foods, getting enough sleep and daily exercise, and enjoying my showers.


Fast like a Girl is an excellent tool to assist in a guidance to better carnivore health in fasting and etophagy. I’m so grateful for it. Thank you for writing it.


Fast Like A Girl companion guide. So excited to have found this channel. I have much to learn so glad I found a good teacher.
