How to FIND A GOOD CHURCH near you!

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In this video, Daniel tells you how to find a good church near you. Do you want to know how to find a good church? then please watch this video where Daniel will explain what you need to keep in mind when searching for a good church.

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In this video, Daniel explains how to find a good church near you. Do you know what to look out for when searching for a church in your area? You might be wondering how to find a biblical church, or you might even think to yourself 'Are all churches the same?' Finding a good church can be a difficult task if you do not allow the Holy Spirit to lead you. Finding the right church is very important because stirring up one another to love and good works is necessary for our own spiritual growth.
Hebrews 10:24 "And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near."
As important as it is for Christians to meet together, it is equally important to test everything that we hear in a church against the Word of God.
If you want to know more about the criteria of a good church, and how to find a good church near you, then watch the full to find out.

If you watched the whole video and liked it, then
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don't just sit around and wait for others to come to you. Go out, search, make effort to find and maintain the community. After years of isolation and unstable fellowship experience, this is what the Lord taught me on this journey. I'm going to support and serve, not to be served. Humility and unconditional love is the key, you'll have long friendship in church


*Whoever's reading this, this your sign.Everything is gonna be Ok!You didn't come this far to give up!Be Strong!*


“The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the LORD shall not lack any good thing.”Psalms 34:10


I started realizing the church I was attending was more about ‘self’ and less about Christ! It was becoming a “feel good” message with very little about the gospel, the consequence of sin and repentance and our need for a savior! I tried ignoring it but the Holy Spirit kept convicting me to find a new Bible based church that is Christ centered! After visiting a few good expository churches, I definitely saw the difference and decided to make a change! Now I’m learning so much more about Gods truth and His word and growing in my walk with Christ! Now, I just want someone to tell it to me like it is- the good, the bad and the ugly!!! No more tickling my ears! So happy I changed!!! God is amazing!!! 🙏🏻✝️❤️


This video came at the right time when I am struggling where to worship. I have been praying about this now I have an answer. Thank you Jesus for speaking through you 🙏.


My family has been searching for a new church for a while, please pray that we will find the right one for us 🙏


It's the body of Christ. All of us together worshiping and praising Jesus together. And make sure your church preaches the truth. Not sugar coated but real.


God is really speaking through you, Daniel.🥰🙂❤️


Excellent!!👍👌 Thank you!!❤
Finding the right church whether big or small, and teaches straight out of the Bible is great, but the people is what makes the church. The love for others, the love for Christ. Amen.
Love always everyone!


Hey Daniel, can you please make a video on the important topic of technology, as u can see technology plays a major role in today world so can u please make a video addressing the topics like
1) what does the Bible say about technology
2) what is it's role in end times to full fill God's words
3) what is the influence of fallen angel on todays technology
4) Did the fallen angels create technology to take humans away from God
And many more questions on it u find are important to address 🙏🙏🙏


Amen ! Brother Daniel so we got something in common I am a Baptist but I did like you said, when I had a car I went to different churches but I did stay at those churches it did not feel right to me . I have always love two churches one was the Baptist and the Methodist they were back home . Now, when I moved here to Florida I went to 2 Baptist's churches . One I love because that feed the homeless I was always there helping with the homeless but when I did not have a car anymore I had to stop going that broke my heart . I am on low income and no car . So I stay home and get on U Tube with people like you and study my bible. I have charity's I give to but I do not forget God ever . I thank him for everything I have through him . See if you cannot go anymore I ask God what can I do to serve you . So God comes through me and tells me . That makes me happy. I know that you should do all you can . God is with me always. I live to far from any church so I watch people like you and I read my bible. I pray to God for a car one day so I can get back out there . I have to save my money to get me a car . It's slow going but I have faith in the father in heaven I trust him always! I need a water heater to so I pray to God for help one thing at a time and patient . That's what I have learned about God. When I get a car I will asked God to direct me to the right church. A good bible study, brother Daniel. God bless everyone. Always remember God loves you ! Amen!


Praise the lord brother 💐💐💐🙏
How to find a good church near you?
1.Pray* you need to ask God
2. Join a church that puts God first ** Find a church. That puts God's word first
3. Absorb and give* absorb good teaching, and give🌸 Help them 🌸 Support them🌸 Encourage them 🌸 Edify them🌸 Share the gospel
4. Don't stick with one church*** On🔥 for christ


The holy spirit is speaking through you again! This is something that's been on my mind for a couple of months now, and I believe it's time for me to find a good church.
Thank you
God bless you all🙏


I used to go to a church where they preached some thing s that were not scripture and they used a lot of politics and democratic views in there sermons and services but now I found two diff churches I go to who preach truth and and bring life to the congregation through our lord Jesus Christ


Fired up . Preachers and church have definitely changed a lot. Especially in the last 10, or more years. Also seen a lot of church start and then are gone. Preacher’s doing more sermon’s on what the people want to hear. Departing from what the Bible scripture actually say. Gone are a lot of sermons dealing with the consequences of not following, or repentance . I feel you are doing a great job. God bless you and your team always.


I've been in quite few churches and I like Baptist Church more than others. It was before I watched this video. That means that I am on the right path. Some people don't like Daniel's preaching but I like it very much because it promotes God's Word and not any church. Daniel reminds me of myself when I was younger and full of life and thirst for the truth. Unfortunately I failed in the beginning. Now I am the half the man I used to be but Daniel's videos get me closer to God. Thank you Daniel!


its hard to be alone, it lonely so i reall hope i can find the right church, those who will encourage me, share the scriptures, sing worship songs its just so happy and peaceful, its full of joy


Thank Jesus, I am in an amazing church. I love it and I love my Christ family. I am with them almost all the time💜✝


In Gods grace I had a sprit so I can know every sprit who is real preacher and who is false prophet
By reading bible we can know about the heat of our God so we can identity a preacher who is nearer to heart of he is true prophet
Our brother DLM christian he is a real servent of God


I love my church family! 🥰 We are 200, but we are all so close. We don’t just meet in the building. We have Christmas parties, and Bible studies in each others homes, and have summer picnics in a member’s humongous backyard. The love here is a-maz-ing! Mine is the only church I’ve known to be so strong in teaching scripture- all of it, cover to cover, they are the only ones I know not afraid to speak against homosexuality, abortion, etc. I’ve enjoyed some real life-changing sermons. We are as United as we will be in heaven someday. Even little children have more Bible knowledge than most adults in other churches I’ve had to visit for one reason or another. We have large attendance even on Sunday night and Wednesday night, not to mention all the get togethers. Just last Sunday a lady gave me a new Bible just because she heard me say the features I wished I had- so she just went and bought me one, just out of the blue like that. And they were having trouble with the directory not being made in years’, so I went and printed out new updated ones (cause someone else took everyone’s picture recently, and took down their new info, but just to keep it on the church computer) and did book binding on them, and just gave them to the church, they loved it. And that’s just how it is, we all help each other.
