How I Meal Prep Raw Food For My Dog (Full Week)

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It's been a minute since I did a meal prep video! And for those of you that are new and wishing to learn about how to create balanced raw meals - you've come to the right place :3

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Okay, first off, how do you not have more views?! i’m genuinely shocked, you do such an incredible job and they’re always so informative and visually pleasing. Second, do you not feed fruits and veggies to your dogs? I’ve always seen them incorporated into the raw meals for dogs, not cats, but i thought that was important as unlike cats, dogs are strictly carnivores? thanks!


I’ve recently decided to go carnivore, for the 4 days I’ve stayed away from sugar and carbs; not perfectly! The more meat I ate in each meal gradually I was noticing stuff changing particularly my poop! My dog Buster is starting today on his carnivore diet. I’m so glad I found you! I listened to 3 videos in a row and understand the importance of a balanced meal for our pets. He’s 13 years old, most of his teeth have been pulled, he has arthritis, skin problems and fatty lumps. I’ve done most of his care at home for treatments and prevention using natural remedies. I know that our lives will never be the same. I am so ready to be healthy, and I promised him when he was 8 weeks old that I would always take care of him! The time is now to improve the quality of our lives!!! Thank you for all the awsum information!


This channel is SO underrated! Finally decided to start meal prepping my boys (two pugs) food myself since I will be getting a new kitten soon and this channel has helped me so much <3


We have a 12 week old cairn terrier, I’ve been binging all things raw feeding and I have to say your videos are the most well done! Accurate information but also enjoyable to watch and edited beautifully. Love the little animations! And your fur babies are precious 💜


Wow this channel is underrated... This is the best meal prep for raw food. Thanks alot!


My dogs both glare at me in anticipation when I prep their food.


This is probably the best raw meal prep for pets I've seen so far. I've been using Maev (raw dog food) and have been wondering how I can do this myself. Great video!


your videos are amazing! I've been giving my dog some basic raw cuts to get her started on the diet switch I'm planning for her and will be doing some blood tests to make sure she's in good health before we go all in. Your videos have given me the confidence to actually try this with my dog so i just want to say thank you!


Tysm! I am finally embarking on a full raw personal diet. I’ve been doing Darwin’s but it’s just too pricey. Also you’re the only professional channel I can find showing raw with a small breed dog! (I have pugs 🥰)


What a great video!! Thank you for making this content. I'm sorry if you already covered this question I'm about to ask: I understand that you prepare seven containers (one for each day of the week). But do you divide each day's container into multiple portions to feed multiple times in the day (i.e.: half of one container for breakfast and the other half for dinner), or do you feed the entirety of each container at one single serving time in the day?


What an adorable little vacuum Matsu is!


Amother great video @pawsofprey !! Everytime im feeling discourage, bored of the feeding rutines, i c9me to this channel to find gems that are extremely helpful and educational. My BT🐶 says Thank you!! 🎉🎉


This is the content we love to see! 🐶🥩


Your dog's eating better than I am.


7 day prep:

1. Meaty bones: chicken wings
2. Secreting organ meat liver: veal, beef goat or lamb
3. Secreting organ meat: pork kidney (beef kidney has a lot of fat)
4. Muscular organ: chicken hearts, green tripe? or lungs
5. Muscle meats (bulk of the meat): pork chops, chicken thigh, ground beef
6. Salmon, Mackarell, Mussles
7. Kelp, zinc, vitamic E
8. Bonus: non gmo Kefir


Wow, at first I'm like ok this can't be that bad right? Then she kept adding, and adding, and adding. That's a little discouraging. Necessary but maybe too time consuming for my daily schedule. Thank you so much for the insightful and fun video!


Love the little helpers!! They are much more polite than my guys! DIY is my favorite way to feed but my prep space was not working for me so I'm feeding Viva Raw atm! Your videos are so inspirational for the way I feed my pets ❤


Love your video. Please NOTE: Beef liver is very high in Vit A which dogs can become toxic. Plese check the amount of Vit A for whichever animal Liver you use.


I have a 60 pound pit bull and his raw diet cost me about 130 a month, but he's so worth it 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Can you make a video like this for Tangy? I would love to see what he eats.
