What is Autophagy 5 KEY Strategies to Maximize its Benefits | Dr. Mindy Pelz

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How long do you have to fast for autophagy and what foods are good for autophagy

1:08 What is Autophagy
02:45 How long do you have to fast for autophagy?
04:02 How to break your fast to stay in autophagy
05:00 Keep your protein under 20 grams to stay in autophagy
05:45 Why sleep is important for autophagy
07:08 Does exercise speed up autophagy?
08:05 Biokacks to stimulate autophagy
08:20 What foods are good for autophagy?


Autophagy is the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells. Important for brain & hormonal health

5 Keys to Maximize Autophagy Benefits

1. Fast longer than 17hrs
2. Break your fast with fat
3. Keep protein under 20 grams
4. Sleep
5. HIIT training

Biohacks- red light therapy, HBOT
Dood & drinks: Coffee, green tea, turmeric, ginger, Ceylon cinnamon, ginseng, garlic, certain mushrooms (chaga and reishi), pomegranate, elderberries, bergamot, berberine, resveratrol and MCT oil


chiliPAD Sleep System

Red Light Joovv

Hyperbaric Oxygen


Mastering Autophagy Fasting FTW

AUTOPHAGY FASTING - How Long Should You Fast to Maximize Your Health Benefits?

#Autophagy #AutophagyFasting #fastingtips

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Just finished a 44 hour fast. Female age 71. My energy is 🔥


I have been gently easing into the fasting lifestyle since June of last year. I am now in the phase where I'm fine-tuning my approach to bring about a higher state of ketones. I'm down 22 lbs and several clothes sizes. Dr. Mindy, Dr. Fung, and Dr. Boz have provided me with valuable guidance that is making every day I break my addiction to eating a fasting win. Big win this weekend was I was hanging with friends who have a large inventory of food in their house. Snacks and food are just everywhere and in large Costco sizes. They had a large bag of Doritos and I saw the bag and felt vaguely nauseous. That was a first! Usually, when I see a bag of chips/Doritos I immediately crave them. This time I just felt kind of sick seeing them. I almost started laughing! It felt great to have my body just immediately reject the wrong choice. Keep these great videos coming! I'm so grateful all this valuable information!


I've been fasting off and on for over a year. I've taught myself that 3 meals a day is not necessary, and actually unhealthy. Currently, I'm doing OMAD and I feel great! Down almost 30 pounds from where I started. Autophagy is just an added benefit and an investment in our future health.


I have been fasting 18-20 hours 3 days a week for 2 months. My liver enzymes normalized and my renal function improved - back to normal in creatinine and GFR. My PCP was amazed.


Fasting is life changing! I’ve been doing OMAD on and off since I was a teenager. 58 now and it is saving my life. Just did a 24 hour fast yesterday. Started the year with a 6 day fast. It was SO hard! But wow…the afterburn was astonishing.


OK, I finished my 87-hour fasting, just water. It is now March 2nd, 2023. I had some good effects that I noticed regarding my body. I started this process approximately 3-4 and a 1/2 weeks ago ( I did not log the exact week), I was 252 pounds +-2. Presently, I am 236.2 pounds. I'm not really hungry. I had one meal yesterday, and I finished that at 3 o'clock. That was the 2nd meal from the prior day of the end of my fast. After following Doc Mindy's recommended protocol for coming off a fast. So, at this point, I'll probably head to the gym and do some cardio a little heavy weights, but not much, and some sauna. If I'm not hungry after that, I will go for another day of fasting. No breakfast this morning, nothing. Headed to the gym. I am 64 years of age. FASTING WORKS! Oops, I forgot to mention. I started taking a cold shower right after a hot shower in the last 60 days. It helps, and if I recall correctly, Doctor Mindy mentioned that it turns white fat into Brown fat.


A couple of years ago, I quickly fell into a 16:8 fasting and keto diet. I've never been into "breakfast" so it came surprising easy. Well between my roommate (who is male) losing weight way faster and me losing hair, I pumped the breaks and undid all the work I had done (I did lose about 25 pounds and felt amazing otherwise). I've been education myself a lot on nutrition recently, trying to get back to weight loss, and then you came across my recommendations out of nowhere and next thing I know I'm buying your book, one that came out recently. It felt like perfect timing, I really enjoyed IF and keto foods and just thought it wasn't met for me. After reading your book, it makes so much sense! I can have a fasting lifestyle, I just have to respect my cycle. Really excited to get back to fasting, though I'll be varying this time around. Even got my therapist reading your book now 😆


Hi Dr. Mindy!

I want to say thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

I was diagnosed with PCOS in my late 20s but had never had a regular menstrual cycle since I was 11. I read your book and loved it! I’ve always been someone who enjoys the gym, so that part was easy. I have dialed in my diet as best as I can in a sustainable way… and I want to let you know that after getting off the pill.. my body bled on its own after 32 days!

I really hope my body continues to heal from all the years of bad food and synthetic hormones!

Again, thank you so much for all you do! I recommend your book to every girl I meet and know! ☺️☺️


Prior to the 24 hour fast I did two weekends ago, I was having 5-10 hot flashes a day. Since then I have not had one “full” hot flash!! My gosh it’s a miracle!! I am doing another 24 hour fast tomorrow! I cannot wait to see the affects! Thank you so much for this helpful information! ❤


Seed Oil link
I am currently 27 hours into my first 36 hours fast. Feel great !!! I might prolong it. Thanks ❤ Dr. Mindy for all you do.


Fasting is a game changer.. all my blood markers are excellent. Hba1c, haemoglobin, RBC, WBC, Platelets, CRP, ESR, Total testosterone. Even my BP levels. Cant thank you enough, including Dr Berg and Dr Stan


Seed oil? Love you! I’ve been fasting for a month now feels so wonderful. I’m good for a 30 hour fast. My husband also started. Wonderful way of life


I've been working out for about 3 weeks. The first week I had just done shakes and craving protien. Then I found Dr. Pelzs videos. The second week (first week of fasting) I lost 3 pounds. In the 3rd week I'm at 5 pounds lost. I do omad and fast 15-17 hours a day. I take a day off each week. Thank you it's been life changing.


God bless you Dr Mindy. You are doing God's work!!!


You have helped me so much Dr Mindy. I have finally gotten under that weight I haven't been able to move past in 10 years. Holidays and vacation, I fell off the wagon but the past three weeks I am being very vigilant and now its moving in the right direction again. I want to thank you for your videos. I watch them ever day. They help so much with my motivation. Well that and the scale! Also the keto mojo is really helping me see what falling off the wagon can do to my blood glucose. I am moving in and out of ketosis very easy now. I will eat lunch at 12 and then when I check everything just 3 hours later, I am in ketosis! One small step at a time for me. Just wanted to give you big Thank You!


GREAT video, THANK YOU so much! I just found your site. Another Youtube channel mentioned your site and I headed right over here.

I fast to try to kick my hunger signal back into gear. I lost my sense of taste, smell and HUNGER 7 1/2 years ago after a near death accident that caused a TBI. I now have minimal taste and smell but still no Hunger. I have fasted for 4 days and then it started to cause balance problems that I now have due to the TBI. I was so disappointed that after that amount of time I still wasn't hungry. So now I just do 1, or 2 day fasts and my balance and speech are not affected.
It is chore to eat without hunger and I usually forget to eat most meals due to no short term memory. Yup, I sound like a mess, but I am a very grateful person because I survived and now know who I am and how to walk. Live is good.

I also lost my sense of being tired. I never feel tired and I often get only 3 hours of sleep. As you probably know people who suffer TBIs either sleep all the time, or can't sleep.

It is interesting that you recommend a mat that will cool the body down. I have extremely low blood pressure and am challenged to stay warm. The only time I conquer being cold is when I take a really cold shower. After those showers my brain is alive and I never feel cold, so a chil matt would make me more alert.


I started IF the end of Jan 2023. Lost 12 lbs. BUT most importantly I feel SO much better. Still trying to find which plan works best for me. I am switching it up! And just started reading your book “Fast Like a Girl”. Expecting this to help me as a woman fasting. Thank you!!


Thank you. -male 32. Trying to lose 30 lbs by July 1st..


Love your content.. 16-8 works for my lifestyle


Hello Dr Mindy, I am new on your channel. I must say I am more than convinced. I started doing 18H00 fasting last week. I am trying to find a way to do OMAD. This is not easy because of social-family constrains. For sure I will skip breakfast and lunch when I will return to work next week. I also started a kito diet last month. I have no idea if my insulin is high because there is no such request in my bloodwork. The only suspicious numbers are on my glucose that is quite high as well as my triglycerides. My doctor says I am like an average person of my age. However I am not reassured for all that. That is why I strongly believe I have to take control of my health myself, with the help of your free videos. Many thanks (from France).
