Do You Have Nice Guy or Girl Syndrome?

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Are you too nice for your own good? Do you think you have Nice Guy Syndrome and Nice Girl Syndrome? These terms describe individuals who prioritize being nice and accommodating in relationships, often at the expense of their own needs and desires.

In this video, we uncover why being overly nice can backfire in dating and relationships. From understanding why "nice guys finish last" to navigating the complexities of modern romance, we'll discuss common traits and challenges associated with this syndrome.

If you've ever questioned if you're too nice or wondered about the dynamics of love and kindness in relationships, this video is for you!

#love #relationship #dating

Writer: Sara Del Villar
Script Editor: Kelly Soong
Script Manager: Kelly Soong
Voice Over: Gabriel Miles
Animator: Naphia
YouTube Manager: Cindy Cheong

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Too many people tell me that being nice is a sign of weakness.


I was a "nice" person for the longest time, trying to be kind to wrong people.

After people who i was nice to used me and left me with nothing, it's pretty hard to be nice and caring.


It's good to be nice, but not too nice because, like Marinette in miraculous once said, having a good heart can sometimes be a weakness to be used and taken advantage of. Not everyone appreciates a kind gesture. If you are too kind, people will use it to their own advantage.


1). People-pleasing paradox 0:35
2). Spotlight effect 1:13
3). Passive-aggressive pitfall 1:54
4). Low points 2:55

Hope this helps you out. Hope you have a nice day. 💙💙💙💙💙💙


Empathy is a blessing and a curse. Learning how to set boundaries and stand firm in those boundaries has been a monumental task for me.


I wonder if they purposefully used Sayori from doki-doki literatur club in the thumbnail?


I was raised with the belief that kindness is not a suggestion, but a requirement. Walk around with a smile on your face, open the door for others, remove your hat when greeting a lady, say “yes sir/ma’am, no sir/ma’am”, and you’ll instantly make everyone’s day a little bit better. I thought this was a gentle way to approach the dating life, too. Be kind, be gentle, be patient, and listen. Sometimes people don’t need you to give a speech on what they’re going through, sometimes they need you to shut up and hold them.

But now… now there’s no compassion, only hate. No reverence, only spite. No admiration, only scorn. I tried to move through the world with a smile on my face and a jolly attitude, only to be met with the expectation that I should be miserable and invulnerable.


In a world flooded with apathy, condescension and plain cruelty, kindness is becoming rarer by the day.


Clicked for the psych2sayori thumbnail


DDLC!! 🤩🤩-
Nonetheless, great video. :D


Yesterday I had a guy telling me im an insecure about that exactly - i put myself lower than others and it hurts me more and more over time. It used to be much worse but is still so hard to get out of it


I constantly silence myself and go along with whatever other people want because i don't have many connections in my life. I don't want to lose the few friends i do have so I try to make sure they never have anything negative to say about me. I try to mold myself into the person they would want me to be so I don't have to be alone.


It feels good just getting a genuine "thanks" in return for helping someone. 🤗


I think I avoided this 'syndrome' during my upbringing by employing a bit of nihilistic philosophy. Hell, I even accidentally quoted Morty. "No one truly deserves anything, everyone is going to die.", so I pay attention to satisfactory results instead of people's opinions and remain open-minded to others' perspectives and goal-driven. Being on the spectrum means it's unlikely for me to find a partner and rival in life due to the double-empathy problem alone.


Be nice, genuinely, not "nice" as in gullible and a pushover. And don't let people take advantage of you. Respect yourself and others. That's what it means to truly be nice.


I don't instead exactly have nice guy syndrome, because instead of seeking validation through it, I just want to help, be kind, and stay neutral to others and not really expect anything too much from it except the happiest of either then getting better, or being trusted enough to be able to help them like that. And I don't really have any problems with talking about boundaries or saying the truth either


Reciprocation is important. It's frustrating to constantly told to give and be kind but get nothing back. And be invisible if you don't act a certain way.


I used to be a nice guy. Had be bullied and tried to fit in, but then that wouldn’t please those around me. So around sophomore year I just stopped being nice in general, caused a ruckus in school and at home, turned form a good boy into a bad one. I changed once again. This was inevitable due to the pandemic. I stopped associating with the wrong people and let the people who bullied me and tried to please alone.

Nowadays, I’m trying to be a mature and calm man who treats everyone with respect and kindness. Even people who are mean, I’m still kind to them, though they can still get on my nerves lol.

If anyone wants advice. Don’t be nice, be kind. This will help you in the long run, even if things in your life seem dark. Be kind to yourself and others, especially be kind to those who are mean. That doesn’t mean let them walk over you. Set clear boundaries with them.

Kindness = strength.


There is so much negativity in this world that i can't help be nice and spread joy but that's only because i have my sh** together. I honestly don't gaf if i get the same energy back, as long as the other individual is happy I'm cool with that.


Good advice for young people. Thank you for including the RIGHT way to be nice. Do it and forget, lower expectations. Experience will teach you that.
