4 Ways to Immediately INCREASE Autophagy When Fasting

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4 Ways to Increase Autophagy When Fasting

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 - Intro - 4 Ways to Increase Autophagy When Fasting
0:45 - Exercising when Hungry (ghrelin)
2:53 - Take Fasting Breaks
4:23 - Join Thrive Market Today to get 30% Off Your First Order AND a Free Gift Worth up to $60!
5:23 - High Heat Exposure
7:24 - Low Carb Prior to a Fast
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I just got chewed out yesterday on an exercise Youtube channel by another Youtube blogger for fasting 4 days. I was told I need to eat at least twice daily for health so I'll not comment on fasting. I was told I was stupid. I didn't have the heart to tell him/her I was on day 3 of a fast, just finished my 3 mile run, lost 52 pounds in 7 months and off all 4 prescription medications since I started intermittent and prolonged fasting. If only I was as smart as other people.


WARNING: I followed Thomas's learnings and information for the last 5-7 years and all I have to show for it is a super healthy, fit body, high energy, and improved mental health and mood.


I did 72 hour fast two weeks ago and now I am doing 16-8. Everything about fasting is amazing, autophagy, hgh, feeling healthier and stronger, it makes you appreciate food even more when it's time to eat.


Thanks Thomas! 👍
I have progressed to:
1. 36-42 hour Alternate Day Fasting M-F.
2. 60 hour extended fasting F-S.
3. I’m 64 & in good health.
4. I eat healthy 80% of the time.
5. Portion size discipline is difficult, but improving.
6. I’m satisfied with my weight loss progress & fitness program.


I do 16-8 and every other week a 36-48 hour fast. I've lost close to 50 pounds since February and am in the best shape I've been in for over 4 years.


When i do extended fasting (longer than 24 hrs), i have so much extra time and i love organizing my house, cleaning, ironing etc when im hungry and it works great physically and mentally.


I really appreciate you for not being affraid (or doing so in spite of fear) to change/adjust/update your views, opinions and perspective on something you have been identified with/known for for years. It takes integrity and courage and shows the sense of responibility you carry 💪 I know know it's a little off topic and general ;) but it's just so heart-warming to see 💚


I'm day 5 into 20/4 fasting, I'm eating 300g Mince beef, 4 eggs, 1 pepper, 1 chilli, 2 cloves of garlic, 2cm tumeric root, 1/2 teaspoon cumin powder, hot cayenne powder and smoked paprika with hymalayin salt and black pepper feeling full and less hungry.

Going on intensive hikes around 10k steps both incline and decline through the hills near mine @ 18 hours also having cold shower an hour before I go on my hike.

I've struggled with addiction the past 18 years alcohol, cocaine, gambling, eating and smoking I weigh 19stone @ 6ft 1... I'm 5 weeks sobre and smoke free enjoying being sobre just need to stay on track my before and after pic to date is night and day only way is up from here.


I have lost over 40 pounds with intermittent fasting. Your videos are my favorite. They have helped me so much!


I have been watching your videos for over a year. I started IF June 2021, and in August 2021, my hubby got stomach cancer! He had his entire stomach removed. I stayed strong and continued my own journey, through his chemo & adjusting to our new lifestyle in 2022. I'm down 114, and still have a LOT to go. But I'm STUCK! I tried your reset break at the end of 2022 and gained some weight. At the new year, I started back & dropped the increase. But I can't get past that one number. I'm hanging working 3-5 pounds of it and the more I stress, the more I'm increasing cortisol and the more it's keeping me where I am.
I'm managing with hubby having to eat 8-12 times a day and me fasting, or ADF, and family get togethers, etc. But I just can't get the scale moving again. I'm at the end of my rope and don't know what to do!


Your fasting videos have helped me a TON. I’m down 41lbs so far. And I feel like I’m just getting started.
Quick question though, how long would you recommend in the hot bath?
Also when you do OMAD, do you do it multiple days or just as a tool here and there? OMAD has been my biggest tool in losing weight.


Today after ending 21 days water/tea/coffee fast + electrolytes sometimes. My First meal is extreme strong fatty bone broth 🍜 and i feel OK like no fasting whatsoever!


I started fasting 18-6 3 months ago due to fatty liver diagnosis. IBeing 5’8”; used to weight 174 lbs and now I weight 162.. Not a heavy dude, just a sugar and carb lover. I’m also doing iketo low carb diet. I sure hope that in 3 months my US of my liver shows improvement. Thanks for all your advice and content, It has helped me a lot.


I don't care what other people think. Fasting, intermittent fasting, carnivore, I love it all and it works for me. So just do you, be good to yourself, and tell people to mind their own business.😉😅


A friend of mine that was a certified trainer told me to eat 5-6 small to moderate meals a day, 1.5 grams of protein x lbs of ideal body weight, Efa's and clean greens, he also told me to weight train in a fasted state, then only do 10 minutes of cardio after wt training. With his advice, which I took to heart! I went from a size 14 down to a size 3! I had to buy a new pair of jeans (1 size) every 2 weeks! He had me follow the low glycemic index way of eating, with staying at 30 and below.. I felt amazing!


🗣🔥🙌YES! Currently doing a 72 hour fast (once a month!) I intermittent fast most days of the month, 16/8, and 20/4, with maybe 5-8 days a month of refeeding and eating 3x a day. This has done WONDERS FOR ME!! I only do fasts on weekends I know I can take my last day of my fast completely off work so I can fully rest the last day. 🙏 I always lift weights on day 1 and day 2 of my fast, and I still walk 3-4 miles or cycle 7-10 miles every day. I always use quality sea salt 🧂 in my water when I fast🙏. I think the refeed week in my month is CRUCIAL to maintaining and being able to not only maintain, but GET stronger. 💪


Watching you for the last year has change my life and what I put into my body. Thank you!


If excersice is a more powerfull autophagy inducer, is it even worth it to fast anyway? I just have that doubt, amazing content as always Thomas!!


Add epsom salts to the hot bath, and you absorb the magnesium through the skin. It helps me to get through a multi-day fast without feeling draggy. I don't like to take electrolytes orally during fast, and this feels more natural.


I listen to my body, and my fasting times naturally change as I move through my cycle each month. In the run up to Ovulation, I break my fast at 1pm. During the few days I'm ovulating, I break my fast about 3 or 4pm. After ovulating it goes back to 1pm. The week before my period, I break my fast at 11am. Then the couple of days before my period & when I'm on, I don't fast at all. I always stop eating at 7pm. I don't do full keto, I do a modified paleo type way of eating - I basically avoid added/processed sugar, gluten & any weird ingredients I can't pronounce the name of. I also avoid milk, but I do eat cheese & greek yogurt. I've found this way of eating to be so easy and sustainable. I've been doing it for about 11 years now. It just fits so well with what my body naturally wants & needs, but I never feel like I'm missing out on good food.
I have Endometriosis, so my mobiltity is very low, I'm doing well if I can manage to get to 2000 steps in a day. But eating this way has made it easy to keep my weight within a healthy range, and keep my inflamation as minimal as possible. It's also kept my skin & hair feeling soft & youthful, most people assume I'm in my early 30's, and don't realise I'm in my 40's. I got so much inspiration from your videos, and still do. Thank you for yet another really useful video.
