Using Fear to Control People - Complex Trauma Sixty Characteristics - Part 6/11

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The effects of using fear to control people.


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Fear was my mother’s parenting style. We were definitely afraid of her and what she would do…


this is what my parents have done for me in my whole life to control and to get the pain killer for their own shame and helplessness.

They have needed my fear to make themselves great and absolute.


I love how you speak, Tim and what you say is fundamental. All so very important.
I just wish you could omit 2 little words: always and never.
God's good blessing to you.


Child terrified of injections. Mother comes to her and says “I’m sick and the doctor says you have to have an injection so I can get better”. Child begs and pleads, is there not another way? “No, it has to be you and it has to be an injection”. The child cries and says she’ll do it. Mother says “It’s ok, I’m not sick, I just wanted to see if you’d do it.”That was my mother. Something like that seemingly all the time.


Love these videos. I have my phone turned all the way up on the volume . This is valuable info. Maybe ill try this on a computer instead. Thank you for these talks.


Thank you, you have made it easier to be me. Thank you.


Grew up in a multi million dollar situation and was made to think that if i didn't do well in elementary id end up destitute so i felt destitute even so.


False Intimacy.
I had this idea that with ''Her' I would be able to open up - which I did do - then Id be all out there with niothing to hide or feel ugly about. Or whatever else . Instinct alone was not enough.
I wanted to be so much better at being me. For her.


Don't confuse fear with bravery. That's a critic labyrinth scheme but I can tell you my entire psychological foundation is based on fear. But I can also tell you that I experimented with fear psychological versus physical endangerment by running off a 1400 foot cliff in a four day crash course on hang gliding, I'm still here. I can tell you I almost bit the big one that dirt nap that everyone talks about. That was a solo flight what the experiment showed me I couldn't tell the difference between psychological fear versus real fear a threat to your existence. How does a person walk through life with that type of psychological conditioning you shut down you become a machine. I looked up the word intimacy because I didn't know what that was. I've never had intimacy but the few times I think someone tried to share intimacy was like the cross to a vampire something so foreign I ran from it. In fact, it was on the same level of intensity as running off a 1400 foot cliff solo.


8:32 Now how is a Puma different than a cougar 😆


What if you have all these characteristics?


Don’t like “Pepsi”. I prefer “Coca Cola”!

I get what he means about intimacy, though.
