ADHD Communication: Why Is It Impossible?

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More ADHD Relationship Advice:


In this video, I'm going to teach you how to stop arguments in their tracks and regain focus when you have ADHD. If you've ever felt like your conversation was going off the rails, then this video is for you!

ADHD can make it really difficult to have a calm and rational discussion with others. In this video, I'll teach you how to communicate with others effectively based on your ADHD symptoms. We'll cover topics like understanding ADHD communication style, managing your emotions and staying on track during conversations.

If you're looking for Adult ADHD coaching or help with your ADHD, then watch this video and I'll teach you everything you need to know to start being more effective in your conversations!


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👋🏻Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed this video! Let me know what challenges you the most about ADHD conversations! 👇🏻
- Chris


My biggest issue is that i forget what i wanted to say during a conversation so i find my brain trying to memorize the thought i wanted to verbalize while the other person is speaking.

But your idea abt making it abt that person could be the solution. Great advice!


Thank you. You are the clearest “explainer” of adult ADHD I’ve come across so far. Thank you. You’ve been an immense help to me.


I also get overwhelmed when another of people are talking to me . I get really cranky of all the noise


The many "pauses" in conversation happen all the time for me, which leaves a space open for someone to finish my sentence for me. Which is extremely frustrating and is actually not any help. People filling in my blanks can derail the conversation and leave me feeling inadequate. Some people think they're helping, while others do it out of impatience. That "Pause" from my school years to throughout my adult life has left me feeling stupid. Awaiting my answer in silence for what seems like forever is anxiety inducing. It's only since I've been properly medicated (at last!) that my fluidity in conversation has been much easier. This lifelong torture made me go deeper inside my mind and less conversations happened. I easily shut myself down to not embarrass myself


I can only hold a conversation for a short period of time, it's not long before I'm looking for an escape as having to concentrate on what someone is saying for a period of time is a nightmare. When I have to go to meetings or conferences it's hell on earth. I've often sat in my car and arrived in just before it starts so as not to engage too much as I seem to be only capable of taking so much into my busy brain. Also sitting and listening for long periods is extremely hard. I go home absolutely drained.


But doing the “pause”. I am looked at like I am trying to come up with an excuse or worse a lie.


Conversation with my partner and mother, is almost ALWAYS impossible!


Some ppl miss interprete pause as "ah i have to hung up" thats avoident not a pause...and leave the other in scare of whats going to happening


if I would take my time to think and come back to the topic later, then people kind of give you the feeling of it is to late now or you can't let go or it is weird. I think that's why I also try to hurry and come up with something. On one side I feel rushed and on the other side I feel having no ideas's or being to slow. Wonder if that is also like a people pleasing thing. 🤔


This is why I only have friends/ relationships with neurodivergent individuals. They get me. Nurotypicals need to learn how to communicate with us for once


I really think I have ADHD cuz I can't remember what my teacher just said or when my parents, my friends are talking with me. It's ridiculous that I have to ask them to speak agian
