Don't Be A Nice Guy Be Kind, What's The Difference?

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In this video, Jeff from The Style O.G. discusses why men should not be nice guys but be kind and what the difference is. He talks about what men need to understand about being nice as opposed to being kind.

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Nice guy = selfish/inauthentic
Kind guy = selfless/authentic

Subtle but significant distinctions. Salut Style O.G.!


Some “nice” folks do “nice” things sometimes out of guilt as well. I like when you said kind people have limits. Great lesson.


Just say "NO" to being a nice guy! I was best example of being a 'nice guy.' When I met girls in my teen years, I would drench them with niceness. I honestly don't think I ever said "no" to any of them. I was always available, gave them rides to school, to the mall, to their friends houses, etc. The phone rang, and I was always there to answer their calls. I even gave away my possessions, if they told me they really liked it. I just figured they'd like me more than the other guys. I gave away a gold rope chain, a leather jacket, my class ring, just to name a few. And where did it all get me??? Many lonely Friday and Saturday nights! Not to mention, literally bringing my parents to tears when they found out how many meaningful possessions I no longer had. My parents would always ask where my necklace was, where my class ring was. I'd make up some bullshit story, telling them I lost it at school somewhere. It sucked, knowing I was breaking my parents' hearts. Guys, don't ever do the stupid shit I did. It gets you nowhere fast, and not only will the girls not want you, they'll just laugh in your face for being a "nice guy!"


"It's In My Nature to be Kind" "No More Mister Nice Guy" Salute!


"Don't take my kindness as a weakness" Mile High Salute!!


I agree with you 100%. I am a kind man and I never look for anything back I always try to treat people right and they really don't take advantage of me


This is definitely an eye opener for me. Especially the part we’re the “nice guy gets taken advantage of”. Definitely have to be aware of that more. Thanks for wisdom OG. Salute!


Preaching my brotha! As a man of faith, The fruit of the spirit is Kindness!


Brutha, I had to give you a holler because you broke that down like a scholar. You left no room for wondering what's the difference. Please keep on making these videos. A lot of men out there need this knowledge that you're sharing. God bless and right on. I didn't mean to go too old school on you, with the right on. LOL


First of all brother Jeff that suit is dope, you clean as the clap doctor. You brought up some very good points about that subject, you can when a person is trying to be nice and you can also tell when they faking it too. One thing that pisses me off is when someone is being nice to you because they need something from you and otherwise they won't give you the time of day.


5:00-5:45. Listen fellas... very very important ... I was this guy in my twenties... Fellas did. I learn I’m now. 55 and. KNOW Thanks for communicating this. Jeff ✌️✌️💪💪💯


As a kid, I learned to be a "nice guy" as you define it. Everything you say is true. Through high school, I was a "nice guy." I got taken advantage of by a lot of people, but I was *terrified* someone wouldn't like me, so I kept being "nice." Looking back on it, I can see the selfishness of it. It was all rooted in fear-based reactions and insecurities. Eventually, I realized the truth that "there's *always* someone who considers you the villain in their story." Being universally liked is impossible. During my late teens and most of my 20s, I was what I would describe as friendly but aloof. I'd been burned too many times by being "nice, " so I didn't let people get too close. There were some exceptions, my wife (who I met at 23) being one of them, but it wasn't until my late 20s or early 30s that I matured into your definition of a "kind" guy. Again, I agree with everything you say about that too.

Now, in my 50s, I'm *very* happy with who I am and the life my wife & I have built. As you say, my kindness comes from that place of security and self-worth.

This is the first of your vids I've seen, but I'll definitely check out more of them.


what an amazing advice! as a former people pleaser i‘ve always struggled since i started to set boundaries, say no and so on. it felt selfish and ingenuine bc i truly believe my core personality is kind & i thought i had to surpress it in order not to get taken advantage of. but at the same time i wasn‘t kind to myself at all. realizing the difference between being nice and kind helps a lot - thank you!!


I think that I am genuinely kind but also not having those boundaries and getting taken advantage of. I feel like this happens to me where I become a yes man then get pissed when people take advantage of it. Gotta be better.. thanks for the video


We live in a very cruel and cold world, being nice is not an option, only be good to those who are good to you, and keep away from those who don’t respect you, and if you have to protect urself, then by all means do so..very informative video tho, most ppl don’t seem to understand having a balance and are on the extreme ends


Spot on O.G., passing this on to my teenage son. We will then have a long conversation about this topic. You gave me a great foundation to get it started.


Definitely need to hear this. Been thinking about it for quite sometime. See I think most people are some mix of nice and kind. That's why it can be confusing on where people are operating from. But, it's important to make sure we check ourselves and become better.


Don't expect people to treat the same back. Some will think you perceive yourself as "better than everyone else" for being good.


Nice guys finish last. A line that will never get old! Salute Style O.G


I just came across this on my page. There is a difference between a pushover and a good man. A good man will tell you what he wants in the relationship. He has respect for himself, knows his own worth, and doesn't have a problem telling the person he's dating when they cross the line. He will show them respect as long as it is given in return and knows when he should stop or leave. A pushover has no respect or boundaries. They have no opinions outside of themselves and the compliments they give are not out of generosity, but to only please you. Everything you can and do will never be wrong in their eyes. You cannot take them seriously because they only agree with you instead of taking the time to understand your needs and wants.
