How do narcissists choose the people they go after? | The Narcissists' Code Ep 679

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how do narcissists choose the people they target or go after? Do they go after empaths or vulnerable people

Welcome my channel! If this is your first time seeing my face or hearing my voice, my name is Lee and I am a self aware narcissist. I have narcissistic personality disorder ( NPD ) and I've been in therapy for my personality disorder since 2017 and it has definitely changed my life because without it, I would have lost everything.

The point of these videos is to help bring awareness from the other side of the narcissistic *buse spectrum. All my videos give perspective on why many narcissists do what they do and the possible different reasons behind them. The victims and survivors get validation and the Narcissists (those that are willing) get to see that you can get help and that you are not alone.

Thank you so much
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I think some of them go after strong people cause it makes them feel more powerful if they can destroy them🥺


Unfortunately co-dependents with poor boundaries offer exactly the kind of adoration supply that a narcissist needs. They will rescue you… then torture you


Set boundaries! Dont give out to much information! Thanks my friend!😊


What gets me is the level of joy they get out of hurting other people 😜!


He chose me because I was a beautiful soul and then he sucked the life out of me!!! 17 years and two children and I am now finally free and it's so hard to become the person I was meant to be who I was created to be
Childhood trauma and low self esteem made me a target but I do believe I had something he wanted and I could supply him and that is so terrible and scary


Not gonna lie, when I first started watching these videos, I started to think I was a narc. But now with complete clarity of my relationship, I sit back and laugh because my ex had all those traits and tried to shift them on me. Tried to make me the king of “gaslighting” 😂😂. I was upset at first but Lee is too funny to be upset at his videos. I truly thank him 🫡


It’s a learning experience. If you’ve dealt with one, your on your way. If you’ve dealt with two, you now got them in your cross hairs. Three, you can smell them a block away, and you go the opposite direction. Sometimes we all don’t learn at the same rate. But these narcs are the best teachers. They finally get their lesson thru to us. And the majority of us are sitting here without the narcissist.


The narcs I have dealt with end up looking more vulnerable and weak than they perceived me to be. Once I say idc anymore they stalk because now they see I don't mind walking away I know I am capable of better.


They choose people with a heart, soul and empathy.


One who has the ability to sense emotions; someone who is empathic or practises empathy.
A person with extra-sensoryempathic ability, capable of sensing the emotions of others around them in a way unexplained by conventional science and psychology.


Basically, a lot of people talk too much. Got it. I said this before just from observing social media. People carelessly overshare and that has become a cultural norm now. I’m guilty of it too. You’re absolutely correct though, people should EARN your trust.


This is such good information! Yes, they target people who they believe are weak-minded, vulnerable, and easy to manipulate due to their circumstances. My narc is a sibling; one who knew the intimate details of my life. And because she knew, she took every opportunity she could think of to belittle me, criticize my life; the way I raised my child; all the mistakes we'd ever made. My sister was like some demon possessed and felt it was her job to correct and control every aspect of my life. And when she found out she couldn't, that's when she really got nasty. It's hard not to hate the things my sister has done. She's put me in a hospital (literally) more than once and I'm not about to go back for round three.


"The empaths are down-wind today." 🤣😂😂😂🤣


This was way before social media it was me being to open and honest with someone I could not trust


Best way to describe what an empath is... We can feel the pain and suffering of others, literally feel their vibrations, good or bad, which allows us to put ourselves in another's shoes, walks of life, even if we never experienced that exact trauma, we feel the wound as if it was our own. Now this totally depends on how aware an empath is, what kind they are... If an empath is unaware what they are, they might find themselves frustrated, angry, depressed around low vibrational ppl and not realizing what they are experiencing, they will internalize it and blame themselves, usually ending up hating being around ppl bc it drains them. An aware empath realizes this can be used as a gift to help others that suffer feel understood and heard bc we aren't just listening to a person's story, we are feeling what they feel as they tell us their stories... I'm not sure what all classes of empath there are, I only know mine and a few others... What you are mispronouncing as a heyoka 🤣 it's okay, it was new to me too until I did my own research... We are born into the world feet first, we see things, feel things and experience things more deeply which makes us crazy and come off as lunatics, but we also have backwards thinking, feeling and processing experiences which gives us a vast array of perspectives on any narrative, it usually helps us evaluate an issue and make it easier for others to understand based on the different perspectives. But the gift we carry which is also a curse is our ability to spill an energy we are experiencing into a room and can transform an entire vibration by shifting it with our own and is usually unintentional until we realize what it is that is happening. Like for instance, if we laugh, it comes straight from the belly and becomes overbearing and will either irritate everyone or be contagious or both depending on the situation and ppl we are around... When we cry, it comes from the soul and usually creates a tsunami of emotion in the room that leaves ppl really uncomfortable or wanting to cry along with you bc the vibration is so intense, it's hard not to be affected by it. We get angry, the whole room feels like they wanna fight ppl with you or think you're too much to deal with, it's nuts. We can also do 3 different things... Absorb, transmute and project energy. We are also energetic mirrors, but we aren't mirroring what you're feeling, we're mirroring what you're hiding which makes ppl hate us or be intimidated by us. The native Americans have two nic names for us : the sacred clowns or the thunder beings. We come to uplift authentic energy and amplify it or come to disrupt fake energy and toss it around and it pisses ppl off. The only reason ppl seem to think we are one of the classes of empath that can tame or defeat a narcissist has more to do with the energetic mirroring, and the way we amplify it. It makes what we are reflecting back to you hard to ignore. But if we are unaware of what we are, a narcissist can still trick us. Also, you can't make a heyoka buy into illusions of projection. We don't question our realities for very long, we seem to boomerang the gaslighting right back and it makes arguing with us impossible. Hope this explains the empath thing. Ik there are other forms or classes of empath but I don't remember them all. Some are just aware n others are not, and the level of awareness is what determines whether an empath can overcome a narcissistic personality or not. Just depends on how well you know yourself and recognizing that another's perception of reality is merely an illusion of their own making and can be our advantage. That's pretty much it lolz




Great info Lee! I don’t think they target us necessarily. Sometimes we meet in random places and it’s just a matter of who stays around them. Then they know who to zero in on. People who are in a confident place will instinctively bypass the Narc.


"Damn flying empaths." OMG!🤣😂😁


We met on line. I didn't know she was a narc until it was too late. Fell in love during the love bombing.


What you allow is what you continue: Yes! 💯✨
