My New Leg Day 🔥
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Over the past few months the way I’m moving my body has evolved since the first time you may of followed me. I’ll always be a body building kind of girl, it’s at my core. But after years of training I’ve fallen more in love with what my body can do rather than how my body looks as such.
I’ve been incorporating performance/ track training in every session so I wanted to show you a little teaser of what’s to come this MARCH 2023 👀 it’s time to really EVOLVE.
Save this workout and try it cause tbh why not 👌
✅ SPRINTS FIRST: yup normally in body building I’d do sprints last but when you’re track training your sprints normally come first as it’s what your focus is. 20 second blasts with full recovery 8 times
✅ TRAP BAR: 5/6 reps big load & superset these with a goblet squat I forgot to record 8 reps/ 4 sets
✅ BB SQUATS: kept it standard/ 8 reps 3 sets
✅ RDL: standard again/ 8 reps 3 sets
✅ LANDMINE REVERSE LUNGES: 8 reps each leg (lean into the bar) 3 sets
Wearing Timeless Collection from @oneractive here some stock still available 🤘
Over the past few months the way I’m moving my body has evolved since the first time you may of followed me. I’ll always be a body building kind of girl, it’s at my core. But after years of training I’ve fallen more in love with what my body can do rather than how my body looks as such.
I’ve been incorporating performance/ track training in every session so I wanted to show you a little teaser of what’s to come this MARCH 2023 👀 it’s time to really EVOLVE.
Save this workout and try it cause tbh why not 👌
✅ SPRINTS FIRST: yup normally in body building I’d do sprints last but when you’re track training your sprints normally come first as it’s what your focus is. 20 second blasts with full recovery 8 times
✅ TRAP BAR: 5/6 reps big load & superset these with a goblet squat I forgot to record 8 reps/ 4 sets
✅ BB SQUATS: kept it standard/ 8 reps 3 sets
✅ RDL: standard again/ 8 reps 3 sets
✅ LANDMINE REVERSE LUNGES: 8 reps each leg (lean into the bar) 3 sets
Wearing Timeless Collection from @oneractive here some stock still available 🤘