Yoga Joy | 20-Minute Full Body Vinyasa Flow

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Get ready to embody the essence of joy for your physical, mental, and emotional well-being with this uplifting and strengthening vinyasa flow.

Honor your self-care routine and welcome balance with this full-body session. Celebrate the effort and discipline you’ve incorporated and made time for in order to continue your home yoga practice.

Use this time to FIND THE JOY, check-in with yourself, and welcome a little inner heat to get stagnant energy moving again.

Let me know how it goes for you in the comment section down below.


#yogawithadriene #freeyoga #fwfg

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❤️ WELCOME to the Yoga With Adriene YouTube channel! Our mission is to connect as many people as possible through high-quality free yoga videos. We welcome all levels, all bodies, all genders, all souls! SUBSCRIBE to the channel and join our global movement! ❤️

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Yoga With Adriene, LLC recommends that you consult your physician regarding the applicability of any recommendations and follow all safety instructions before beginning any exercise program. When participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, and assume all risk of injury to yourself.
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Take 19 minutes today to find the JOY, check-in with yourself and welcome a little heat to get that stagnant energy moving. Where are you practicing today? Drop a comment here and let everyone know where around the globe you are taking the time to find joy today!


I almost cried today during your video. I haven't practiced yoga in years and being a very obese individual I have been hyping myself up to practice yoga again and to take it seriously to help my emotional and physical health. I had to modify everything, and I mean everything, but the release of tension through my body has been profound. I have been subscribed to your channel for months hoping to one day take the first step back into my health and today was the lucky day. And I am just so freaking proud of myself. Thank you Adrienne, you can really feel the non judgmental environment you have created here on YT and I am excited to grow with you within 2020 now. 🙏


🙋‍♀️ hello all July yogis, let’s do this! ☺️


They said it takes up to 21 days to build a habit, today is my 21st day of daily practice 🧘 this is my life now and I love every piece of it. If you are reading this love yourself deeply 💕


The thing is… I’m 36 and I started yoga with Adriene in my mid 20s. I genuinely have so much love for this woman and what I have learned. My relationship with my body and my breath. Every time I come back to the practice after it’s been some time I learn something different because I don’t always need the same thing, but somehow she has a way of guiding me there. And the thing that gets me MOST is that even though I can’t even put into words what she has done for me, there are literally MILLIONS of people who she has done the same with. Best yet 10 years later and she is still the exact same guiding force she was then. All my love to this woman, eternally grateful.


When asked how it felt to take time out for myself, I quietly whispered “It feels good” and then promptly started crying because I’ve neglected myself for so long. But here I am, showing up for myself and it’s really in part because of Adriene. 💗


Good morning to July 2024! Thank you Adriene for all your generous offereings - a great start to the day.


Delight day 1. July 2024. Happy new month everyone🎉
This particular practice never fails to put a smile on my face. Had quite a difficult day, had a panic attack in public and here i am at the end of this practice smiling like a goofball😅.
Thanks Adriene, Namaste🙏


July 2024 energizing start to this new calendar. And I chose to chuckle & find joy even as I continued to fall out of the balance poses.😇
Happy Canada Day 🍁🎆🍁


I'm practicing joyfully with you all from sunny morning 🌅☀️ London UK. A de-light-ful sweet 19 mins practice to start the month of July with. How awesome to take those beautiful soft breaths well again. I am so grateful & this really got me so tearful, joyful tears😊🙏🏾 and in gratitude to be here after being unwell. Thank you Adriene and this fine community for sharing a joyful warm practice with me. Knocking on heavens door made me giggle in joy. Delight Day01:07:24✅😄🎉 Thank you and i'm all set for a Power Balance practice later today. Happy new Month and see you again 2moro, my delightful yoga buddies. Namaste😊☮️💜


I practiced outside today, on the grass behind my apartment. It's a nice cool July morning and I just completed a jog before my yoga practice.


first day back at the mat again after a year and some illnesses. i had to pause every 5 minutes to regain my energy but im proud that i still chose to finish the video and continue my practice at my own pace. Thanks for sharing the joy, Adriene and Benj!!


Thank you!! I’m currently having a bit of a stressful situation going on and this not only made me feel way calmer but I also indeed experienced some joy. Love it!!


This practice made me cry. I have always been kind of skeptical about yoga during years of having body image problems and trying to lose weight. This exercise was tough, made me lose my breath a few times. But it was still connecting. Connecting to the earth, the sky, and to myself... It was not torturing my body. It was just soft, kind, good ol' movement for my soul and my body. Thank you for introducing me to this ❤


Dear Adriene- Thank you so much for being a wonderful teacher. I am in for the journey of practicing Yoga with you. Started my first Day of July with Yoga joy. Loved it. Namaste :)


Extra thankful to be back after finishing breast cancer surgery three months ago and radiation 10 days ago. I was stage 1 and I’ll be ok. Back on the mat after a six month time out - and my theme this year has been Joy. So…Yoga Joy was extra perfect today!


This will be my third challenge with Adriene. I am using the calendar that will guide my practices for the month of July. I loved this session! I prefer practices that run between 20-30 minutes so this was perfect for me! Thank you!


"if you feel like a goofball, you are doing it right" is my new mantra !


Blessed Beloved Beauties! Delight Day - 2 was completed yesterday and the "Yoga Journey" of the "Delight" calendar was completed on Day - 2 instead of Day - 1. It was drenched at the lake practicing amongst the ants on my mat. I politely brushed them away and enjoyed the energizing, strengthening, and refreshing practice. Best wishes, everyone! 🦋❤️🦋


That was a beautiful yoga practice Adriene, thank you. 😊 I was a little tense, and stressed before this practice today, but after doing this practice I feel a little better now. Thank you for always helping me to find the joy, even in a stressful situation. Love to you & sweet Benji. Namaste my friends. 🙏 ❤🧡🦋
