Minimum fasting length required for autophagy | Guido Kroemer

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A key regulator of the process of autophagy is a drop in cellular levels of acetyl CoA, an end product of nutrient metabolism. As one would expect, fasting – the abstention from all nutrients – is a potent inducer of autophagy. This is especially true in mice, which begin to experience autophagy within a few days of fasting. However, critical metabolic differences between mice and humans make it difficult to extrapolate these findings to humans. In this clip, Dr. Guido Kroemer describes the current state of knowledge about the minimum amount of time required for fasting-induced autophagy in humans.

Original episode published on July 31, 2017 ⏳ #aging #autophagy #cancer 🧫

About FoundMyFitness: Rhonda Patrick has a Ph.D. in biomedical science from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center, and St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. She also has a Bachelor’s of Science degree in biochemistry/chemistry from the University of California. She has done extensive research on aging, cancer, and nutrition.

It is Dr. Patrick’s goal to challenge the status quo and encourage the wider public to think about health and longevity using a proactive, preventative approach.

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Unfortunately I came down with stage 4 metastatic prostate cancer acouple of years ago that has spread throughout my bones. Hormonecdeprevation therapy and radiation only hurt me so I refused continued treatments. I'm Canadian so the doctors now suggest suicide.
F' that! I did a 21 day water fast in January and feel the best I've felt in two years. I'm following an intermittent fasting schedule and do a 4 day fast each month. I've beat their odds and I'm still alive!


Please keep in mind that fasting isn't just about weight loss. I did a 3-day fast that cleared up months of atopic dermatitis on my face. Nothing helped before that. I encourage you to try it, but keep it to yourself. Friends and family are skeptical, and worry needlessly.


Family members who love you are the biggest drawback when fasting. They will discourage you out of fear of you suffering


Been eating OMAD for two months now. Am in ketosis constantly. Only drink salted water during fasting. All my health problems have gone. No more pain. Dropped 18 kilos so far and had my first training session at the gym today. Feeling like a new man. I am 51. Oh yeh I also quit smokes and alcohol was a heavy user of both.


The fact that his first response was "we don't know" makes me think this guy is worth listening to, he shows some honesty.


I do 16:8 IF for 3 years now and I not only lost 65 pounds, but it fixed ALL of my health problems (hypertension, cholesterol, etc). I also do strength training for 60-90 min 3x per week. At 53, I am now in the best overall health and fitness of my entire life. My next step is to extend my daily fast to 18 hours and eventually incorporate a 48-72 hour fast once per month, for additional longevity benefits. I wish I'd learned sooner that fasting really is the key.


Finished a 72 hour fast Wednesday. (Second one I’ve ever done).
I always feel worse on the first day, which I think is more to do with cravings as opposed to actual hunger. Days 2 I woke up full of energy, went crazy clearing out the kitchen cupboards and went to bed that night with my body singing. Day 3 I was much more tired, and fantasising about my first meal later in the day, but it was manageable as I wasn’t having hunger pains.
I didn’t weigh before or after, I did it purely to eradicate the inflammation issues that had cropped back up since the first fast at the beginning of 2019. It worked, as I knew it would. My glands went down, knee, ankle, lower back pain all gone. I had also been suffering with acne on my neck, which all disappeared.


Respect on the learned who say ‘I don’t know’


I am 71 years old female. I just came off 91 hours fast today. This is my 6th Fast this year. Usually I break it off at 85 and 87 hours but this time I broke it off at 91 hours. My plans were to stop at 72 hours, . but since I were feeling good I did not want to stop. Fasting is my health benefit program. I did have problems with joint pains lower extremities 2 years ago. But not anymore since I been Fasting the last 2 years . I also uses it to lose wt, but I only lost 5-6 pounds this time . The last 2 days I had the same wt. So I decided to break the fast . I'm a carb sugar eater but my fast has been really helping me. Whenever I notice I have start eating that stuff heavy again I would jump on the Fast to reset. Thank Goodness for this Fasting Thing! PS the 2nd day i'm hungry a lot. I try to drink lots of water. I never experience the headaches, but I do be tired so I can rest. I only did H-salt once, it made me nauseous, I did gatoraide zero once, I didnt like the taste. So I just trys to get through it the best I can to get my benefits. Fasting is my Friend. lmbo


Best answer ever, "We dont know".


i totally agree with the sentiment about if you are fasting to keep it from people close as they will pressure you to stop. i did a 21 day fast. im no one special, just an average guy. up to day 5 was hard but after that was super easy going. after i had loads of energy, my eyesight had improved. i had also successfully killed the carb crash rollercoaster of emotions that many get throughout the day. the world record for longest fast though is a scottish guy in the 1950s who fasted for 380+ days.


I fast for 84 hours (3.5 days) once per month. The first day is easy, after that each day gets progressively less fun.
Fasting and the CDED diet keeps my Crohn's in complete remission without any medicine.
I've been doing it for over a year.


I am 68, began 16/8 sprinkled with 20/4 and OMAD at age 62. Have completed 8 5-day fasts during the past 6 years. Many benefits perceived by doing this, including better overall health, weight loss and body transformation, I.e., prolonged fasting can lessen or even remove old fat in places ordinary diet and even exercise cannot reach. Rhonda has been an absolutely fantastic resource throughout my journey.

One thing I think we need to consider when comparing mouse to human models is the much shorter lifespan of mice. I’m sure it’s not a simple straight line comparison but it’s vital to understand and I appreciate the questions Rhonda poses to Guido along this line.


At 76 I wanted to lose the final 5 lbs. to reach my goal of 175 lbs. Nothing was working. I went on a keto regimen and now have stabilized my weight at 165! I am never hungry. Have an eating window daily of 6-8 hours and a 24 hour fast is no problem. I feel great, play pickleball 3-4 hours 5 days a week. The physical energy and mental acuity I am experiencing has caused me to get annoyed at my peers physical and mental slowness. I thank God and ask for His help dealing with this newfound personality defect.


I have been fasting for 18 hrs daily and have my lunch after 12 noon and dinner before 6pm in the evening. I was able to achieve my ideal body weight by doing strength training once in three days. I feel very relaxed and healthy.


I did IF 18/6 for three months & it healed the terrible psoriasis on my scalp in three months, amazing. I am now doing IF with Keto to get off BP meds & build muscle. I feel fantastic at age 65. I look 40, no face wrinkles or saggy arm or belly skin from weight loss. Thanks autophagy!


This lady is scary smart. I can attest though to fasting and autophagy. Years ago I suffered a severe wound on my forehead from falling off of a house. When everything was healed and I was well, I still had a growth of scar tissue or some hard fibrous material just above my right eye and just under the skin. It was larger than a dime but smaller than a nickel. It was there for about 5 years. Then I started fasting. usually intermittent 16/8.But a 48 hour fast once a week. My growth thing just simply wasted away. There is a tiny remnant left, that is about the size of a pinhead, that I expect to completely disappear as I began fasting again.


Love seeing these comments on peoples stories. I too have a very positive reaction to longer fasts. More energy, skin clears up, chronic inflammation goes away, etc.


When you fast really keep it to yourself, because then people try shoving food down your throat coming up with myths about “you’re going to get sick” or “god made 3 meals you shouldn’t be ungrateful for having that privilege” blah blah blah.
