Complex Trauma Part 6 with Tim Fletcher

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This is part 6 of a 10 part series that Tim will be sharing at LSA dealing with complex trauma. We hope to help you discover, understand and heal from complex trauma. Need more information? Go to LSA.CHURCH.
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I just can’t get enough of theses videos … my goodness …we are a complex species… this is me… complex trauma … wow….. never felt safe.. wow.. wow…


I wish he would've included DAD's eyes and and all caretakers that baby...the baby takes on the main caretaker more ...yet we know not all babies get to look into a "Mother's is why I believe we have some people in such chaotic states of mind....more than multiple care takers can be good it the village is healed and understand the healing within...if not...well bless the baby with multiple broken


Tim, What was the name of the Lady go trained you?
