Adult ADHD and Communication

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Adult ADHD and Communication is a challenge that affects my life on a daily basis. I feel I never say what I mean, and don't mean what I said so often in life that it leaves me feeling my authentic voice is not heard. The older I get the more my brain is clogged with useless facts and memories. I find this growing mental rolodex has become more difficult to manage...especially when it comes to trying to decide what is useful to add to a conversation or if I should just keep my mouth shut. I hope you get something out of this video...and as always please share your thoughts and know you are in my prayers.



A Few Of My Favorite (ADHD) Things:

FitBit Versa 2 (helps me stay on track!)
Amazon Echo (recently got it, and love the verbal aspect)

Bullet Journal Method:
Bullet Journal Starter Kit:

My Favorite Reads For ADHD and Inspiration!
Delivered from Distraction:
Driven to Distraction:
Change your Brain:
Healing ADD:
Feel Better Fast:
Youre A Badass:
Think and Grow Rich:
How To Be A Bawse (loved this one so much, I have pages of notes)

Suppliments I take!
The Genius Brand (Only tried 2 and love them so far)

Garden Of Life (My go to Vitamins)
Vitamin C

Carlson Fish Oil (My Go to Fish Oil)

**My Simple Studio**

#adultadhd #communication #ardellevision
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Every night I lay awake for a good hour or more, replaying in my mind all the conversations I had throughout that day, cringing and regretting. Every. Single. Night.


I also feel like I HAVE to interrupt a conversation and tell a relatable story just to prove that I'm listening. I've been told it makes me seem selfish, but in fact, I'm just trying to say "I understand."


Tripping over my words and interrupting people... I hate that the most


I'm a big time interrupter. When I realize it, I try to keep what's in my head on the backburner while trying to listen to others and to wait my turn to speak... then I end up frustrated when the subject of the conversation naturally changes and I don't get the chance to say what my brain is screaming for me to say.


I have never related so much to someone. Literally everything you have said... I get it. And it’s my everyday life.


Finally someone understands!
I know I'm smart, but when I talk sometimes I sound so dumb. I didn't realize it has to do with executive dysfunction!
I HATE writing too.

I have a job interview coming up, this is so hard for me because I'll have to explain my thought processes which are already disorganized as they are!


I can construct a perfect sentence in my head and something 100% different comes tumbling out of my mouth. There's a total disconnect between my mind and mouth. Or I'll know what I want to say and it just doesn't come out the way that I want it to..


Im so impulsive in the moment of talking, sometimes Im too honest and unfiltered that people would think I am mean and I lack of empathy but it is not the case but when Im listening sometimes I just hear words and cant connect them in my mind so I just feel stupid.
This video was so relatable btw, tysm 💛


I think that’s the worst part of ADHD.. couldn’t tell you how many times I got the look.. like what the heck did he just say lol but I feel I’m more of a quiet person because of it..
it’s also hard to have a conversation with someone that u just met..

Your the best thanks for the videos!!


I just cried with your clip. I didn’t know the other ADHD people have this problem too. I get harsh criticism almost daily when I want to present my patient's case to my attending group. I can not great articles that I write because of exactly what you said. They tell me your presentation is so disorganized. Nobody understands what I'm talking about. I have a big problem with word finding especially in stressful situations. I am always beaten up, punished, criticized, and underestimated for the things that I could not change. Unfair world!


Watching you struggle to get your point across, while literally talking about struggling to get your point across, was simultaneously amusing and also just extremely relatable to the extent I wanted to cry. Your (and my) way of speaking is normal to me. I don't know what it feels like to be able to communicate coherently and directly. I've had a very hard time keeping friends because they feel I just ramble on and on about "me" and don't care about them or don't listen to anything they're saying. It has gotten better in age but it's always an ongoing struggle.


One of things I get frustrated with ADHD, is in my mind I think I am right. My communication with people, who disagree, escalates to a point that I shut down if I get frustrated with someone if they have a difference of opinion. I feel I analyze everything before I speak. I feel that I am not just saying something to say something; I have mindfully thought out my words and opinion and get frustrated easily when people have a difference of opinion. When I shut down often, I just don't speak to people.


Oh babes. I’ve only been diagnosed in the past 6 months but I spent YEARS sitting in a room, knowing I had a great idea but being paralysed because was afraid to communicate well or be rejected.... then the following week sometimes another person would voice something similar but not as good or thought through as my initial thought and the room would applauded them!!! X


In communication I find that I don't have a filter... I say things bluntly and assume that if you ask me a question you actually want me to answer your question honestly... I don't sugar coat things or don't always say it maybe in the most appropriate way for the situation... I've been working on my issue of interrupting and conversation dominance... Listening to understand not to respond has been something that has helped me... I can also over share things with people that later on I regret...


Does having ADHD causes others to think you may have a lack of empathy, when it’s not that at all? It’s actually just that you got distracted.


This is honestly one of the symptoms that led me to finally get diagnosed a few months ago. It's so so so so frustrating when you want to listen to what someone is saying but then your brain goes on vacation without your say so. This has happened when my boss was giving me instructions and I thought "this is important, listen up!" and that's exactly when my brain decided to mute it instead. I've also had this happen when having friends open up to be about something and I want to be so attentive and make sure they know they're heard, but then my brain leaves me hanging and I don't want to ask them to repeat themselves when they're already being vulnerable. Ugh.

Not to mention all the times I try to explain things and none of the words are actually effectively getting my point across. All the times when I say something and then think "wait, that's not at ALL what I meant! Why were those the words that came out of my mouth?" This has definitely led to me being less talkative and open with people.

Thanks for your videos Ardelle! I really do look forward to them! Thanks for praying for us :)


I forgot: I find that sending text messages with someone is very beneficial for me. I can take my time to listen to their message and even stop and come back or answer to one part of the message at a time or rewind If I wonder of in my thoughts.. I have as many tries as I like to send the message and I can take my time to overthink what I want to say.. I wish that would be possible with every single conversation I have 😂


It could be because I am also a woman with “severe” ADHD

And I don’t know how to tell you this but I can keep up with everything your saying like absolutely everything at your speed of talk and jumping and at that speed in which your talking and all the adhd communication traits and just wow.

Your amazing, which I’m sure u already know, and if I can add any word of help or whatever but it’s comforting and feels great like in the best way to hang out / be around other adhd people /with more adhd woman because I freaking get u your like So normal to me in my mind and obviously we both know that’s not normal, but anyway I digress-
I get you . Like so get u.

You sound exactly as I do. The “overexplainibg”/ exploration, conversation and topic flow in how you are talking is just beautiful and man do I feel all those feels and all the things your saying.

Are we the same person?


Ardell, I have similar experience of becoming very introverted among people, because of strange looks of people when I talk. But when I'm too quiet I am accused of not being proactive, so it is a losing game.


Most importantly thank you for your time & know that I heard you. All of what was said & even what wasn't said. You've shed so much information on a new relationship of mine which is quite interesting & difficult to understand at times when understanding is all I wish to have.
-Much respect
